But Mori Kogoro's mind is not on Yoko's confession, he has more important things right now.

After three rounds of drinking, Eri's eyes were full of bewilderment, she was already very drunk, and only the white lining of the bathrobe was left on her body.

Yingli shook her little head, and couldn't help but said, "Why do I feel like you guys are drinking me on purpose?"

Mori Kogoro smirked and said, "How could it be, Eri, this is your illusion."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro drank the fine wine in the cup in one gulp, then stamped Eri's pink lips, passed the fine wine over, and his fiery hands began to make trouble.

Eri pinched Mori Kogoro's shoulder, and subconsciously swallowed the wine.

Her pretty face was flushed red, and the world in front of her eyes was doubled.

Then Yingli shook her head feebly, her tongue was a little bit big: "No, I really can't drink it!"

But Mori Kogoro brought a glass of wine to her mouth again, and pinched her nose.

Unable to break free at all, Eri could only drink it reluctantly.

Eri, who was let go after that, was in a daze, spinning around.

She blinked her red phoenix eyes, and then she saw the little angel who was obediently licking the ice cream beside her, and she couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

The little angel's body froze, her big eyes were like a deer's, she was panicked and didn't dare to move at all.

Unexpectedly, Yingli laughed softly: "I must be drunk, why did Yukiko appear here! Hey, why did her face change? Jinghua?"

Hearing this, the little angel breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to lick his beloved ice cream.

The tongue kept rolling, and then he opened his mouth wide, swallowing the whole ice cream, very domineering, that picture is quite attractive!

It's a pity that Mori Kogoro didn't see it at all.

At this moment, he kissed Eri's lips again, kissing passionately, completely ignoring the girl beside him.

Seeing this, the little angel couldn't help wrinkling her nose, put down the ice cream in her hand, climbed onto Kogoro Mouri, and followed her with her little head.

She wants to kiss too!

Mori Kogoro stretched out his hand and pulled it down, so that the two girls' cheeks were pressed together.

Immediately, the three heads kissed together, the smell of wine mixed with sweetness.

The temperature in the living room seemed to be rising, and the body temperature of the three people who had drunk was also rising.

Among them, Eri is really drunk, while Mori Kogoro and the little angel are still sober.

Mori Kogoro comforted the little angel a little, then picked up the drunk-eyed Eri and gently placed him on the marble coffee table.

The girl sitting on the sofa laughed badly, and leaned against Kogoro Mori's back, blowing hot air into his ear: "Let me help you!"

Saying this, his soft little hands rested on the left and right waists of Mori Kogoro.

A stirring and majestic movement resounded throughout the living room, and the night had obviously just begun.

(More than [-] words are omitted here!)

The next morning, at Dr. Ali's house, Conan twisted his big butt, with bandages wrapped around it, which looked ridiculous.

The little devil was brushing his teeth with a glass of water, while watching the morning news.Suddenly the face of the announcer on the TV changed, and he paused for a few seconds before opening his mouth and said: "Now we have an urgent news. Councilor Yasuhito Domon, who suffered a terrorist attack in Kubato Park yesterday, was found tragically dead in the Toya branch of the Self-Defense Agency. The cause of death is It's an act of revenge by terrorists."

"The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department has upgraded the arrest warrant to a global red arrest warrant. If anyone sees a man wearing a black windbreaker, a black top hat, and long silver hair moving strangely, please contact the police."

"Providing useful clues to the police can reward up to [-] million yen."

"Please note that the following men carry extremely lethal weapons..."

Gin's picture was posted again.

After reading the morning news, Conan's eyes widened.

I couldn't hold the plastic water cup in my hand, and it fell, and the water splashed all over the floor.

Tumen Kanghui is dead?

Co-authored my beating yesterday for nothing?

No clue again?

Conan couldn't accept this reality at all, he twisted his injured butt, jumped up, and pulled the skateboard off the table.

Dr. Ali, who was lying on the table to catch up on sleep, woke up with a start, his eyes half closed like a toad.

Dr. Ali only heard the sound of the door closing and the start of the skateboard.

Conan stepped on the skateboard and headed towards the Toriya Self-Defense Office, twisting and twisting his bandaged big ass, very coquettish!

Although the hope was slim, he still wanted to try to see if he could find clues in the Self-Defense Hall.

On the other side, in the master bedroom of Mori's house, sunlight playfully penetrated through the cracks in the curtains and fell on Eri's flawless little face.

Yingli frowned, opened her beautiful eyes, and rubbed her temples with her small hands, the hangover still didn't feel good.

Eri soon felt the familiar big hand on her waist, she turned her head sideways, and saw Mori Kogoro who was still sleeping peacefully.

A smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and she turned sideways, with her beautiful legs hanging on Mori Kogoro, and then closed her eyes again to catch up on sleep.

It's great to be able to sleep in my husband's arms!

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