And Toust and Rena Mizumura also shot after them.

Qin Jiu wanted to vomit blood in his heart: he always shoots and cleans undercover agents by himself, how could he know that he was treated as an undercover agent today and was attacked by the crowd, that's too fucked up!

Seeing this situation, Belmode changed his mind even though he no longer believed that Gin would betray him.She pulled out a pistol and tried to execute Gin.

But before Belmode's pistol was drawn out, it was directly knocked away by a bullet.

This is Gin's shot!

At this moment, Qin Jiu had been hit in the abdomen by countless bullets, and his body became more and more bent.

His black top hat was blown away by bullets, his long silver hair was extremely messy, blood oozes from the corner of his mouth, and he looked at the five people opposite him with a serious face, like a ghost.

"Belmode, so you are the traitor."

"Only your disguise technique can make Ireland think that I killed him, hehehe, I found you!"

Rena Mizumusa, Chianti, and Tost all looked at this scene in horror.

how is this possible! ! !

With so many bullets pouring down, how could Gin still stand without bleeding from his body.

Gin tilted his head slightly, making a toothache and awkward bone rubbing sound, then he reached into the windbreaker and took out the pistol.

The black trench coat was torn off with the force of his right hand.

Everyone in front of them couldn't help being shocked, and their pupils shrank one after another.

What kind of monster is this, half human and half mechanical, from the chest to the waist and abdomen, and the right arm is completely covered with silver metal, neither human nor ghost!

No wonder the bullets couldn't hurt him just now.

WTF! ! !

Mori Kogoro and Akemi in the hidden barrier were also surprised. What's going on?

Seeing Gin's appearance, Belmode's water green eyes trembled. She swallowed her saliva and said, "Gin, did you really participate in that project?"

Gin smiled ferociously, and the blood vessels in his raised neck had a bit of metallic luster: "This was originally prepared for that Mori Kogoro. Last time at the Cupido Hotel, my right hand, right kidney, left lung and leg All the tendons were smashed by that detective, but fortunately there is a plan by the boss."

"But since you have come to seek death, I will deal with you first."

"I feel very good now, full of rust and kerosene smell, really intoxicating!"

"Belmode, those who betray the organization must pay the price."

Belmore couldn't help cursing in his heart: Is this guy stupid? Why did he find a traitor and find me.

The Boretta pistol in Gin's left hand was quickly raised, and Belmode immediately stepped back, hiding directly behind the Dodge Viper supercar.

The bullets immediately poured on the supercar.

Chianti screamed: "My car, Gin, don't think that you can fool anyone by wearing an iron sheet and hit him on the head. I don't believe that your head is as iron as Ireland!"

The Irish innocent lying on the ground touching his crotch and grieving.

Both Toust and Rena Mizumura also reacted, pointing their pistols at Gin's head and firing.

Gin's brain is indeed not strong. Although the mechanical transformation technology in the organization is powerful, it is not powerful enough to transform the brain.

If it is so powerful, the boss doesn't need to order the research of drugs like 'APTX' and 'Silver Bullet'.

After all, it is difficult to fight four-handedly with one gun. With the firepower of three undercover agents tilted, Qin Jiu can only choose to avoid the edge temporarily.

With the power of the mechanical leg on his right, he jumped up and jumped behind the classic Porsche car to cover it.

Chapter 0083 Belmode's Fear

Gunshots kept ringing, and the firepower of the three suppressed Gin.

However, the three undercover agents, Rena Mizumura, Chianti, and Tost, were still very afraid of gin, and they were looking for cover while shooting.

The dull voice of gin sounded: "Chianti, Keir, Taoster, Ireland, don't be fooled, I am not a traitor!"

"Cease the fire from now on, grab Belmode, I can pretend nothing happened!"

Hearing this, Belmore couldn't help but swear: "Fuck your mother, Gin, what are you pretending to be? You are a traitor."

Toust echoed: "Gin, now you are designated by Ireland, do you think we will believe you?"

Shui Wurenai sneered: "It's ridiculous. The so-called cleanser turned out to be a traitor. I really don't know how many members you killed and how many undercover agents you covered. The organization has given you so many benefits, and you are still not satisfied. What a disappointment!" Disgusting fellow."

Chianti took out a light machine gun, and the flames burst out: "Why are you talking so much nonsense with him, kill him first."

Bullets hit the black Porsche one by one.

Mingmei, who was in the hidden barrier, saw her enemy being turned into a traitor step by step by her lover, and being dealt with by the other members.

It seems that all the nightmares that plagued her before have disappeared!

Watching this big show specially prepared for her, Mingmei's face was full of emotion, and she couldn't help standing on tiptoe and offering a sweet kiss.

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and patted Minmei's body. People outside were beating people to death, and he was in the enchantment with the beauty in his arms. This feeling is really cool.

Especially seeing Gin Jiu's aggrieved and deformed face is even more enjoyable!

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