"How, how is it possible? Reiko told me that Mariko Takeuchi's bribery case was solved. The news broke out just now. The government official who helped Takeuchi Group to bid for the bribery case back then was Eisaku Tokiwa of the House of Representatives."

"It was his nephew Kengo Tokiwa who reported it. This is not a good thing for uncle and nephew."

Only then did Yingli nod, without further doubts: "Oh, so that's the case."

At this moment, Little V's voice came out: "Master Host, the owner of the business on the second floor invaded, do you want to carry out automatic defense?"

Mori Kogoro frowned, and asked Xiao V to project the surveillance on the second floor into his mind, and immediately saw a sneaky figure searching the office.

Wearing a black leather jacket, wearing a hood, and tied long hair, she looks like a woman in figure.

Mori Kogoro blocked the automatic defense system underneath.

He was a little curious, who dared to break into his own dragon's pool and tiger's lair, could it be that someone in the dark organization noticed him?

There was business to be done, and Kogoro Mori quietly stretched out his hand, pushed Xiaolan's naughty little feet away, took a deep breath, then stood up and said, "I suddenly remembered that something was left on the second floor, I'll go get it, you guys go ahead eat."

After finishing speaking, Mori Kogoro turned and left the restaurant.

Xiaolan couldn't help but pursed her mouth, but when her big eyes saw her mother beside her, she thought of something, and smiled again.

In the office on the second floor, the woman in a black leather jacket and a mask frowned, and opened the cabinets one by one, but found nothing.

She couldn't help but whispered: "I'm sure I won't be tricked."

At this moment, Kogoro Mori's voice sounded: "Madam, are you looking for something? Do you need my help?"

Hearing this voice, the woman immediately raised her head, seeing Kogoro Mori leaning against the door, her pupils kept shrinking.

How is it possible, how is it possible that someone can appear beside me silently?

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, and a wave of power naturally rose up, like a wild beast.

He turned on the light, and the office on the second floor suddenly lit up.

"Beautiful lady Qingben, how can you be a thief, breaking into a private house is a felony."

As soon as he met this woman, he felt very familiar.

She is not a member of the dark organization at all.

The masked woman gave Mori Kogoro a deep look, then turned and ran towards the window behind the desk, trying to break the glass and leave.

It's just that what happened next wasn't what the masked woman had imagined. She hit the glass, but didn't break it at all, instead bouncing back to the ground.

Seeing this stupid move, Mori Kogoro couldn't help laughing: "It seems that you female snitch have bad eyesight, didn't you see that I am a special bullet-proof glass? It's really stupid to want to run away like this gone."

The little face under the woman's mask was a little embarrassed, she immediately got up, stepped on the desk and kicked it.Mori Kogoro blocked immediately, and as soon as he fought, he recognized the woman's technique.

This is the fighting technique of the US Navy SEALs.

Among the people I know who know this fighting skill, the only one is the silver fox of the Metropolitan Police Department, Officer Yazi.

Mori Kogoro instantly understood that it seemed that the tears of the next life of Sister Maoyan provoked her to come here.

This big cat is really naughty, too bad, I need to find a chance to clean it up.

But Mori Kogoro didn’t want to expose the fact that he stole the painting. Who told him to wear the mask of V at the time. If the Karasuma Group knew that V was himself because of Meiko, it would be no fun.

After thinking about it, Kogoro Mouri said, "You are the cat's eye, you are the only female snitches with this skill, you are really lingering, how many times have you plotted against me, this time you finally showed up Bar."

Hearing this, Yazi couldn't help frowning: Is there something wrong between Maoli Kogoro and Maoyan?

Mori Kogoro continued: "You people, you are too small-minded. Before you rescued Kidd, I didn't bother with you. After all, I just wanted to teach that kid a lesson."

"But it's good for you, how much trouble you have caused me these days, and how many times you have ruined my reasoning."

"Are there no three sisters coming together today? Then I'll clean you up first."

After hearing this, Yazi already believed that Maoyan had used him as a gun, and couldn't help but get angry.

But before she could explain, the front of his clothes was grabbed by Kogoro Mori with his big hands, and then the whole person was caught and turned upside down, soaring into the sky.

This is an over-the-shoulder throw!

Yazi tensed his back, trying to withstand the next impact.

But the collision didn't come for a long time, instead it fell on the soft sofa.

Mori Kogoro didn't want to hurt anyone, but just threw him on the sofa, then pressed down, and clasped his arms around his neck.

He immediately felt Yazi's broad mind.

This woman, you can't tell, she's wearing a windbreaker all day long, and it's so stuffed inside.

"Let me see what the legendary cat's eye looks like."

Saying this, his big hand went away like Yako's mask.

Yazi couldn't help being a little flustered, and immediately slipped his right hand to his thigh, and then took out a small knife.

The knife was placed in front of Kogoro Mouri's neck, and Kogoro Moori stopped his movements.

"stand up!"

Kogoro Mori got up pretending to surrender, and Yazi also got up, embraced Kogoro Mori from behind, held her hostage, and headed towards the gate.

Kogoro Mouri, who was pretending to be held hostage with his chest stuck to his back, felt ecstasy.

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