Mouri Kogoro panted slightly, pulled his left hand out of Eri's hair, put it on the slender waist, and apologized embarrassedly: "Eri, I'm sorry."

Eri didn't understand the true meaning of the words, so she snorted softly, then lowered her head and let down her brown hair, took the shower head and started rinsing.

She managed to wash off most of the foam, and was about to open her eyes, but suddenly felt a chill in her head.

Yingli couldn't help exclaiming: "Xiao Wulang, what did you pour on it?"

Mori Kogoro pretended to be innocent and replied: "Hair conditioner, you must add some hair conditioner after the shower gel is finished, Eri, please rub it again."

Hearing this, the veins on Eri's forehead twitched.

But things have come to this, there is no other way.

She could only grit her teeth and continue to close her eyes, started the second round of scrubbing, and flushed again.

Another five minutes of this busy work passed.

When Eri opened his eyes and hung up the shower head, he saw Mori Kogoro with a large bath towel around his waist propped on the wall with one hand.

He was posing in a bodybuilding pose, and there was no one else in the bathroom.

"Eri, are you so beautiful?"

Eri rolled her eyes angrily, her amorous feelings made half of her body go numb.

She couldn't help asking, "Where's Xiaolan?"

"You have delayed for too long, the water is already cold, Xiao Lan, she will stop soaking and go out directly!"

Eri got up and twisted Mori Kogoro's ears: "You are the one who wasted my time, you are so stupid! You are so stupid!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro laughed wickedly.

He stepped forward and put his arms around Eri's slender waist, and kissed her down in one breath.

The lasing water came out of the shower head and hit the two of them, revealing thousands of colors under the refraction of the light, and the picture was very romantic.

Mori Kogoro's fiery hands were wandering over Eri's body, making a gesture to reach under the towel on Eri's body.

Before he succeeded, Eri patted Mori Kogoro's chest with his small hand, pushed him away, and quickly reached out to cover his big bath towel.

"You bastard, you're really dead!"

"Xiaolan is still at home, what if she comes in and sees it?"

Kogoro Mori pretended to be embarrassed and smiled.

And Eri ignored Kogoro Mori, clutching the towel on her body.

Delicate bare feet stepped on the wet floor and walked towards the door.

Then she picked up the pajamas on the washing machine, opened the door and walked to the living room.

Mori Kogoro breathed a sigh of relief, and he untied the bath towel around his waist.

Standing under the shower head with a lean and muscular body, he let the hot water wash himself, and then an inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

All the milky white hot water in the bath was released.

The shampoo, conditioner, shower gel and unknown liquids on the floor were all washed away.Yingli walked out of the bathroom, and saw Xiaolan lying on the sofa, her slender thighs had no place to rest, one was hanging on the back of the sofa, swinging gently, looking leisurely.

Xiaolan's face was slightly red, her beautiful eyes were slightly squinted, her face was half a smile, her brows and eyes were stretched out, as if she was immersed in her own world.

Eri looked at herself, only wrapped in a big bath towel.

[This is too tempting for Oedipus's daughter, it's too sexy! 】

Eri, who thought so, shook her head, and ran towards Mori Kogoro's room with small steps.

Once in the room, Eri closed the door and locked it tightly before letting out a sigh of relief.

Then Eri rummaged through the room to find a towel, and untied the large wet towel, exposing her domineering figure to the air.

She wiped herself with a towel, and rummaged through the closet for a long time before finally finding her bathrobe.

She changed into the conservative gray bathrobe instead of the camisole and shorts pajamas that her daughter had prepared for herself.

[In this way, Xiaolan shouldn't be thinking wildly! 】

Thinking so, Eri opened the door, walked out, and saw her coquettish daughter lying on Kogoro Mori's body.

At this moment Xiaolan is like a kitten, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

As soon as Yingli came out, Xiaolan got up immediately.

But soon Eri frowned.

Isn't your daughter dressed too coolly?

This is the same as the one I just prepared for myself, blue shorts, a loose white T-shirt on the upper body, no underwear inside.

Yingli couldn't help but said: "Xiaolan, you wear too little, go back and change."

"You are such an adult, you should pay attention to the influence!"

Hearing this, Xiao Lan wrinkled her nose instead, and put her arm around Kogoro Mori.

Mori Kogoro's arms suddenly sank into softness.

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