Kogoro Mori, who was invisible, entered the courtyard of Tokiwa's house lightly and deftly like a stroll in the garden.

Open the window, Mori Kogoro turned into the villa through the window.

According to Koshimizu Nanatsuki's words, he went directly to the study on the second floor.

The study door was half-closed, and as soon as Mori Kogoro pushed it open, he saw the bald old fat man hugging the babysitter, looking like a lecherous ghost, constantly taking advantage of it.

The little nanny kept struggling and shouted desperately: "Ya Die!"

As for this kind of thing, he is also a member of the dark organization. It seems that the organization is also mixed with everyone.

Rongce Tokiwa didn't feel suspicious when he saw the door opened, thinking it was blown open by the wind.

Mori Kogoro came directly behind him and gave him a hand knife, and the bald fat man passed out.

The little nanny turned her back to him, and seeing that the strength in his hands had weakened, she immediately struggled and ran away, but did not notice that Tokiwa Rongce was unconscious.

Then Mori Kogoro continued to pinch his handprints and pulled Eisaku Tokiwa into the hidden barrier. He dragged the old guy along, and the two left easily.

The little assistant Yueshui Nanatsuki in the car was still monitoring the villa, secretly anxious: Why don't you do anything, if the news breaks out, it will be difficult for the reporters to come!

At this moment, the rear door suddenly opened, and with a 'bang', a dead pig-like body was thrown in. It was Eisaku Tokiwa.

Mori Kogoro closed the car door, went to the driver's seat and sat down.

Yueshui Nanatsuki suddenly looked amazed: "Mori-kun, how did you do it? I didn't even see you go in."

Mori Kogoro stroked Fu Yueshui's little head: "This is a magic trick. I will explain it to you when I have time. Let's go back to the base first."

After saying this, Mori Kogoro drove towards the base.

This Tokiwa Rongce was brought back to the base, and naturally he was treated the same as Tokiwa Kengo, and the two were locked in adjacent compartments.

The fat old man just waits to be fed Veritaserum and tells him everything he knows.

But from Mori Kogoro's point of view, although this guy belongs to the high-level government, he is still an insignificant role in the dark organization. I'm afraid he doesn't know many secrets, which is better than nothing.

These are all things to do later.

After solving Eisaku Tokiwa, Kogoro Mori drove home, but he couldn't keep his daughter waiting too long.

Chapter 0093 Eri's Resentment

The car had just returned home when Mori Kogoro saw Eri with a troubled expression on his face.

In the afternoon, Xiaolan didn't go to school, so she went to the law firm to harass her mother.

As soon as Eri saw Mori Kogoro, she immediately turned to Xiaolan with an expression of seeing a savior, "Since your father has come back, with him to accompany you, mother will go first."

Xiaolan, dressed as a little cook, immediately reached out to stop her: "No, Mom, I have already prepared dinner, how could you leave like this, and our family hasn't eaten together for a long time."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro stepped forward and put his arms around Eri's soft shoulders: "Yes, Eri, let's stay and have dinner together."

Eri's Dan Fengyan couldn't help but glared at Kogoro Mori resentfully, and reluctantly agreed.

"Hey, where are the two children Xiao Ai and Conan?"

Xiao Lan replied, "Both of them are not coming back tonight. Xiao Ai said that she lives with her sister, and Conan said that he will spend the night at Dr. Ali's house tonight."

Yingli couldn't help being a little puzzled: "Didn't Xiao Ai say she was an orphan? How could she have a sister?"

Xiaolan shook her head: "I don't know, she doesn't tell me about her sister at all, I'm afraid dad will know about it!"

Xiaolan kept in mind Kogoro Mori's orders, and didn't reveal too much about Huihara's relatives.

And Kogoro Mouri said: "The situation here is quite complicated, and it involves Xiao Ai's privacy, so I won't talk about it."

After perfunctory Eri, Mori Kogoro changed his mind, and Conan's monitoring screen appeared in his mind.

This little devil is dishonest, and even went to Toriya's warehouse to investigate.

Hey, why did this guy stay with that Akai Shuichi?

But Mori Kogoro didn't care about him, Conan can get as much information from Akai Shuichi as he wants, anyway, he has never been counted on to deal with the Karasuma Group.

As for little student Huiyuan, this girl was crushed under Mori Kogoro in the afternoon, and she was in a daze, and now she is still sleeping peacefully with her sister at Mingmei's.

Are the two children not coming back yet?

In other words, the mother and daughter Eri and Ran are left at home today.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but a smile appeared on his face.

"What are you smirking at, what bad idea do you have, why don't you hurry up and eat at the table."

Eri patted Mori Kogoro on the back, and stared at him with beautiful eyes.

The style and charm of a mature woman were fully displayed, and Mori Kogoro felt that his soul had been hooked in half, so he followed the table and sat in the main seat.

Wearing heat-resistant gloves, Xiaolan brought up the puffer fish soup. This was a teaching meeting with Shizuka Hattori when she was on vacation, and she felt very delicious when she smelled it.

"Dad, Mom, please try this soup."

Xiaolan took off her gloves and watched the two drink the soup, her big eyes filled with anticipation.

The delicious and sweet soup was poured into the stomach, and the pufferfish had melted into the white soup. It was warm and made the stomach very comfortable.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but praised: "Lan, your skill is even better than your father's, it's amazing!"

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