"Where is it, where is Dad, you are amazing." Hearing the praise, Xiao Lan immediately smiled, her eyes were full of little stars, very cute.

Yingli couldn't help but nodded, and said with a soft smile: "Excellent cooking, much better than your Aunt Jinghua."

"Lan, you've grown up too. With such excellent cooking, you will definitely be a good wife and mother when you marry in the future."

Hearing this, Xiaolan couldn't help but glanced at Mori Kogoro triumphantly. It's rare to see such a high-spirited appearance.

But soon she said: "I don't want to get married, I want to stay with my parents all the time."

Eri's smile froze for an instant, and she suddenly looked like her head was hurting.

She only heard this sentence that Xiaolan wanted to stay by her side, and couldn't help feeling very troubled about her Oedipus' daughter.

What the hell did I do, and why my daughter couldn't help but say, "Xiaolan, what's wrong with being married? You can start a new family with the man you love, and give birth to lovely children in the future." Isn't it great that the family lives happily together with your baby?"

Hearing this, Xiao Lan turned her big eyes, glanced at her father beside her, and then said, "Because there is no man in this world who is better than Dad."

"Instead of marrying such a man, it's better not to marry and live with Dad all the time. That's all right."

Mori Kogoro nodded in satisfaction, stroking Xiaolan's hair with his big hand, showing a loving expression.

And Xiaolan couldn't help laughing while talking, and said in a joking tone: "Maybe I can marry my father when I become an adult, and I don't need to find other boys, and no one is better than my father."

And Yingli's face darkened instantly: "Nonsense, how can you marry your father!"

Yingli thought that Xiaolan was joking, but in fact, Oedipus is still serious, so she did not hesitate to use "marrying father" as a shield, and wanted to be with her.

She suddenly became sad again!

Mori Kogoro stretched out his hand to take Rayingri's little hand, and said with a light smile, "There is no limit to the child's words, there is no limit to the child's words, eat first, eat first."

Xiao Lan smiled triumphantly, like a general who has won a battle.

The three picked up chopsticks and ate dinner.

But while he was eating, Kogoro Mori felt something was wrong, there was actually a soft little foot under the table harassing him.

It was a tiny foot wrapped in a white knee sock, and of course it wasn't Eri's.

Eri is wearing a lavender suit and flesh-colored stockings today.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help turning his head to look at Xiaolan, and saw her smiling at him, her eyes were full of cunning, like a little devil.

Xiaolan at the dining table was extremely skilled in acting, she didn't show any abnormality at all, and she even brought food for Eri from time to time.

It couldn't be easier for her to do two things at once.

Sensing the little jio that was continuously drawn up along the calf, Mori Kogoro glanced at Eri beside him, and couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

It's too dangerous!It's so exciting!Eri could see it from one side of her head.

However, at this moment, the cell phone in his pocket rang.

Hearing this voice, Mori Kogoro, who was tense, was startled, his body trembled, and he quickly answered the phone.

This is Reiko Kujo's call, and Reiko's voice is full of joy.

"Kogoro, have you read the news? The bribery case of the Takeuchi Construction Group was exposed by Tokiwa Kengo, and now it is spreading outside."

"It turns out that Tokiwa Eisaku bought the murderer to kill my chief five years ago!"

Mori Kogoro replied: "I read the news, so this case is finally over."

Reiko said, "Not yet. When the police went to investigate just now, Tokiwa Eisaku and Tokiwa Kengo both disappeared."

"It's been two or three days since Tokiwa Kengo disappeared, and Tokiwa Eisaku just disappeared at home. It's very weird."

Mori Kogoro said: "It's possible that the uncle and nephew were fighting each other. Tokiwa Kengo disappeared first. It may be that he was assassinated by his uncle first, but escaped, so he chose to report it. Instead, the Takeuchi case we investigated was given to him. It turned out to be a good thing.”

"Now, after the dog bit the dog, both of them absconded in fear of crime, and they can only be handed over to the police for arrest."

Hearing this, Reiko from the prosecutor's office nodded in agreement.

Then she thought of something, and immediately said: "I won't tell you anymore, I'm going to use today's news to interrogate Mariko Takeuchi in surprise, this time she won't be able to do anything if she doesn't recruit."

After saying that, Reiko hastily hung up the phone.

Chapter 0094 unbearable contrast

Just when Mori Kogoro answered the phone, those soft little feet got worse.

The jade feet wrapped in white silk stockings are extremely dexterous, and the control is extremely precise, they are even more flexible than small hands, it is fatal!

Xiaolan knew that Xiaogoro liked this kind of tune very much, so she intentionally harassed him in such a mischievous way.

But his pure and beautiful face is very normal. When he sips his food innocently, the contrast is really unbearable.

Mori Kogoro could only sit upright, trying to block Eri's sight as much as possible, it would be a disaster if he was discovered.

Yingli didn't notice the abnormality between the father and daughter at all. Instead, he heard the voice of his old enemy, and suddenly became vigilant, and couldn't help asking: "Xiao Goro, is this the number of prosecutor Kujo? What did she tell you? I don't want to ask you out tonight, do I?"

A cold light flashed across Qi Danfeng's eyes.

hiss! ! !

A drop of cold sweat flashed across Mori Kogoro's forehead, it was the pain from being pinched by his toes to the soft flesh around his waist.

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