At this time, the angelic Xiao Mingmei couldn't help asking: "Xiao Wulang, why are you still?"

Mori Kogoro raised his index finger: "Shhh, I'm thinking about something." He shifted his consciousness to the paper crane beside Belmode, and continued to listen intently.

Mingmei couldn't help but pouted, but soon she knew what to do.

The voice of the leader of the organization that had been pondering for a long time reappeared: "Well, your order is correct."

"But I will find someone to authenticate this video. If you know that you are lying to me, you will know the consequences."

Hearing this, a look of fear appeared on Belmord's face.

"Also, there is one less order from you. There is such a magical existence of immortality in the world. Naturally, we must find him."

"Order to go on, let all members of Japan act, and find these two guys for me at all costs."

"Remember, it's at any cost!"

"Anyone with a clue can contact me personally."

Mori Kogoro could hear the fanaticism of the head of the organization from the weird computer processing sound, and the image of him in his mind couldn't help but become a bit clearer, and it seemed to outline a bit.

Belmode nodded: "I see, I will give orders."

Chapter 0088 hit a loli to eat

Seeing that Belmore turned off the computer and walked out of the small black room, Mori Kogoro withdrew his thoughts on the psychic thousand paper cranes.

His five senses returned to him like a tide, and he was sitting on the carpet in the living room of Mingmei's house at the moment, and immediately felt the girl in his arms.

Mingmei's little face was flushed, her jade arms were still around Kogoro Mori's neck, she opened her mouth slightly, and breathed lightly at him, trying her best to be provocative.

It is difficult for Mingmei who has always been shy to do this.

Seeing that the girl's eyes like the blue ice lake were misty, how could Kogoro Mori not understand the meaning of a beautiful woman, so he kissed her pink lips in one breath, launched an attack wantonly, and regained the initiative.

And his big hand wrapped around Mingmei's slender waist with one hand, and picked her up from underneath with the other.

He stood up all of a sudden, and wanted to carry Mingmei into the bedroom, and Mingmei was hanging on Mori Kogoro like a koala.

But at this moment, a little loli suddenly appeared in the living room, it was Hui Yuan who trotted all the way here.

Seeing her younger sister appearing, Minmei couldn't help screaming, struggling to get off Mori Kogoro.

But Mori Kogoro had a wicked look on his face, and with all his strength, he hugged her tightly, making her unable to move.

He turned around and greeted Hui Yuan like this: "Xiao Ai, why are you here?"

The little loli Huiyuan saw her lover and sister being so intimate, her little face couldn't help flushing, and she spat lightly: "Shameless!"

However, Huiyuan has seen more exciting scenes before, so this kind of nature is nothing, and she quickly adapted to it.

Huiyuan thought about the business, and immediately took out his mobile phone and showed it to the two of them. It contained the news that Gin Jiu was wanted by the police.

"What's going on here, why is Gin Jiu suddenly wanted?"

Little Loli saw this news while watching TV at home, but couldn't get through to Kogoro Mori, so she ran to her sister's house to inquire.

The shy Mingmei gradually recovered, and explained softly with a blushing face: "This is Kogoro's handwriting. My sister and he dealt with this matter in the morning."

"Sister, I'm not happy. Gin Jiu, which killed our sisters, has now become a dog of death, and was framed by Kogoro as a traitor to the organization. He will be hunted down by both the police and the organization!"

Mori Kogoro kissed the rosy cheek of the girl in his arms, and said, "That's not right, it's a four-level hunt."

"In addition to spending a lot of money to get Sumiyoshikai, Yamaguchi-gumi, Inagawahui and other gangsters to help hunt down Gin; I also offered a reward of one billion yen on the dark web to let mercenaries and killers hunt him down; plus your previous organization; There is also the Japanese Metropolitan Police Department, a total of four levels of pursuit."

Hearing this, Ming Mei was surprised, and her ruddy mouth opened slightly.It's so itchy, I really want to stuff something more into it.

Mingmei raised her small hand and patted Mori Kogoro: "Kogoro, you are so bad!"

Mori Kogoro smirked again: "I can be even worse, Minmei, do you like it?"

Seeing Kogoro Mori exuding a strange aura in front of her, Minmei's heart beat faster and she couldn't help hugging him tightly, her little head was placed directly on Kogoro Mori's shoulders, like a docile kitten.

Mori Kogoro immediately felt Akemi's broad mind.

Seeing her sister flirting with her man, the little loli Huiyuan couldn't help but roll her eyes speechlessly.

"What's going on, you two, tell me clearly!"

Mori Kogoro sat on the sofa with the great beauty Mingmei in his arms, and told Huiyuan what happened today.

Listening to the narration, little Lolita's expression was unpredictable.

In the end, she also sat on the sofa with a very complicated expression.

The most feared person in his heart, the all-time nightmare--Gin Jiu was actually treated so badly by his own man, Hui Yuan felt a little unreal in his heart, but he was also extremely comfortable, especially very happy.As if a stone had fallen from her heart, she let out a long breath of relief.

Little Lolita couldn't help but look at Kogoro Mori with tenderness in her eyes, at the man who silently shielded herself from the wind and rain and solved all dangers in secret.

But when she saw Mori Kogoro's big hand playing tricks on her sister's butt, the tenderness in Haibara's eyes became speechless, and the veins on her forehead twitched wildly: You really are a big pervert!

Huiyuan couldn't help asking: "So you were not at home this morning to do this thing, damn it, why didn't you take me there, I still want to see that guy's fate with my own eyes?"

Mori Kogoro reached out his hand to touch Huiyuan's little head, and said softly, "Because Xiao Ai, you can't wake up in the morning. You spent so much energy last night and slept so soundly. Uncle, how can you bear to wake me up?" you."

Mingmei in her arms couldn't help turning her face to the side and said, "Hmph, sister, you actually ate it secretly, damn it, didn't you promise me?"

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