Chapter 0086 Fallen Angel

hiss!comfortable! ! ! !

Mori Kogoro narrowed his eyes slightly, then increased the speed of the car, and let the strong wind blow in through the car window, making his head more sober.

In fact, he has another idea for letting go of the gin, which is to ask him to find rum or the boss.

In the current situation, only the first and second leaders of the Karasuma Group can save him.

If Gin Jiu hadn't been fooled by him and he was very loyal to the organization, then he could only go to those two guys to explain in person.

In this way, the thousand paper cranes attached to it can follow the clues, find Rum or the boss, and complete the damn ring broken task.

So no matter what, Mori Kogoro's plan is profitable, it depends on how he chooses gin.

At this time, the phone rang, and Kogoro Mori turned his buttocks sideways and took out the phone, causing Minmei to groan in dissatisfaction.

Mori Kogoro could only smile apologetically.

The phone was connected, and Judy's voice came over.

"Xiao Wulang, you are so worried about me. I couldn't get through the phone just now. Where are you now?"

In the hidden enchantment of the warehouse just now, the mobile phone signal naturally couldn't get in.

"I'm fine. I'm on Toya Avenue now. The signal was too bad just now. I have to go back."

Judy hurriedly asked: "Xiao Goro, do you know where those guys escaped to?"

"I know, those guys are going to the Toriya warehouse, but when I arrived, the warehouse had exploded, and they were all gone."

"Now the Japanese police are also rushing to that place, so I left."

"Damn it, they slipped away again."

What Kogoro Mori said really sounded like that, and this rhetoric was naturally for the FBI and the undercover agents in the FBI.

Judy didn't suspect him, and continued to speak: "Xiao Wulang, it's good that you are fine, thanks to you this time, we caught a person, as long as she wakes up, there will definitely be a new breakthrough, and then I will talk to you again." Say."

"This Wiseline was seriously injured, her back was burned, we're going to send her to the hospital, let's not talk about it."

"Okay, Judy, you are busy with your work, we will make an appointment when we are free."

As soon as these words came out, Mingmei patted Mori Kogoro's thigh several times, Mingmei's blue eyes stared up, very fierce!

Mori Kogoro stretched out his fingers and poked Mingmei's face without any embarrassment.

At this moment, a silver Chevrolet drove to the left, and the driver was Shuichi Akai who was wearing a green knitted hat.

This guy, relying on his keen intuition, drove directly to the vicinity of Toriya Town. He wanted to go in the direction of the warehouse where the explosion occurred, but he saw Mori Kogoro's car in mid-air, so he leaned over.

Akai Hideichi turned his head and asked in a cold voice, "Detective Mori, why are you here?"

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Dating someone, going for a drive, can't you?"

Hearing these apparently perfunctory words, Akai Shuichi frowned, and asked instead: "Why did you disappear after the operation in Kubato Park? Where did you go? Couldn't you help those guys escape?"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro felt absurd: "Investigator Akai, you must have a basis for what you say. I was thinking that your FBI is so eager, so I won't rob you and let you arrest yourself, so as not to blame me. bully."

"Who knew that you group of so-called elites are so good, waiting for work at leisure, with your pockets tied up, and you can let those guys escape. Just now Judy called me and grabbed a wounded Visa Lian, this is too outrageous, isn't it shameful? Is it shameful?"

Hearing Mori Kogoro's accusation, Akai Shuichi was embarrassed.

Mori Kogoro then said: "I thought that this matter could be resolved satisfactorily by handing it over to you, and I had an appointment with a beautiful woman, so I went to the theater with my girlfriend, and now you come to doubt me, it's so disappointing Akemi, come out and say hello to Akai-san!"

Hearing this, Akai Shuichi immediately turned his head, his green eyes widened, and looked at Kogoro Mori's car.

It's a lie, there is clearly no Mingmei figure in it.

At this moment, at the position of the car window, a girl's head was lifted from Kogoro Mori's arms.

With black hair, a small face as pure as an angel, with a shy blush on her face, and licking her lips from time to time, it was Miyano Akemi.

This position, this position, what else can you do?No wonder he drives with one hand!

Akai Hideo reacted in an instant, and his anger reached the extreme.

Mingmei, how could Mingmei degenerate like this?

Under the agitation of the mind, Akai Shuichi lost control of the steering wheel directly.

The Chevrolet immediately hit the guardrail next to it, emitting green smoke.


Mori Kogoro ignored him and drove away on his own.

Akemi Miyano in the car clapped Mori Kogoro's shoulder wildly with her little hand: "You bastard, you're dead, dead!"

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "I'm telling Akai Shuichi to give up early and let him find his own happiness. How can it be called bad, I'm too kind."

"Besides, you haven't seen the worse one yet. I'll let you see it when I get home!"

"I'm not going."

"It's not up to you."

Accompanied by a few loud laughs, the car headed towards Mingmei's apartment.

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