After saying that, he turned and left.

The woman with heterochromatic pupils directly took out a Boleta pistol, shot at Tumen Kang Hui who was sitting on the ground, and shot in the head.

The woman with different-color pupils also turned around and left, without noticing that a scarlet necklace was shining with a strange light under Tumen Kanghui's collar.

The scarlet necklace flickered a few times before disappearing.

When it reappeared, it was already in Hongzi Koizumi's magic bag.

Lying on the bed and looking at the magic book, Hongzi swings her fair legs. Sensing that her magic chain has returned, she can't help but snort softly: "What a bad guy, I borrowed it for so long, and I still don't come to express my thanks .”

"Huaxin Daluobo, I haven't seen each other for how many days!"

At this moment, the big carrot in Hongzi's mouth is in the tenderness.

He also heard an exclamation from his side: "Xiao Lan, why did you pick up the bath towel?"

"It's so uncomfortable to take a bath wrapped in a bath towel. It doesn't matter to the family. Dad, Mom, you should also pick up the bath towel!"

Chapter 0097

Listening to the girl's insistence, Mori Kogoro and Fei Eri could only obey obediently.

The three bathers only exposed their heads in this milky white milk bath, and their bodies were all hidden under the water, and the three of them also felt more at ease.

But Kogoro Mori felt very comfortable, hugging left and right, he was in a very happy mood!

Yingli didn't feel anything unusual either, she just blushed a little, and her body was a little more reserved.

Her head was dizzy, and after being dried by the hot water mist, she felt more and more confused, and she was no longer as shrewd as usual.

And Mori Kogoro's big hand grasped the slender waist of the two girls under the water, comparing secretly.

Although the bodies of the two women are very similar, there is still a difference in touch. Yingli has no fat on the waist and abdomen, but it feels a little sensual and plump to the touch. The little angel's skin is more elastic and firmer because of regular exercise.

These nuances, if you don't distinguish carefully, you really can't tell them apart.

Mori Kogoro lay in the middle with a smile on his face. He really hoped that such a wonderful moment could last forever.

The little angel on the left was not as cautious as Eri, but moved her body and lay on her side in Kogoro Mori's arms.

At first glance, it seems that they are a couple, and Eri is the outsider.

The girl's eyes were full of cunning, under the milky white milk bath, her long legs rested lightly on Mori Kogoro's calf.

She seemed to feel that it was very fun and exciting to seduce Kogoro Mori quietly in front of Eri!

However, there was nothing abnormal about his small face, it was full of innocence, and his eyes were full of innocence.

Eri didn't notice anything.

Mori Kogoro squinted his eyes slightly, looking very useful.

After a long time, the girl stretched out her little hand with a mischievous smile on her face,

The little hands slapped the water, splashing water on the faces of Eri and Kogoro.

It made Yingli exclaim again and again, kept avoiding, and raised his hand to resist from time to time.

Yingli exclaimed: "Nonsense, it's already so big, don't make any more trouble."

"Take a good bath, Kogoro, take care of her!"

Mori Kogoro didn't listen to Eri's words, instead he had a smirk on his face and joined the battle.

Stretching out his big hands, he bowed left and right, and slapped the milky white water with both hands.

The hot water splashed towards the faces of the two women on the left and right.

The faces and long hair of the two girls were all wet, and they laughed and screamed. The scene was very cheerful.

"We are all a family, of course we come here as we are happy!"

Poor Eri keeps resisting, where is the opponent of the two of them.

In the end, he was drowned by the splashing water and was in a mess.

Her anger surged, and Danfeng's eyes narrowed slightly.

Soon, Eri saw a bathtub next to him, his eyes lit up, and he immediately reached out to pick up the weapon.

She directly scooped up a large basin of hot water and poured it on Kogoro Mori's head.

The hairstyle Kogoro Moori had worked so hard to maintain was completely ruined in one fell swoop, and when he posted it, it was so wilted that the girl next to him couldn't stop laughing.

The attacking Eri didn't stop, scooped up another basin of water and poured it on the little angel's head.

Mori Kogoro wiped the water off his face with his hand, then snatched the bathtub from Eri's hand, poured the hot water inside onto Eri's head, and immediately the three people in the bathtub looked identical.

Then Mori Kogoro threw the tub away, and reached out to part Eri's long brown hair in the middle.

That funny picture made the girl behind burst into laughter again.

Yingli Meimou stared at the two of them angrily, and said, "You two just want to piss me off, right?"

She fiddled with her wet hair, draped it over the edge of the bathtub, and lay down again to enjoy the bath. The other two didn't play anymore, and they all lay down.

Mori Kogoro's big arms were around the two girls' waists again, and today should be considered his happiest day.

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