Several vehicles left the warehouse immediately.

After they drove away, Toust pressed the remote control button and completely detonated the warehouse.

On the other side, in the car driven by Mori Kogoro, Akemi in the passenger seat looked at Mori Kogoro suspiciously.

She still couldn't help but timidly asked: "Xiao Wulang, are you really a god?"

"No wonder you are so strong. When we met on the first day, I couldn't break free at all;"

"That robot that can grow bigger and smaller is the magic weapon you refined;"

"There is also a healing technique. I remember that I cut myself when I was cooking, and the injury will be healed as soon as your hand touches it;"

"Hey, that's right, I still remember the bottle of skin care water you gave me. I feel a few years younger when I put it on. Is that a fairy medicine?"

In the end, Mingmei was almost certain: "Xiao Wulang, you are a god!"

"Aren't you very old and not going to die?"

Mori Kogoro said speechlessly: "I'm not getting old, idiot, just now I was fooling them."

"I'm not a god, I just know some witchcraft. You can learn the wind and thunder that I summoned just now, if I teach you."

"However, it is possible to not die."

At this moment, a figure gradually appeared in the back seat of the car.

Her body gradually solidifies from nothingness, she is Shikigami Fusang!

Mingmei seemed to feel that the air was getting colder, she couldn't help turning her head sideways, and screamed: "Ghost!"

Mingmei didn't wear a seat belt either, and immediately lay down in Kogoro Maoli's arms, her body began to tremble, and her words sounded a little crying: "Xiaogoro, look behind, there is a ghost."

Mori Kogoro patted Mingmei's head with a light smile, and comforted him: "She's not a ghost, her name is Fuso, she's a shikigami from my psychic, she won't hurt you, look, it's actually very Lovely."

Fusang has been by Reina Mizumusa's side today, protecting her secretly.With Mori Kogoro's temperament, he would not put his own woman in danger.

Rena Mizumura was going to carry out a mission, and there was another shootout today, and the system props couldn't work, that would be too dangerous, so naturally I had to ask Fusang to help.

Fuso, who is proficient in countless witchcraft, protects Rena Mizumu, which is naturally a no-brainer.

Along the way, Fusang not only helped her and Mori Kogoro deliver the message, but also blocked two stray bullets for Mizumu Rena.

And Kogoro Mori didn't let Gin's right-hand Gatlin fire, because he was afraid that too many bullets would consume Fuso's spiritual power and delay her body shaping.

And the No. 21 warehouse was also informed by Kogoro Mori from Fuso Transsion.

Shikigami Fuso patted the non-existent dust on his shrine maiden clothes, and turned her head arrogantly: "Hmph, human beings are just boring, they keep calling all day long, Kogoro, you promised me the 'spiritual power liquid' 'Get ready!"

Mori Kogoro nodded: "Don't worry."

Only then did Mingmei get used to it, she raised her head slightly, her blue eyes timidly looked at Fusang in the back seat.

Fusang bared his teeth and made a super fierce expression.

However, she obviously has some problems with the definition of fierce. She has long blue hair, scarlet pupils, and a cute face that is as round as an egg peeling, making this expression a bit cute.

Mingmei was no longer afraid of her, instead she smiled and greeted her: "Hi, Fusang, I'm Miyano Mingmei."

Fusang wrinkled his nose: "I know, you are the woman of the pervert, you have his breath on you."

This made Minmei blush.

But Minmei keenly noticed the keyword 'big pervert'?Could it be that Kogoro did something nasty to the non-human Fusang, otherwise why would he call him a 'big pervert'?

Fusang's egg white cute face blushed instantly, presumably she had read what Mingmei was thinking.

She glared at Mingmei, and then said: "I will continue to protect her, pervert, remember what I want."

After saying this, Shikigami Fusang's body turned into a wisp of green smoke and disappeared.

"That's enough!" Ming Mei widened her eyes again.

Then she turned her head to look at Kogoro Mori, and asked, "Kogoro, why did you let Gin go?"

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Who said I would let him go, I just think Gin died so easily, it's too cheap for him."

"I remember how he treated you two sisters. Now you are all my women. As your husband, of course I have to stand up for you."

"All the nightmares he has brought to you and Xiao Ai, today I will let him taste it himself, this is called evil comes with evil!"

"This is actually quite interesting. Qin Jiu, who has been executing undercover agents, has now become the target of execution. He is trembling in the organization's pursuit and trying to survive the black and white hunt."

"And a month later, he will come to see me on the Tokyo Tower again, and I will tell him that everything is actually to tease him. At that time, Gin's expression will definitely be very funny."

Hearing this, Mingmei couldn't help but rolled her eyes: "Xiao Wulang, you are too bad."

Kogoro Moori laughed, pulled Mingmei into his arms, and kissed her: "Then, do you like me who is so wicked?"

Minmei didn't say a word, but obediently leaned in front of Mori Kogoro and pecked his lips.

Mori Kogoro smirked: "Not enough!"

He approached Mingmei's ear and whispered a few times, and Mingmei's cheeks immediately turned red.

Her blue eyes glared at Mori Kogoro, but she still lay down obediently.

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