Gin's dark green eyes were full of viciousness, and the Gatling barrel on his right arm was raised.

Mori Kogoro let out a weird laugh, and pinched a few seals with both hands.

A gust of wind erupted from his hand in an instant and exploded.

Everything in the entire warehouse flew into the air, hitting the walls of the warehouse continuously, making various noises.

Everyone in Gin felt that there was a heavy weight on their bodies, and it was difficult to breathe.

Unable to bear it at all, everyone was blown to the ground.

Wind Control Wind Pressure Technique!

At this moment, Mori Kogoro is like a god, and next to him is Akemi's surprised and worshiping eyes.

Chapter 0084

The members of the suppressed black organization raised their heads with difficulty one by one, looking at the two standing figures, feeling both startled and terrified.

Is this supernatural power? It's scary. Who the hell is this guy?

Mori Kogoro continued to raise his hand, spiritual power poured out, the wind pressure became more and more terrifying, and the walls of the entire warehouse made an unbearable sound.

All those screws were loose, and with a bang, the iron sheet on the roof of the warehouse was lifted off, leaving only those iron beams.

The scorching sun shone down, dispelling all the darkness here.

Akemi's face under the mask was full of surprise. The place where she and Mori Kogoro were standing was calm, but there was a sense of world destruction outside.

Mingmei couldn't help being curious, she stretched out her little hand, and was almost staggered by the strong wind outside.

She couldn't help exclaiming in a low voice: "Hiss!"

Qin Jiu desperately raised his head, struggling to see more clearly, who was framing him.

An extremely confident person like him doesn't believe in supernatural powers in this world at all.

He also thought that he was depressed because of some gravity equipment, and the so-called strong wind was just a design trick. He widened his dark green eyes, trying to see through this trick.

Qin Jiu still wanted to open his mouth to test, but before he could say anything, his mouth was sealed by an invisible force, and he couldn't make a sound at all.

Belmore couldn't help but asked, "Who are you?"

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, and the weird and meaningful voice reappeared.

"Who is really an interesting question."

"When history becomes legends, when legends become myths, when myths weather and become mottled, the sand and dust of time will obliterate everything, but our name is still spreading in the long river of time, just like the sun hanging high in the sky, To shine forever on the earth."

"We once stood upright between the sky and the earth, without bending to anyone. We once held the wind and thunder in our hands, we stepped on the dragon and snake, and we cracked the earth with our fists."

"We are accompanied by eternal life, and people call us gods."

"But you know, in fact, we are just little judges who specialize in judging those who have a sincere appearance but a devil's heart."

"You can call me V, welcome to my country!"

Strange and meaningful words kept coming out, and the hearts of the six lying on their stomachs were turbulent.

eternal life?God?

Even Min Mei beside her was fooled by Mouri Kogoro's words like a magic stick, her mouth opened wide: Kogoro, he is a god?

Mori Kogoro continued: "It's a pity, Gin, the trial mission for you failed!"

"It seems that you can't join my team. In this case, you are useless!"

Hearing this sentence, Belmode and Ireland immediately made up their minds a lot.

No wonder Gin would betray the organization, that's right, who doesn't want to become an immortal being, even the boss's goal is nothing more than that.

Moreover, Gin was seriously injured before, and his younger brother Vodka was killed. He has remodeled his body and knows the fragility of the human body.

If there is such a person who tempts him with eternal life, he will definitely join.

In this way, it made sense, Qin Jiu did not betray the organization to Tumen Kanghui, but to join this guy.

Mori Kogoro continued to speak, and the strange tone kept coming out: "Since you are not my reserve team member, then face the trial!"

Hearing the phrase 'welcome the trial', Gin was in a daze. He seemed to have heard this phrase before!

But when he came back to his senses, the dark green pupils kept shrinking.

The hands of the cloaked and masked monster in front of him unexpectedly generated lightning out of thin air, condensing into whips.

This, how is this possible?

The Thunder Snake Technique was cast!

The whole Thunder Snake came over like a whip, and hit Qin Jiu's body heavily, and the electric snake exploded.

Gin's body transformed into a weapon was also conductive, and his whole body was convulsed continuously. The silver current bounced on his skin, and he couldn't help screaming.

Thunder Snake drew down one after another, and the screams of Gin came one after another.what! ! ! !

The five people next to him felt relieved, the strongest gin was tortured like this by this mysterious man, and they had no power to fight back.

How can the people who are suppressed by the wind escape!

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