Sometimes Xiaolan gets jealous very seriously.

And the implication of Dad's words is that he is not as good as Mom, hehehe!

Immediately, Xiaolan looked at her father very badly, and twisted her toes harder.

As much joy as this pair of soft jade feet brought to Mori Kogoro before, it brings him so much sadness now.

On the other hand, Yingli said shyly, "No way, you are lying!"

Mori Kogoro was dripping with cold sweat, his big hand grabbed the attacking little foot, and managed to tear it apart with great difficulty.

He looked at his precious daughter begging for mercy, and begged her to hold her jade feet high, and stop pinching them, they were all swollen.

Xiaolan showed her small canine teeth threateningly, so she didn't care about it with her father, but changed her face, smiled lightly and flattered Yingli: "Dad is right, my mother came to school at the parent meeting last time, my teacher and classmate We can't believe that you are my mother, and thought you were my lost sister!"

Yingli smiled embarrassedly: "It's not that exaggerated."

Seeing that the turmoil finally subsided, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He picked up the beer next to him and filled it up for Eri.

What the baby girl did just now is not wrong at all, that is, Yingli should be given a drink so that she doesn't have the mood to ask questions.

Mori Kogoro coaxed Eri to drink while eating dinner.

The daughter stopped making troubles, and the atmosphere of the dinner suddenly relaxed.

After a gust of wind and clouds passed, Mori Kogoro hiccupped happily.

And Xiaolan stood up and helped Yingli up: "Mom, you are drunk, you can stay here tonight."

"Also, I've put all the hot water in the bathroom for you. I'll take you to take a bath."

Hearing this, the drunken Eri immediately rushed towards Mori Kogoro with a terrified expression: "Kogoro, save me, Xiaolan is going to pull me into doing bad things again."

Eri accidentally spoke his heart out.

Seeing this scene, Mori Kogoro couldn't help laughing.

It seems that the image of Xiaolan as a mother-controlling pervert is deeply ingrained in Eri's heart.

The veins in Xiaolan's head twitched, and she glanced at her father who was gloating beside her, and her little feet stepped hard on the soles of Mori Kogoro's.

Under the strange force, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but let out a cry of pain.

This foot was directly injured by his daughter, and Mori Kogoro immediately performed a healing technique on himself, and he was able to recover.

Looking at Eri's confused gaze beside him, he seemed to feel that his dignity as the head of the family had been shaken.

Mouri Kogoro was so angry that he directly pulled Xiaolan over, letting her press on his lap, and lifted up the hem of the white skirt.

He said domineeringly: "It's only natural for me to teach my daughter a lesson. Yingli, with me around, our daughter can't ride on our heads!"

After finishing speaking, his big hand patted Xiaolan's buttocks, and began to enforce the family law.

There was a crisp sound.

Eri stared blankly at the scene in front of him.

Chapter 0096

The sound of slapping kept ringing, and each slap was powerful.

One by one red handprints appeared on the fair skin, the skin kept shaking, and after a while, the area was completely red.

Seeing such a brutal scene, the drunkenness in Eri's eyes dissipated a bit.

Listening to her daughter's delicate groans, the mother's unbearable heart immediately arose.

Eri stepped forward and took Mori Kogoro's big hand: "Enough, do you want to kill your daughter?"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but have black lines all over his head.

How could it be possible to beat someone to death with such force!

With the strength he controlled, although the sound sounds terrifying, but the strength is all restrained on the surface, it will not go deep at all, so naturally there is not much pain.

Ran, who turned her back to Eri, was obviously enjoying herself, but Eri, who was a little drunk, didn't notice anything unusual.

Mori Kogoro could only let go of Xiaolan.

After being taught a lesson by her father, Xiaolan immediately pretended to be well-behaved, lowered her eyebrows and looked pleasing to the eye, and Yingli was very pleased to see it.

Fortunately, this daughter is afraid of her father, otherwise she wouldn't know how to educate her.

Eri has nothing to do with her daughter who has gone astray.

At this time, Xiaolan gently took Yingli's hand: "Mom, let's go take a bath together, or the water will be cold."

Hearing this, Eri suddenly felt a headache.

The last time I took a bath with my daughter, she did something too much to herself, kneading and kneading.

And when I was on vacation at Izu Villa, my daughter's small hands...

Thinking of that weird and strange scene, Eri couldn't help shaking with fear.

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