Xiaolan retorted: "Why pay attention to the influence? This is at home, and only Dad is at home. It doesn't matter if Dad sees it!"

"Besides, I wear a lot of clothes. It's summer now, but Mom, if you wrap yourself up tightly, aren't you afraid of getting sick from the heat?"

Eri who was choked by her daughter didn't know how to respond.

Now the daughter is really grown up, and she can't take care of her anymore.

Eri turned his attention to Mori Kogoro and asked him for fire support.

Mori Kogoro turned his head sideways, avoiding Eri's gaze.

Instead, he picked up the hair dryer from the cabinet under the coffee table, patted his thigh, and said, "Okay, okay, calm down, come on, let me blow your hair for you."

Hearing this, Xiaolan lay down obediently, her wet black hair fell on Mouri Kogoro's left leg.

Seeing that her daughter didn't say anything more, Eri didn't mention the clothes.

She walked to the right side of Mori Kogoro, and her head lay on Mori Kogoro's right leg.

The TV was turned on, and it happened to be broadcasting the report information of Tokiwa Eisaku today, so Eri listened attentively.

Seeing the two girls lying on his lap, one on the left and the other on the right, Kogoro Mori felt very satisfied, turned the hair dryer in his hand to a slightly hot temperature, and began to blow-dry the hair of the two girls.

This may be the wind of happiness, such a time, even if you give him a hundred times more, Mori Kogoro will not be too much.

Because the two girls, Yingli and Xiaolan, had their heads facing each other, they couldn't see each other at all. Even if they turned their heads and turned sideways, they could only see the left and right, but couldn't see each other at all.

Xiaolan's big eyes lit up again, blinking at Mouri Kogoro from time to time, continuing to discharge.

Mori Kogoro smiled, and reached out to touch her little nose.

Unexpectedly, Xiaolan grabbed Moori Kogoro's left hand and brought it over.

Chapter 0101 Indescribable sense of accomplishment

His left hand fell into softness, unable to extricate himself!

Together with the little angel's rebellious psychology, the more she refuses to do it, the more she will do it, and she will intensify it.

She has the sweetest smile on her little face, and her big eyes seem to be shining like stars.

Eyebrows raised slightly, as if asking Mouri Kogoro if he was having a good time in the bathroom just now?Are you comfortable?

Mori Kogoro read the meaning in the girl's eyes, and his face blushed.

He felt that his throat was a little dry, and he couldn't help swallowing.

It was naturally very comfortable just now, listening to Yingli's voice and enjoying the tenderness of the angel, the charm has not faded until now, it is piercing to the bone and soul.

I am afraid that this kind of memory will never be forgotten forever.

Seeing Kogoro Mori blushing, the girl thought he was so cute, so she snickered like a little squirrel.

Looking at this girl who is so cute and so hot, Kogoro Mori couldn't help but sigh.

If one day I would die, I'm afraid it would be in her arms! !

Mori Kogoro held the hair dryer in his right hand and kept blowing hot air, watching the long brown hair and long black hair on his legs being gradually dried by the wind, but felt very reluctant.

The warm and ambiguous time passed so quickly, his left hand was flipping and fiddled with, and the hour hand kept beating.

After about twenty minutes, the hair of both women became fluffy and smooth, exuding a fragrance.

But the two girls lying on his lap didn't have the slightest intention of getting up, and they were also reluctant to part with such a time.

Leaning on the beloved man, enjoying his pampering, lazy and at ease, like a cat basking in the warm sun in winter, it doesn't want to move at all.

Eri turned her head sideways to watch the non-stop news on the TV, while the little angel's beautiful eyes kept gazing at Kogoro Mori's face, and her soft little hands touched his muscular arm.

Mori Kogoro put down the hair dryer, gently scratched Eri's small head with his right hand, and scratched his scalp with his fingertips.

Eri let out a helpful 'hum' sound.

This feeling is like stroking a kitten.

Seeing the slight reactions of the two girls in his arms, Mori Kogoro's heart almost melted.

In this kind of scene, he felt that there was nothing wrong with letting Mori Kogoro stay for a whole day.

Then Mori Kogoro's right hand gently stroked Eri's jade neck, the skin just after taking a bath was so smooth, and Mori Kogoro's right hand slipped into the skirt of the shirt accidentally, and came to the area where the injury reduction necklace was.

Eri turned his head immediately, and Danho glared at Kogoro Mori.

But perhaps the atmosphere just now was too comfortable, and Yingli's stare was not fierce at all, but rather cute and adorable.

Mori Kogoro smiled gently, and blinked at Eri, who blushed on Eri's pretty face.

She also felt that the little angel couldn't see it at all, and she didn't want to spoil the atmosphere, so she didn't open her mouth to scold.

However, Eri was a little clever, hooked her beautiful legs around a pillow, covered it slightly, then turned her head to continue watching the news, letting Kogoro Mori dictate.

At this moment, Mori Kogoro really has a sense of accomplishment that cannot be expressed in words.

On the Toriya Bridge, the white Chevrolet that had been hit was gone, but Conan the Kid was still on the bridge, hiding behind the stone guardrail, with his hands clasped on his knees, trembling.

Soon, a yellow Beetle drove over. Dr. Ali got out of the car and called out, "Xinyi, Xinyi?"

"Doctor, I'm here."

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