Huiyuan Xiaomeng's face became more embarrassing and annoyed: "Then sister, you are stealing now, I am here, and the two of them are still hugging each other like a magnet, and they refuse to separate. If I hadn't come here, maybe the thunder would catch the ground, and I would have done even more extreme things!"

Mingmei wiped the fine sweat from her forehead, wrinkled Qiong's nose and said, "Isn't it possible? Elder sister is not like you who can be with Kogoro every day?"

"And it's Kogoro who my sister met first, so you should call me brother-in-law!"

Seeing that the two sisters were about to quarrel because of him, Mori Kogoro beat the two sisters' buttocks several times with his big hands.

"Don't be noisy, sisters should be kind."

"Besides, I put a lot of thought into avenging you today. I should be the one to decide. Shouldn't you two reward me?"

Hearing this, and seeing the evil look in Mori Kogoro's eyes, the little loli Haibara, who knew his habits well, immediately got up and wanted to run away.

But before the little short leg took a step, a big hand grabbed the ankle covered in white socks, and then Huiyuan was lifted upside down.

Mori Kogoro smirked and said, "Wow, this little loli is white and tender. It looks delicious. I'll eat you this afternoon!"

After finishing speaking, he supported his elder sister Mingmei in one hand and the little loli Huiyuan in the other, and led the two girls into the bedroom.

Along the way, Huiyuan continued to struggle, accompanied by his exciting loli voice.

"Uncle, let me go."

"Big pervert, you're bullying, I'm going to tell Xiaolan."

"Sister, say something!"

But this only got Mingmei's foolish laughter.

On the other side, Conan, who played truant, was at Dr. Ali's house, staring blankly at the news on the computer.

It was Dr. Ali who informed him that Conan knew what had happened, and immediately played truant from Didan Primary School.

He looked at the surveillance footage disclosed by the police, Gin was running away in a black Porsche, and Conan couldn't believe it.

After investigating for so long, I didn't expect the people from the dark organization to show up by themselves, and I was overjoyed.

The little devil immediately picked up the voice changer, dialed Police Officer Megure with Kudo Shinichi's voice, and asked the police about the situation.

"What, the FBI is involved in this matter, and we are negotiating with the FBI."

"It's really the assassination of Kang Hui Domon in Kubado Park!"

"What, there was an explosion at the Toriya warehouse today, and some witnesses saw the ceiling of the warehouse fly up?"

After Conan heard the clue, he immediately took out his skateboard shoes and rushed towards the Toriya warehouse.

Chapter 0089

Throughout the afternoon, Miyano's house was full of celebratory atmosphere.

Tsundere little Huiyuan always disliked being upright, how much he resisted at the beginning, how much he cooperated later on.

At the beginning of the experiment, she was very crazy, as if she wanted to make up for the time that was less than Xiaolan before.

And Huiyuan is used to being bullied by Xiaolan, the so-called those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to ink are black.

The little loli who failed to learn came back to bully her honest sister, some of the tricks made Mori Kogoro dumbfounded.

As for how Xiaolan learned it, of course it was Yuanzi, the master of theory, who led her to ruin it, which caused such a chain reaction.

Seeing the angelic Minmei pleading for help with teardrops in her eyes, Kogoro Mori instinctively felt very excited, and couldn't help but cooperate with the little loli Haibara.

Poor Mingmei didn't know that she would become a victim. Under the joint attack, the experiment was done and she cried. I was really pitiful when I saw it. The scene was once very cruel.

After five o'clock in the afternoon, Mori Kogoro left Miyano's house, and the Miyano sisters were resting at home.

He walked to the intersection, and then Judy drove a Lexus to pick him up.

Judy mainly brought the car back.

Once in the car, the American girl couldn't help asking: "Xiao Wulang, are you really not chasing those guys after you?"

From Judy's point of view, Kogoro Mori's phone call didn't tell the truth at all.

Kogoro Mori didn't speak, and his big hands directly groped Judy's body, from the blonde hair to the beautiful legs wrapped in flesh-colored stockings.

The fiery big hand touched the whole body of the big ocean horse, which made Judy's pretty face flush, and she refused to welcome it.

"Xiao Goro, you can't be in the car, it's easy to be spotted."

"Oh, why are you like this? I still have a lot of things to do later, and I don't have enough time."

"I'm really afraid of you. Let's find a hotel nearby. Let me tell you first. It's only thirty minutes at most."

Mori Kogoro smirked, and finally took out a keychain from Judy's pocket.

He held the keychain and waved it in front of Judy.

"Investigator Judy, you seem to have misunderstood?"

Mori Kogoro tore off the leather in the middle of the keychain, and a black button-mounted object was revealed, which was a special bug for the FBI.

Judy recognized it instantly, and her green eyes narrowed sharply.

Mori Kogoro raised his index finger to tell her not to speak, then pressed his upper body over, and rummaged on Judy's beautiful legs.

Soon, he found another black bug from under the driver's seat.

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