However, just as Eri closed her eyes, she felt something was wrong, and quickly opened her eyes again, looking around the bed.

But there was no one else on the bed except Kogoro Mori who was covered with a quilt and himself.

No, there should be one more person, last night it seemed that there were three people!

The remaining memories in her mind were telling Eri that there were really three people, but when she thought about it for a while, her head started to ache, the aftereffect of a hangover.

Really, could it be that Yuxiko came and went, that's impossible.

Full of doubts, Eri couldn't find anyone else in the room, so she lay back in Mori Kogoro's arms again.

At this moment, a memory fragment in his head became more and more obvious.

Eri saw that red face clearly, and couldn't help shivering with fright.

Sweat broke out on her forehead, and she looked at Kogoro Mori in horror.

What is going on here?

Eri got up immediately, wrapped in a thin quilt, and opened the door.

In this way, she walked out of the door barefoot and returned to the living room, intending to start investigating.

As soon as she went out, Kogoro Mori who was lying on the bed opened his eyes, shook his head and fell asleep on his side again, Kogoro Mori was really tired.

Chapter 0104 Terrible Residual Memory

Yingli stood at the door, the pictures in her mind became clear one by one, her pupils shrank sharply, and her face became extremely pale.

That little face lying on top of her, blushing and kissing her clearly belonged to her daughter, and there was a very familiar man's face behind it.

No way, could it be that the third person last night was Xiaolan, how could this be possible!

As soon as she had this thought, Eri's legs went limp, and she almost couldn't stand up.

Clutching the thin quilt, she hurried towards the living room barefoot.

In the surviving memory, the marble coffee table last night couldn't carry so many people at all, and it collapsed in the middle, and I was shocked at the time!

But when Eri walked to the living room, he saw that the marble coffee table with mahogany bottom was still intact.

She couldn't help but froze!

Memory and reality collide.

Eri frowned, and scratched her long brown hair, a little puzzled.

Then she thought of something, and hurried to the coffee table, lay down on her stomach, and began to observe the carpet.

She remembered that she knocked down the wine bottle in a daze last night, and the milky white wine splashed all over her body. In her impression, her daughter licked it up for her, and the wine even flowed onto the carpet in front of the coffee table.

But the real carpet was not stained at all. Eri went over to smell it, but she didn't even smell the alcohol.

And if it is thrown into the washing machine, it is impossible to dry so quickly.

Thinking of this, Eri breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that those remaining memories are a dream.

Then Eri let out a long sigh: "Hey~~~"

Really, how could I have such a strange dream!This is too curious!

Is it because I have been harassed by my daughter too many times, so this dream appears?It doesn't make sense either!

I think about it every day, but I shouldn't have such a dream at night.

But then Eri turned around and walked towards the dining table.

In her mind, she still had the image of lying on the glass dining table, and then the table was pushed and made a sharp sound.

She squatted down and observed where the table legs touched the floor.

There are no scratches from being pushed, and the dust around the legs of the table has been there for some time.

Seeing this, Eri was really sure that it was a dream.

She couldn't help but shook her head and chuckled, she just felt that she was ridiculous, and she came out to walk around for no reason.

She walked to the master bedroom and wanted to go back to catch up on sleep.

But standing at the door, Eri suddenly stopped.

Her gaze shifted to Xiaolan's room next to her.

If Xiaolan is still sleeping and there are still marks on her body, then maybe...

With this thought in mind, Eri put her little hand on the doorknob of Ran's room.

But at this time, Ran's door was suddenly opened, which shocked Eri.

Xiaolan came out, wearing gray slacks and a blue shirt. Her clothes were simple, but her expression was very unhappy. She looked at Eri as if she was looking at a heartless person.

"It was so noisy last night, can't you pay attention at home? There are other people here!"

There was dissatisfaction in Ran's gaze towards the master bedroom, and Eri could see all of this dissatisfaction.

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