Yingli turned to reach out to open the door of the master bedroom, but was stopped by Xiaolan: "Do you still want to go back?"

At this moment, the identities of the two seem to be reversed, Xiaolan's aura is extremely strong, but Yingli is a little timid, and immediately let go.

Yingli sneered, and then said: "It's your mother's fault that I disturbed you!"

And Xiaolan inspected Yingli who was only wrapped in a thin quilt angrily, wrinkled her little nose and said, "It smells bad, go to the bathroom to take a shower, I'll find clothes for you."

Hearing her daughter's instructions, Eri obediently walked to the bathroom.

While walking, Yingli shook her head and smiled to herself: I'm really suspicious, Xiaolan's attitude, how is it possible, Jing dreamed of some inexplicable things!

But Yingli didn't see the smile on Xiaolan's cheek after she entered the bathroom.It was past nine o'clock in the morning, in the Maori Detective Agency on the second floor.

Kogoro Mori behind the desk held his face and yawned.

If the Ant-Man robot sent out last night hadn't returned, he would have stayed in bed until noon.

Not enough sleep, he didn't sleep at all last night, he didn't sleep until this morning!

Soon, the sound of leather shoes came from the stairs, and Kogoro Mori raised his eyes slightly.

A woman appeared, wearing a black windbreaker and black trousers, with a strong aura, only a small section of her wrist was exposed, exuding a strong aura of abstinence.

She has long curly hair, a delicate face, and raised eye ends that seem to evoke a man's original desire, and her flaming red lips make people want to kiss and taste the sweetness.

Yazi, a woman who is both charming and dignified.

But Mori Kogoro only remembered her big ass that was soft and crunchy when spanked.

Seeing such a stunner appear, Mori Kogoro yawned: "Ah, Officer Yazi, you are a distinguished guest. How come you come to Mi Hua when you have time?"

Yazi couldn't help being a little surprised to see Mori Kogoro ignoring his own charm.

There are rumors in the world that he is a womanizer, is it a rumor?

Then she turned to chuckle lightly, her eyebrows and eyes twitched, and the corners of her mouth twitched. She really smiled back at Bai Meisheng, and the whole office lit up.

Yazi's smile was so sweet that it made people's hearts flutter.

Mori Kogoro's eyes lit up slightly, but that's all. He was squeezed too much last night, and now is the time to be strong without desire.

Yazi couldn't help being a little annoyed, but she gave Mouri Kogoro a high look.

"Of course I don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, Maori Detective, I have a commission to ask for your help!"

Mori Kogoro yawned again, and said perfunctorily, "I've been very busy recently, I don't have much time, and I don't accept all orders."

Yazi pulled out the chair and sat opposite Mori Kogoro: "I believe that you will be interested in entrusting the Maori detective. I want to ask the Maori detective to help investigate Maoyan's true identity."

Based on Yazi's understanding of Mori Kogoro and what he said last night, it is certain that he has a grudge against Maoyan.

He would never refuse such an entrustment.

But Mori Kogoro shook his head: "Forget it, I won't accept this entrustment. Officer Yazi should hire someone else."

"Why?" Yazi suddenly felt very surprised.

"Those cats are very annoying. If you get involved with them, they will find you a lot of trouble."

"But more importantly, I promised someone not to trouble Maoyan, so I can't accept such an entrustment."

Hearing this, Yazi frowned and began to think.

Soon she spoke again: "Then I'll change the commission. I don't know if Maori detective knows a male phantom thief 'Master Gentleman'? Help me find him!"

When Yazi said this, her beautiful eyes kept staring at Kogoro Mori's expression.

But Kogoro Mori, whose acting skills have already reached the master level, would be seen to be flawed. He pretended to say: "Phantom thief, 'gentleman'?"

"Officer Yazi, these thieves are very annoying, elusive, and inextricably linked with the underground world. Finding them is easy, but follow-up is very troublesome."

"Besides, if the thief doesn't find any evidence, he can't be sentenced to a felony at all. After being locked up and released after a short time, wouldn't I have to guard against thieves for a thousand days?"

"And I've been very busy recently, so I can't accept this commission."

Hearing this, Yazi frowned.

She looked at Mori Kogoro's resolute face, the corners of her mouth curled up, and her voice became soft, with a bit of a coquettish tone, and she began to attack tenderly.

"Detective Maori, you and our Metropolitan Police Department have always had a very good cooperative relationship. It's just a matter of finding someone to help. It's not like I won't give you a commission fee. If you find someone, I will personally give you two million yen."

Mori Kogoro shook his head: "It's not about money, Officer Yako, please go back!"

Hearing this, Yazi stood up, leaned forward slightly, her voice became very soft, very provocative, with a smile on her cheek, like a little fox who just put down the bait.

"Well, how about detective Maori, let's change the reward, you help me find this person, and I'll let you send it, how about it?"

Chapter 0105 Who is stronger, my mother or me


Hearing this, Mori Kogoro's eyes flashed with surprise, he looked at Meizi's delicate face and fell into deep thought.

Want to have a shot?

The Silver Fox of the Metropolitan Police Department is really bold and good at playing to his advantage.

Such a stunner is simply not something a man can refuse.

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