"Ordinary people don't know your real name yet. I heard it from Vodka before. How do you explain it?"

"Gin, you have fallen, the Cleaners dare to betray the organization!"

Gin's dark green eyes became extremely dangerous. He glanced at Chianti's pistol, turned his head sideways, and made an awkward skeletal sound.

He sneered: "Hehehe, I really can't see it, you can also analyze Chianti, it really doesn't look like your usual style."

"Can't the enemy see such a simple countermeasure? If I'm really a traitor, how could DJ say my name so easily?"

"We are obviously being calculated by someone, and this operation was led by the nose!"

"Chianti, if you don't take the gun away, you're going to die!"

Chianti did not give in at all, and the tyranny in his eyes became more and more obvious.

And Belmore frowned, and the situation became more complicated.

Touster, who was helping Ireland to deal with his injuries, spoke in an extremely dull voice: "There must be a traitor leaking the secrets in this operation. Chianti and I were surrounded and suppressed on the rooftop of the building opposite. The group of FBIs were there long ago. The location of the operation was leaked in advance."

"However, before the operation, Chianti, Belmode, Westland, and Ireland did not know the location and target of the operation. We only confirmed it when we met this morning. In other words, we are not traitors who leaked secrets. The traitors must Between gin and keel."

After finishing speaking, Toust immediately raised his pistol and pointed at Rena Minzuna in front of him.

Mizuruna's blue eyes shrank, and she retorted: "Taust, you pointed the gun at the wrong person, I'm not capable of bringing Ireland into such a miserable state."

"Besides, can't everyone hear and see my actions? I have been with the TV station staff all the time, how can I have time to do other things?"

"Gin can't explain so many things. You point the gun at me. Isn't that too unreasonable?"

Toust's squinted eyes opened slightly, signaling Mizuruna to look at the bullet stuck in Ireland's skull.

He intentionally put on such a persuasive look to divert the pressure from Gin and relax his vigilance, but he secretly made eye contact with Shui Wurenai.

Rena Mizumu reacted quickly.

Chapter 0082 is too fucked

As undercover agents of the CIA in the Eagle Country and the CIA in the United States, Tost and Reina Mizumura have always been very afraid of Gin Jiu, the cleanser in the organization.

He is like a sword of Damocus hanging high, which may fall at any time.

Moreover, Gin's strength is definitely the best in the organization, no one is sure to take him down alone.

The current situation is very unfavorable to him, all the evidence points to him betraying the organization, this is a great opportunity to get rid of him.

Tao Si didn't know the inside story like Mizumu Rena.

He saw the silver 9mm Parabellum stuck on the Irish skull, and he concluded that Gin had betrayed the organization.

Because it's the same bullet that Gin's Boleta pistol fires.

Even if Gin was really an undercover agent of other forces, there would be no psychological burden for Taoster to deal with Gin.

After all, Gin was extremely cruel. He had carried out massacres in the Middle East before, and then shot and killed innocent people in big cities, just for fun.

This kind of person should go to hell long ago!

So Toust kept showing his eyes to Shui Murenai, intending to paralyze the gin first, and then explode together later.

It can be said that no one who can be an undercover agent has a simple mind.

Chianti, who was full of violent eyes, didn't know the tricks behind him, so he turned and said, "Belmode, it's one to one now, which one do you choose?"

"Stand in line, or, both of them will be executed!"

Hearing this, a sneer sneered at the corner of Qin Jiu's mouth, and his body bent slightly.

Belmode frowned, looking at the tense situation with water-green eyes, he chuckled and said, "relax, relax, it's not so bad yet, the task assigned by the boss has not been completed, what is it like to be infighting?" ?”

"Also, it's not impossible to find the traitor. Isn't Ireland not dead? Give him a stimulant injection, wake him up and ask him if it's okay?"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro in the hidden barrier couldn't help laughing, what a godly assist!

Seeing that everyone had no objection, Belmore opened the first-aid kit, took out the stimulant with a needle, and injected it into Ireland's body.

Ireland, who was originally in a coma, twitched, his face flushed suddenly, his body twisted like an earthworm, and he groaned in extreme pain.

Then he opened his eyes, the red pupils were confused, and immediately stretched out his injured right hand with difficulty, and poked it under his crotch.

It's gone, it's gone!

A shrill scream rang out.

Mingmei next to her couldn't help but glared at Mouri Kogoro: "Kogoro, why are you doing this?"

Mori Kogoro reached out and rubbed Mingmei's head, and said with a light smile, "I'm giving Gin a reminder, this is what he himself did ten years ago, I just want to see if this guy is really smart? Can you guess it's me?"

"It's really bad fun!" Mingmei couldn't help rolling her eyes.

"Watching a play, watching a play, the good show is about to start!" Mori Kogoro put his arm around Minmei's waist, and started to watch the play again.

But Chianti couldn't bear the screams, and shouted: "What's the name, what's the big deal if a lump of rotten meat is smashed, I ask you, do you know who did this? Is it gin or Chianti?" you?"

Hearing this, Ireland turned his eyes sideways and saw the gin pointed at by the gun, his eyes instantly widened, and the red pupils contained monstrous hatred.

"Kill him, kill Gin, he is the one who did it to me, and he wants to slander me as a traitor!"

This sentence was like a fuse, and Chianti shot immediately.

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