Overestimated him, thought he could infer himself.

Tut tut, that's all.

Gin, who was hiding behind the Porsche, was feeling extremely uncomfortable at the moment. Faced with this situation, he couldn't take action against the members of the organization without authorization, otherwise it would confirm that he was a traitor.

And according to the information obtained by Rum, Gin knew that Kiel was suspected of leaking the secret.

But before he was sure, he was bitten into a traitor.

Ireland's serious injury was not his own doing, but he bit himself to death.

Only Belmode, who has changed his appearance, can succeed in such an easy separation, and Belmode just happened to go to the gazebo with Westline to install the bomb.

It doesn't make sense that Westland, a master blaster, was wounded by the blast, while Belmore was unscathed, and it was this woman who plotted against him.

That's why Gin came to the conclusion that Belmode was a traitor!

But the problem is that no one can listen to him now, but they want to kill him one by one, which is very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, this Porsche has been modified and is extremely tough, and it can still protect itself under the firepower.

For the current plan, the only way to save myself is to wait for their firepower to end, escape and report to the boss, and gain the trust of the boss.

This is the only way out!

Rena Mizumu kept in mind Kogoro Mori's words, and hid behind the pillar with a slap in the face.

But Chianti shot in the head, his eyes full of madness.

She took a look at the miserable state of her car, then turned around and walked behind the Dodge Viper, and opened the trunk.

Chianti has always been hot-tempered, so he directly took out the bazooka prepared in the trunk and pointed it at the Gin Porsche.

Press the red button to launch!

The rocket flew out, and Gin's Porsche exploded instantly, and the flames were so high that the Gin was also wrapped in it.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but feel a little headache, why this Chianti didn't go according to plan, it was too out of control, so the things installed before were useless!

Chianti's petite body staggered, and under the action of the recoil, he moved back a few steps, and then laughed wildly: "So what if it turns into an iron lump, it's not the same as the same thing, it's so stinky." Shit, my old lady has already disliked you!"

Belmore couldn't help cursing: "Are you crazy? Such a big movement will definitely attract the attention of the FBI and Metropolitan Police Department."

Chianti laughed loudly and said, "What are you afraid of? We had already fled before those cops came!" But before the words fell, the gunfire rang out again.

Chianti was shot in the abdomen, her eyes were wide open, her eyes were full of puzzlement, she kept receding back, and sat on the ground slumped with her stomach clutched.

Amidst the raging flames, a figure gradually appeared, it was Gin Wine.

Gin Jiu's silver hair was completely burned by the flames, scorched black, his left hand holding the gun was bloody, his chin was full of blood bubbles, and his right hand was raised to protect his face, so his face was not completely disfigured.

At this moment, he is really no different from the evil spirit from hell.

"You have angered me, I will let you know what real fear is."

Taoster and Belmode shot at Gin's head, but the bullets were all blocked by Gin's metal right hand.

He controlled the undoing of the scorched black glove on his right hand, and what was revealed was not a metal palm, but six silver gun barrels, which were Gatling's style.

The people who confronted Qin Jiu suddenly looked shocked.

But Kogoro Mori in the hidden barrier is rather embarrassing. Is this gin trying to imitate himself?

Is it because he suddenly took out the gold Gatling before, leaving a shadow on him?

So this guy went to modify his body, and even put Gatling in his hands, and suddenly took it out, which is really pretty.

Seeing such gin, Mori Kogoro shook his head in disappointment.

Gin in such a state is really not qualified to be his opponent.

But, of course, you can't let the gin start fire.

Although Reina Mizumu will be fine, but a certain guy will definitely not be very satisfied.

Mori Kogoro took out two 'V' masks and let himself and Minmei wear them.

Then he snapped his fingers, and the hidden barrier instantly dissipated.

Two figures suddenly appeared in the depths of the warehouse, all in black, wearing masks and cloaks.

Mori Kogoro spoke directly, with a weird and timeless tone: "It's really disappointing, Gin, it's been so long and I haven't been able to kill them, you can't vote like this!"


When everyone heard this weird voice, they turned their heads in panic, and saw the duo appearing like ghosts.

How is this possible, there was no one here when he came in!

When Gin heard this, he immediately realized that this was the guy who designed himself.

Belmode's pupils trembled sharply, and she recognized who this person was, the guy who destroyed her plan in the previous full moon operation, V!

But what scares Belmore even more is that this person has an extremely familiar aura, which makes her feel like she has encountered a natural enemy.

This feeling seemed to bring her back to that horrible basement, and the snake-like belt was about to be pulled over!

Belmode's body trembled violently, and the gun in his hand was a little unsteady.

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