She really didn't dare take a bath with her daughter.

At this time, Kogoro Mori said, "Why don't you wash it together as a family, as the bathtub is big enough, so you can save some water."

Hearing this suggestion, Eri's Danfeng eyes lit up immediately.

Indeed, with Mori Kogoro present, Xiaolan would not be expected to do anything strange.

And Xiaolan couldn't help smiling and said: "Yes, our family hasn't bathed together for a long time, let's wash together today."

Yingli, who was already a little confused, was relieved when she heard that her daughter had no objection: "Then let's go clubbing together!"

It is very common for a family to bathe together in Japan.

So the three of the Mori family prepared their pajamas, took off their clothes, wrapped them in white towels, and entered the bath together.

Today's bath water is milky white, it is a milk bath carefully prepared by Xiaolan, you can smell the milk fragrance as soon as you enter it, and you can't see anything as soon as you lie in the water.

The whole family lay in the bathtub, moaning involuntarily.

The temperature is right, and the water mist rises, so that people don't want to move.

The three of them lay side by side, Ran on the left, Eri on the right, Kogoro Mori in the middle, and Eri didn't dare to get too close to her daughter.

The bathtub in Maori's house has been remodeled. It is a full [-] meters wide, just enough for three people to lie side by side and take a bath together.

And Mori Kogoro opened his arms wide and put his arms around the two girls, suddenly feeling that he had reached the pinnacle of his life.

The cozy and warm time keeps flowing, just like the drops of water dripping from the faucet.

But as it soaked, an undercurrent surged under the milky white bath, and a strange movement appeared.

A series of grunting bubbles rose up, and at the river shoal under the Kubado Bridge, a ghost-like figure emerged from the bottom of the water.

This is gin, his face is extremely pale, his long silver hair is gone, and there are only scorched black and red bumps on his head.

And below the neck, it was even more terrifying. It was burned by the fire of the explosion before, and countless scarlet blisters formed, and it was thrown into the river and soaked in the water for a whole day.

All those scarlet blisters turned extremely pale, and after bursting, they stained the skin, making it extremely disgusting.

But even with such a serious injury, Gin still survived.

He was engulfed by the turbulent water at the port of Niaoshi all the way. Fortunately, he was holding on to a big board, otherwise this half-steel body would have sunk to the bottom of the river long ago.

The water flowed through the shallows under the bridge, and he just got stuck and was able to get out.

Qin Jiu looked at the vast galaxy, at this moment he only felt extremely lonely and unspeakable anger.

Except for the modified semi-steel body, he has nothing on his body, and other things have disappeared in the previous battle and water flow.

The master of the dark organization is no longer powerful and mysterious, but a lone wolf exiled, faltering but not knowing where to go.

With great difficulty, Gin managed to steal a black coat that was hanging out to dry, wrapped himself up, and walked onto the streets of Tokyo.

He finally found a phone booth, stretched out his trembling fingers, and made a call.

But this scene was seen by the thousand paper cranes who came out of the psychic.

The phone rang three times before it was connected.

A hoarse voice came from the mouth of the gin: "Rum!"

Rum seemed to be discerning the voice, and after a while he asked in surprise, "It's you, Gin, where are you now?"

"I did not betray the organization."

Rum laughed lightly: "I know you certainly didn't betray the organization. Where are you now? I'll send someone to pick you up. Boss is very concerned about this incident."

"We seem to have offended a truly hidden and great existence!"

Qin Jiu's cold eyes gradually sank, like a dead star, lifeless.

He heard it!

"You don't believe me, and you asked the person next to me to locate me. You don't have to do this, Rum, you answer the phone to the boss, and I will explain it to him personally."

Hearing this, Rum on the other end of the phone chuckled lightly: "Heisawa Zhen, why do you pretend anymore, this Tumen Kang Hui has said everything."

Qin Jiu panted slightly: "You caught him?"

"Of course, the boss is furious when the task is done like this. I naturally have to solve this matter. The Self-Defense Force can easily handle it."

"We caught Tumen Kang Hui and gave him ten injections of Veritaserum, but his words never changed."

"Obviously this is your plan, to join forces with FBI agents to ambush the members of the organization."

"Moreover, we also saw the video of your conversation here in Tumen Kanghui's office. No one has tampered with this video."

"To be honest, I didn't see you in the video, so I didn't quite believe it."

After hearing these words, Gin lowered his head.

His cold eyes were in the darkness, and he could no longer see them.

18, 19, 20, Gin hung up the phone 21 seconds ago, pushed open the door of the phone booth, and went to the darker street.

In the branch of the National Defense Self-Defense Forces, Lang Mu's eyes were full of sharpness when he heard the sound of the phone hanging up.

He glanced at the woman with strange-colored pupils beside him, and said, "Get rid of him."

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