Seeing Kogoro Mori still in the living room area, Eri breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing her mother's nervous appearance, Xiaolan secretly laughed even more, so she didn't talk about going to the room anymore.

Instead, she said, "Then I'll go get some fruit and snacks. There's a live broadcast of Yoko Okino's concert at nine o'clock. Let's watch it together."

After that, she got up and ran towards the kitchen.

After a while, Mori Kogoro returned to the sofa with a bottle of Yuling wine and three wine glasses.

As soon as he sat down, Eri next to him patted Mori Kogoro on the shoulder in embarrassment.

Mori Kogoro stretched out his arms to hug Eri, turned his head and gave her a mouthful of sweetness on the cheek.

He pointed to the Jade Spirit Wine that had just been exchanged for [-] points on the table, and introduced, "Yingli, this is a good product from Huaguo. It's called Jade Spirit Wine."

"This wine is brewed from beautiful jade. It is extremely warming and nourishing."

"It can warm and nourish the internal organs, and it has miraculous effects on internal injuries. Women drink it, and it has a beauty effect, and it will make the skin whiter."

Hearing this, Yingli's eyes lit up, and Danfeng couldn't help looking over.

Women have no resistance to beauty.

Especially when Mori Kogoro showed all kinds of miraculous effects of things before, Eri completely believed what he said at the moment.

And Xiao Lan, who was holding a lot of snacks and a fruit plate, couldn't help but said, "I want to drink too, I want to drink too!"

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and said, "Of course Xiaolan can drink it too, this wine is very mild."

If you want things to go smoothly tonight, you can't do without the cooperation of fine wine.

Then Xiaolan bent down, put the snacks and fruit plate on the marble tea table, and stretched out her hand to move the sundries on the tea table aside.As soon as this body is bent down, the loose white T-shirt can't block the spring light inside at all, and that scene is very attractive.

Eri saw it first, and her eyes widened.

She immediately got up and came behind Xiaolan, pulled up her neckline, and tied a knot at the back of her neck.

"You child, you don't wear your clothes well. You are still worrying at such a big age."

Xiao Lan replied, "What's the matter? It's not that Dad hasn't seen it, and I don't know how many times he has seen it!"


Mori Kogoro, who was drinking genuine Yuling wine, couldn't help coughing, and quickly covered his mouth with a tissue, his face flushed.

Xiaolan continued to explain with a chuckle: "I mean, my father helped me take a bath when I was a child. He didn't know how many times he had seen it. It doesn't matter."

Hearing this, Yingli breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "That was when I was a child, now that Xiaolan has grown up and is a big girl, you should pay more attention."

"That's okay, you can come here as you feel comfortable at home, and didn't we just take a bath just now? Didn't the whole family care about this?"

Yingli was a little troubled: "Is this the same? You girl, you have learned to talk to your mother."

Ran sticks out her tongue, makes a face at Eri, then quickly walks to Mori Kogoro's side, and wraps her arms around his arm, as if finding a backer.

Yingli suddenly had nothing to do with her daughter.

And Mori Kogoro was alive and muddy in the middle: "Watch TV, watch TV!"

Yingli then sat down angrily, picked up the wine glass, and drank the milky white Yuling wine in one gulp.

Eri's mood improved after drinking the fine wine with a smooth taste.

At this moment, the female idol Yoko Okino, who was singing and dancing on TV, stopped.

Yoko stood in the middle of the stage, surrounded by spotlights, she hesitated for a moment, and then said: "The next song is my latest creation, and I want to sing it to an uncle I like very much."

"That uncle is someone I like very much, I hope he can hear this song..."

Hearing this, the concert was in an uproar.

Many male audiences wailed, and the goddess actually had someone she liked in her heart.

Yoko in the middle of the stage continued, "The title of this song is "Super Detective."

Hearing this, Ran and Eri immediately turned their heads and looked suspiciously at Kogoro Mori.

Mouri Kogoro immediately shed a drop of cold sweat on the back of his head, and he did not expect this situation.

The prelude came out, very pleasant to the ear, full of the girl's longing for love.

Then the lyrics came out from Yoko's mouth, Mouri Kogoro immediately had two extra little hands around his waist, and his face twitched accordingly.

Because the lyrics fit so well with Mori Kogoro's image.

Whether it's the sexy beard, the nemesis of the phantom thief, the last samurai, the only guardian.

All these words can be applied to Mori Kogoro, how could Eri and Xiaolan not understand it.

Mori Kogoro could only take a breath, and persuaded the mother and daughter to continue drinking to numb their nerves.

Chapter 0103 Threesome

Yoko's sudden confession at the concert caused an uproar, and immediately became a hot search on the Internet.

Countless fans paid close attention to this matter, speculating one by one who Yoko's confession object was.

Some fans speculate that it is the actor Kenzaki Osamu who co-starred in the detective TV series with him, others speculate that it is the god of detectives in the Japanese detective circle, Mori Kogoro, and some speculate that it is the heir of a certain consortium. There are various theories and opinions.

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