That's right, in the "City Hunter" comics, when Yazi asks Meng Bo for help, he often uses this excuse to play Meng Bo around, but he doesn't take advantage of him.

This woman is good at playing with men in her hands, and now she wants to use the same method to trick me?

Mori Kogoro sneered: I'm not Meng Bo.

She had just returned to China and entered the Metropolitan Police Department, so she hadn't known Meng Bo yet.

If she was rejected, Baobuqi Yazi would ask Meng Bo to investigate him instead, which would only increase his troubles.

Mori Kogoro slapped the table immediately, and stood up abruptly, with a dignified look on his face.

Yazi trembled in fright, thinking he had offended him.

"Miss Yazi thinks who I am, to say such things."

"Let me tell you, I, Mori Kogoro, have accepted this commission!"

It took a long time for Yazi to realize that she was shown by this turning point.

There was a hint of a smile in his fox-like beautiful eyes, and he couldn't help but chuckled.

This great Maori detective is really interesting. Sure enough, the rumors in the world are true. There is no wave without wind!

She stood up straight and put a business card on the table: "Then I'll wait for the good news from the Maori detective."

After saying that, Yazi twisted her waist and walked towards the door, really graceful.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but said, "Miss Yazi, won't you pay the deposit first?"

Hearing this, Yazi couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and was quite speechless towards Kogoro Mori.

She turned around and blew a kiss to Kogoro Mori: "Mr. Mao Li should trust the credibility of our police, goodbye!" After saying that, Yazi turned and left, leaving only a scent of fragrance.

Mori Kogoro tapped his temple with his finger.

It seems that we have to put on a show and catch the 'gentleman', or let the robot put on a mask and act passionately.

At this moment, Xiaolan walked in with cheerful steps.

Its small nose wrinkled, as if it smelled a fragrance.

She couldn't help asking: "Dad, what happened just now, who entrusted you?"

Mori Kogoro replied casually: "People from the Metropolitan Police Department are asking to help find a phantom thief."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro picked up the business card, glanced at it and memorized the number.

With a snap of the fingers, the business card was thrown into the trash can.

Xiaolan walked to Kogoro Mouri's side, stepped over the office chair with her long legs, and sat in Kogoro Mouri's arms.

Mori Kogoro put his arms around his daughter's soft body.

Xiaolan's nose sniffed Mori Kogoro like a puppy. She didn't smell any other women's smell, so she nodded in satisfaction.

"Where's your mom?"

"Mom, she went to the prosecutor's office to help Aunt Kutiao with the case of Mariko Takeuchi."

"Mom just doesn't agree with what she says. She is obviously very concerned about Aunt Jiutiao's case, but she pretends to drop by."

"With the prosecution and the defense working together this time, the case can be concluded quickly!"

Kogoro Mori could only mourn for Mariko Takeuchi in silence.

What a poor courtesan, being targeted by these two top prosecutors and lawyers, I am afraid it is doomed.

Speaking of this, Xiaolan had a bright smile on her face, and she said flauntingly: "Dad, you don't know how good my acting skills are in the morning, and my mother was completely taken by me."

Kogoro Maoli then gently stretched out his index finger to fiddle with the tip of Xiaolan's nose, with a doting smile on his face: "You still said, if I hadn't woken you up in the morning, I'm afraid you would still be sleeping like a piggy You have to reveal it."

Xiaolan raised her head and kissed Mouri Kogoro's index finger with her pink lips, she was very cute.

She said coquettishly: "Who told you to be so comfortable last night, hum, it's all my father's fault."

Moli Kogoro reached out and patted Xiaolan's buttocks: "It's obvious that you girl is too crazy, and almost disrupted my plan."

Xiaolan's starry eyes lit up, and she said with a light smile, "Does daddy like me, a crazy girl?"

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly, did not speak, and directly proved it with actions.

With his big hands, he hugged Xiaolan, the soft thing pressed against his chest, and he kissed Xiaolan's pink lips in one breath.

Xiao Lansu's hand immediately went upstairs to Kogoro Mouri's neck, and opened her mouth to respond.

After a while, the two let go of each other.

Xiaolan's little face was already stained with a blush, very beautiful.

Her little head rested on Mori Kogoro's shoulders, facing the morning sun, her beautiful eyes were slightly squinted, with a look of happiness on her face.

Mori Kogoro grabbed her thigh with his big hands, protecting her from falling down.

"Dad, how did you do it? How did the coffee table, the carpet, and the dining table return to their original state?"

Mori Kogoro patted his buttocks lightly, and said, "Your father is a great detective. I'm a professional at destroying corpses and removing traces."

"Actually, the building next door is also my father's property, but it's all used as a storage room. All the furniture stored in it is the same as here at home. If it breaks, just replace it."

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