On the other side, in the Cupido Exclusive Hotel, Loli Marie with a childlike face and big breasts, and her flat daughter Sera Masumi are closely following the news on the Internet.

Sure enough, there was a broadcast on Nikkei TV in the afternoon.

"According to our station's news, between noon and [-] p.m., a vicious terrorist attack broke out in Kubado Park. The victim was none other than Congressman Kanghui Tumen, who was running for the chairmanship of the House of Representatives. Fortunately, under the protection of bodyguards, Mr. Tumen did not suffer an accident, but a bodyguard was unfortunately shot."

"The terrorists this time were very dangerous. They used a series of weapons of mass destruction such as pistols, sniper rifles, and bombs, causing an explosion in the pavilion in Kubado Park, and seven people were injured. The gun battle even spread to the nearby Garden Apartment and Nippon Office Building. "

"According to the announcements from the Ministry of Communications and the Metropolitan Police Department, the fleeing terrorists in the photos are extremely dangerous and carry a large number of guns and weapons. A nationwide arrest warrant has been issued. If any citizen provides clues, the Metropolitan Police Department will reward [-] million yen."

"Attention, this person is extremely dangerous, do not act without authorization!"

The photo on the TV station that day was obviously a photo of Gin driving a Porsche.

Although covered by a top hat, there is only half of his face.

But Mary recognized him instantly, and couldn't help but smile.

"Hehe, Gin, you have today too!"

Chapter 0087 Belmode and the boss

Naturally, Mary knew gin. Five years ago in Eagle Country, she was ambushed and hunted down by gin and vodka, which left a deep impression on her.

Seeing that Gin and Jiu, the top management of the organization, had revealed his true face and was wanted by the police, Mary naturally knew that the red side won this duel.

A smile could not help but appear on the corner of her mouth, as if the ice and snow had melted, her green eyes flickered, and her voice was a little relaxed: "It seems that this great Maori detective has two brushes."

Shiliang Zhenchun followed suit and nodded: "I just said that Uncle Mao Li is very powerful. Brother Xiu has never won against that organization before, but he won by cooperating with Uncle Mao Li. Mom, what about the person I chose to join?" ah?"

Mary looked at the stinky daughter, and flicked her fingers directly: "It's a little bit of luck."

Then Mary turned her gaze out of the window: It seems that there is no need to run away anymore, the time to fight back has finally arrived!

But then Mary remembered that Mori Kogoro would come over to heal her injuries tomorrow.

The image of the previous treatment appeared in her mind, the image of Mori Kogoro sucking on himself, and her cheeks couldn't help but blush.

In the past two nights, Mary has not slept well, and she always seems to dream about this scene.

The little loli with childlike face and big breasts patted her cheek: What's wrong with me?

On the other side, in another base under the Karasuma organization in Toya Town, the retreating Belmode, Chianti and others all retreated here.

As soon as he came in, the bottom members of the organization took Ireland for treatment.

Ireland's injuries were terrifying, but not fatal.

The gunshot wounds on his body avoided the internal organs. As long as the skull bullets on his head were taken out, he could recover after a while of recuperation. The only serious injury was that Jier was blasted.

Although he became a eunuch sadly, it is not difficult for him to survive as a eunuch based on the medical level of the organization.

Looking at the disheveled crowd, Belmore walked up to the main seat, and directly ordered: "The enemy I have provoked this time is too terrifying. Everyone is not allowed to spread it. I will explain it to the boss myself."

"Whistlen is now being captured by the FBI, but she was seriously injured, her back was seriously injured, and she was in a coma when I saw it."

"Order to let the people below start investigating all the hospitals in Tokyo. We must rescue Wesleyan as soon as possible, otherwise the German branch may be in danger of being exposed."

"Order the evacuation of all the bases that Westland stayed in Japan, and don't leave any traces behind."

"Also, I will personally apply for the killing order of Gin from the boss. Gin has been active in Japan before, and he is very clear about the base. From now on, let the members be more vigilant."

"Keir, the mission to assassinate Tumen Kanghui this time was unsuccessful, but fortunately your identity has not been exposed, so please continue to pretend on the TV station, I think the boss's second mission order should be issued soon , you can still come in handy."

At this time, Taoster, an undercover agent of the Eagle Country CIA (SIS), questioned: "I have an objection. If there is a connection between the V I met in the warehouse today and the FBI, then Kiel's latent identity is not safe at all. It may be exposed, and this matter is still risky!"

Belmode's water-green eyes were condensed, and after thinking for a moment, he shook his head: "I don't think that terrible guy in charge of wind and lightning will collude with the FBI."

"If there is a connection between them, then none of us can escape today, and everyone will be caught by the FBI."

"Since we have not been caught, it proves that there is no connection between the two. I think that V actually only sees us as ants, so that Gin will treat us as prey. It is impossible for a guy who can be called a god to have sex with ants. Make more calculations."

"The matter of V is not something we can solve, but the task still needs to be done, so Keel, please."

Rena Mizumura nodded: "No problem, I will try my best to find the next interview opportunity." Hearing what Kiel had said, Toust had no other objections.

Belmode continued to speak: "Everyone must be careful in their actions these days, especially Kiel, and pay more attention to safety when performing hidden missions. Gin may attack you at any time. If you find Gin, you must report it in time."

"Okay, you guys go back and rest first, pay attention to the phone information, I'm going to report to the boss."

After saying that, Belmode turned around and entered a small dark room, while Rena Mizuna, Chianti, and Tost dispersed separately.

There is only one computer in the small black room, and Belmode used that computer to contact the boss.

The screen lighted up, but Kogoro Mori, who was peeping at Miyano Akemi's house from the perspective of a psychic origami crane, was disappointed.

The boss of the Karasuma organization is too cautious. He doesn't show his face when talking to Belmode, and he really hides deep enough.

There was only a black office chair on the screen, and then the voice of the boss appeared, and Kogoro Mori couldn't help but roll his eyes when he heard it.

The voice has been processed to look like a man, a woman, a child, or an old man. It is so weird that there is no clue even in the speed and tone of speech.

Sure enough, this old Yinbi is not so easy to handle!

Boss yelled at him as soon as he opened his mouth, and he also received the news that Qin Jiu was wanted, so he was naturally furious.

Belmode began to report what happened today. Strangely, she didn't have much respect in her tone of voice to the boss.

The head of the organization didn't believe it at first, until Belmode passed the video data in the storage card, and he reluctantly believed the statement after watching it.

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