That angelic pure and beautiful face has a little more charm, making it invincible in the world.

Eri, who was sitting on the left, still had her eyes closed and didn't notice anything.

I don't want his motherfucker's rationality.

(More than [-] words are omitted here!) And beside the Toriya Bridge, on top of a Chevrolet sedan with a damaged front, Conan the Kid looked at the night view of Tokyo with tears in his eyes.

Mama, I want to go home!

Conan's idea of ​​exchanging information is not this picture at all. It should be that the two are sitting upright, cherishing each other, and then each exchange the information they want.

Instead of being dragged by the ankle by this drunk man, hung upside down and spanked for questioning, it's too shameful!

Moreover, this FBI agent didn't give him any clues at all. As soon as he had a tendency to not want to answer, the drunk man's big hands would be pumped up. He didn't have any strength left, and his buttocks were swollen.

Conan was beaten alive, so painful that he shed tears.

As for his anesthesia needle watch, Hideichi Akai noticed it when he was about to use it, and then took it off and threw it aside.

The drunk Akai Shuichi didn't have much sense, and when dealing with brats, he just used one word, 'hit'.

"Say, how many times does Kogoro Mori go to the 'Blue Lake' flower shop in a day?"

'Blue Lake' flower shop is the name of Miyano Akemi's flower shop.

Because Kogoro always said that her eyes were like a blue lake, and she wanted to swim in it, so Akemi named the flower shop 'Blue Lake'.

Conan cried and said, "I don't know!"

'Clap' sound.

"Ah! I know, I know, are you talking about the chain flower shop near Didan Primary School? I remember it opened half a year ago, and my uncle hasn't been there much."

"you're lying."

Akai Hideki slapped it again, and the little ghost screamed again and again.

Today's Conan can be said to be a river of sadness!

At this time, vehicles on the Toriya Bridge stopped, and some people watched this scene with concern.

Akai Hideichi yelled violently: "Get out, didn't you see me teaching my son a lesson?"

Those vehicles immediately started up and left, completely ignoring Conan's eyes calling for help.

"Say, when did Mori Kogoro know Judy?"

Conan knows this well. Last time when Hattori Heiji investigated Judy together, he happened to meet Kogoro Mori visiting Judy's house.

The two of them also listened to half of the intriguing conversation with bugs.

Facing such a cruel Akai Shuichi, Conan didn't dare to hide anything, so he recounted everything he heard that day.

But after Akai Shuichi heard it, his whole body seemed to be more stimulated, the left hand holding Conan became more vigorous, and his right hand violently pulled up.

Conan was stunned instantly, tears streaming down his face: Brother, I didn't know you hit me, but I knew you hit me too, did you do that?Are you still talking about it?Is there any reason?

Akai Shuichi's eyes became extremely scarlet, and he looked at the upside-down Conan with a ferocious face, his voice was very hoarse: "Let me ask you again, does that guy Mori Kogoro have any other women?"

The frightened Conan didn't dare to hide anything, so he revealed all the girlfriends of Kogoro Mori that he knew.

After Akai Shuichi learned of a personal name, his chest heaved sharply, tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, and he screamed up to the sky: "Damn it, ah, Ming Mei, even if you are willing to serve so many women, you won't be with me." compound?"

"And Judy, why are you all so cruel to me, why?"

Hideo Akai hammered his Chevrolet with one punch after another, making punch marks one by one, and his hands were stained with blood without stopping.

"Mori Kogoro, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!"

Hearing this, Conan, who was wiping away tears, finally understood that this FBI agent had been robbed of his girlfriend by Uncle Maori and put on a cuckold.

Judging by this posture, he was still robbed of two, no wonder he looked so out of his wits.

Inexplicably, Conan had some sympathy for Akai Hideichi, but when his little hand touched his swollen buttocks, the sympathy disappeared instantly and turned into full of anger.

Chapter 0100 Charming Shared Bathing 4

"Ah, Kogoro, are you alright? It's been too long."

"Eri, hold on a little longer, it will be over soon."

"Ah~, I can't do it anymore, your hand hurts me."

"Sorry, let me hurry up!"

The sound of 'puchi, puchi' kept ringing.

Eri couldn't help asking, "Kogoro, what's that sound?"

Mori Kogoro responded, "Ha, the water pipe must be blocked!"

Sensing Kogoro Mori's slightly trembling hands, Eri couldn't help complaining: "You're clumsy, why have you been washing your hair for so long, I might as well ask Ran to help me!"

"It's been more than [-] minutes, and the foam is getting more and more."

"Let go, I'll do it myself."

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