On the other side, Conan, who was blowing the night wind on the Toriya Bridge, couldn't help shaking, and his head felt a little uncomfortable for no reason.

Really, it's been happening for a while recently, making him a little paranoid, thinking that he is under some kind of curse.

People always say whether Conan has been lowered or cursed, and people will die wherever he goes. Talking and talking made Conan believe it.

The little ghost shook his head, and turned to look at the man sitting in the front of the Chevrolet drinking beer.

It's really nerve-wracking for this guy to have nothing to eat.

When investigating at the Toriya Warehouse before, Conan saw this frustrated man nearby, drinking wine while staying near the Toriya Warehouse.

It felt like a lovelorn man who was dumped, and Conan didn't get suspicious.

But later, when Conan ran to Kubato Park where the terrorist attack occurred, the man in a knitted hat also appeared in a Chevrolet.

After two encounters, the little devil finally noticed him.

And looking at his face, Conan somehow felt familiar.

Conan finally remembered.

This guy is clearly the FBI investigator he met when he went to New York a year ago!

The presence of an FBI investigator near here, coupled with the fact that the FBI's activities were mentioned in the news, made Conan feel extremely happy.

There is no way out after mountains and rivers are full of doubts, and there is another village where the willows are dark and the flowers are bright.

So he stepped on his skates and chased the Chevrolet all the way to the Toriya Bridge, watching Hideichi Akai drink beer for hours.

In the past few hours, no matter how Conan pretended to be a child and attacked from the side, Akai Shuichi didn't say a word.

The little devil didn't know that Hideo Akai had recognized Conan as a boarding child at the Maori Detective Agency early in the morning.

Akai Shuichi, who was put on two green hats by Mori Kogoro, had no intention of talking to Conan at all, he was immersed in his own world and was sad alone.

In the arms of her own man, Eri felt extremely at ease, and was very comfortable in the hot bath, so she closed her eyes self-consciously.

The little angel on the left of Mori Kogoro couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he saw this scene.

Seeing whether Eri would open her eyes for a while, she boldly raised her head, and gently kissed Kogoro Mouri's cheek with her lips.

A look of panic appeared in Mori Kogoro's eyes.

But the little angel on the left was very bold, and leaned close to him, and then launched an attack, and kissed Kogoro Mouri's mouth in one breath.

Die is die! ! !

Mori Kogoro responded, kissing the girl passionately.

But his eyes were wide open, and he was always observing Eri beside him. As long as Eri had a tendency to open his eyes, he would immediately separate from the little angel.

This is not impossible. Both of them have practiced channeling skills, and their physical fitness is far beyond that of ordinary people.

Mori Kogoro's reaction speed is seven or eight times that of ordinary people, and the reaction speed of girls is not as good, only four or five times that of ordinary people, but it is enough.

As long as they are fast enough, they can completely return to their normal posture the moment Eri opens his eyes, and Eri won't notice it at all.

The little angel, who was leaning sideways, saw that Mori Kogoro dared to take the risk of kissing him, his big eyes were full of smiles, and he was full of pride.

The small face is full of air, really beautiful.

Her small underwater hand stretched out and hugged Kogoro Mori's strong waist.

And its slender left leg bent up and swept upwards. You must know that leg bending has many uses. With the little angel's physical fitness far surpassing that of ordinary people, it is not easy to make such a movement underwater!

(More than a thousand words are omitted here!)

Chapter 0098 Charming Shared Bathing 2

The undercurrent surged under the milky white bath, and the two who kissed passionately on the water for a long time finally separated.

As soon as they separated, the little angel felt a little lack of oxygen.

Her little face was flushed, her heart was pounding, kissing Kogoro under Eri's eyes, it was too exciting.

Her beautiful eyes were full of mist, and she was still working hard.

And Mori Kogoro's brows stretched out, with a look of satisfaction on his face.

It seems that I have soaked in hot water for too long, and my body is a little hot.

Mori Kogoro's forehead was covered with fine sweat, and his mouth was still breathing slowly.

And its underwater hands, one left and one right, are tormenting the area where the death-preventing gold medal and the injury-reducing necklace are located, secretly comparing.

Well, sure enough, the previous feeling is not wrong, this feeling is really like it!

The little angel is really full of potential, already out of blue and better than blue.

Such a careful comparison is really slightly better.

It seems that it won't take long for the little angel to upgrade again.

Eri, who had squinted her eyes and pretended to be asleep, was unbearably disturbed, and couldn't help opening her eyes, her beautiful eyes glaring at Mori Kogoro.

The little angel on the left immediately pretended that nothing happened, and the blush on her little face faded under control.

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