Hate the house and Wuxia, he already has the idea of ​​implicating Conan, and wants to teach this little devil a lesson.

Break this kid's leg and send him back to the detective agency, maybe Mori Kogoro will be heartbroken!

Thinking of this, the drunk Akai Shuichi got out of the car and picked up Conan with a fierce look on his face.

Akai is an out-and-out actionist, without any hesitation, he punched Conan directly on the forehead.

This punch knocked Conan's tears out.

The little ghost had a big red envelope on his head, his face was full of horror, he covered his head with his hand, and begged for mercy: "Stop, stop, I just want to exchange information, why are you hitting me?"

exchange of information?

Hearing this, Akai Hideichi narrowed his eyes slightly, let out a cold snort, recovered a little sobriety, and threw Conan onto the front of the Chevrolet.

Although the bear boy is very annoying and annoying, it is undeniable that he lives with Kogoro Mori, and he must know a lot of information about Kogoro Mori.

The information about the enemy who took the wife and the enemy is also very important!

Conan, who is suffering, blows the cold night wind and enjoys the drunkard's explosive hammer. At the same time, Kogoro Mori has lost himself in the gentle village.

"What, take a bath, no, why take a bath!" It was Yingri's voice, hearing the little angel's suggestion, she immediately refuted.

Eri already has a psychological shadow on the matter of taking a bath.

"Just take a good bath, it's clean enough, there's no need to scrub, don't you think so, Kogoro?"

Chapter 0099 Charming Shared Bathing 3

It's really strange, soaking in this milk bath and hot water bath has the effect of relieving hangover?

Eri was getting more and more awake as she soaked.

Looking at Eri's expression, even though Mori Kogoro was very tempted by the little angel's proposal, he didn't dare to agree to it at this moment.

He could only say: "There is no need to take a shower, I feel that my body is already clean enough."

Hearing this, the little angel by her side couldn't help wrinkling her nose, staring at Kogoro Mori with big eyes: You don't cooperate at all!

Originally, the girl planned to make an extremely precise flop when she was waiting to rub her back, but a one-in-a-kind coincidence happened, and she gave Eri a little warning.

In the future, we will proceed step by step, so that Eri will really see it in the future, and he will not react too violently.

The good plan was in vain now, the more the girl thought about it, the more angry she became, the little hand under the water directly grabbed Kogoro Mori's waist and twisted it.

The little angel's strange power was terrifying, Kogoro Mori couldn't help it, his face twisted, his old waist can be said to be suffering today.

Mori Kogoro twitched the corner of his mouth, and immediately changed his tone.

"Although there is no need to rub your back, but Eri, your hair needs to be washed, it looks tangled."

Hearing this, Eri stroked her long brown hair and nodded.

Mori Kogoro rubbed Eri's little head fondly, and said with a light smile, "Go out, let me wash your hair for you."

After finishing speaking, the two wrapped themselves in a big bath towel and got up and walked out of the bath, leaving the little angel alone.

The little angel pouted involuntarily, feeling rather unhappy.

The two went outside under the shower head, and Mori Kogoro asked Eri to sit on the wooden bench.

He took down the shower head with his left hand and tested the water temperature. The water temperature was suitable and very warm.

Immediately afterwards, he squeezed some shampoo with his right hand, hit Eri's head and began to rub it.

After a while, the white foam grew and flowed onto Eri's forehead.

Eri closed her eyes obediently.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the girl who was bathing in the bathtub lit up, and she thought of something.

The little angel quietly got up from the milky white bath without making a sound.

Stepping on the wet floor with her little feet, she approached the two people by the wall step by step.

Mori Kogoro is concentrating on washing Eri's hair and keeping her warm. The hot water from the shower head hits Eri's shoulders to keep her from feeling cold.

The sound of splashing water covered everything up, and Kogoro Mori didn't react until the delicate body of the girl behind came up to him.

The little angel behind stood on tiptoe and rose slowly.

She blew hot air into Mori Kogoro's ear, and then whispered: "Tou-san, I want you to help me take a bath now, back and forth, inside and out!"

The sound was very small, so Eri naturally didn't hear it.

And Mori Kogoro's cheeks flushed instantly, as if heat was coming out continuously, and his head was dizzy for a while.

Reason told him he couldn't do this, it was too dangerous.

But instinct bewitched him to obey his heart and be a tough man.

Mori Kogoro's self-control is extremely strong, his rationality gradually returned, and he suppressed his instincts. He was about to shake his head and refuse.

But I saw the picture of the little angel walking in front of him, leaning his hands on the white wall, looking back and smiling with his little face sideways.


It was as if a volcano erupted inside his body, he could no longer suppress the beast in his heart, and his eyes became extremely scarlet.

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