Before last night, the three-story building next door was not owned by Mori Kogoro.

He just had a thought, and there were robots one by one to do this.

The black-clothed robot first bought the same type of furniture that was destroyed overnight, and specially made some old ones.

There was furniture but no place to store it, so the black-clothed robot knocked on the door of the building next to it in the middle of the night and called the head of the household.

They bought the next three-story building at a price that the head of the household could not refuse.

The group of black-clothed robots, like gangsters, helped the head of the household move in a semi-forced manner, and found him a new residence.

When there was no one in the living room of Maori's house, everyone moved to the bedroom.

The robot directly replaced all the furniture destroyed by Mr. Mao Li by the war with good ones, and noticed the details of the dust, and restored them one by one.

The damaged furniture was directly transported away and thrown away.

As for the building next to it now, Mori Kogoro gave another order after waking up.

At the moment, the black-clothed robot is coming in and out, helping with the decoration.

Xiaolan looked surprised: "Wow, Dad, when you bought it, you didn't tell me."

Mori Kogoro rubbed his daughter's head with a smile, but did not answer.

But then Xiaolan rolled her eyes, put her mouth close to Mouri Kogoro's ear, and breathed lightly.

Her voice was like a seductive little wild cat, and she asked half-coquettishly, "Dad, who do you think is better, me or mom?"

Chapter 0106 daughter is so cute


Why is the girl's comparison heart so strong, she always compares herself with others.

Two days ago, Xiaolan asked her who is stronger, Xiao Ai, and now she is asking this again, and she is still compared with Yingli.

Mori Kogoro stretched out his hand and scratched Xiaolan's nose: "It took you so long last night, of course you are amazing!"

When Xiaolan heard this, she laughed in satisfaction, and Subai twirled her fingers around Mouri Kogoro's chest.

Her small face was slightly red, her big eyes were slightly narrowed, and she continued to ask: "Then dad, do you feel comfortable with mom? Or are you more comfortable with me?"

His big eyes stared into Kogoro Mori's pupils with a look of concern.

Mori Kogoro leaned his head over and began to describe it in a whisper.

Xiaolan's cheeks blushed suddenly: "Dad, you hate me to death!"

Seeing Xiaolan's blushing face, Mori Kogoro couldn't help kissing him a few more times.

My daughter is so cute, I can't kiss enough!

Xiaolan's body slid down, and she was about to do something bad.

Suddenly, familiar footsteps sounded, and Mori Kogoro patted Xiaolan's body to make him stand up.

Not long after, Conan appeared at the door with a bandage on his buttocks and a distraught face.

He has been busy all morning, but he has not found any clues.

All gone!All gone!

A fire burned down the Toya branch of the Self-Defense Forces, and Conan naturally found nothing.

Conan, who was in a daze, didn't notice the weirdness of the two in the office.

But Xiaolan looked at Conan with unkindness in her eyes, as if she was disturbed.

Suddenly Conan caught a glimpse of Mori Kogoro, his eyes lit up with hope.

When I was beaten up by Akai Shuichi last night, I seemed to hear a sentence in a daze, "That guy Moori Kogoro knows better than me!" '

Does Uncle Maori know what happened yesterday?

Kogoro Mori saw Conan walking in a strange posture, and asked with a smirk: "Conan, what's wrong with you, why are you not wearing pants and wrapped in bandages? Didn't you go to Dr. Ali's house? Could it be that the doctor treats you What did you do wrong?"

"How is it possible?" Conan quickly shook his head to retort.

Only then did he realize that he was not wearing pants, but just wrapped in bandages.

Although it was tightly wrapped, Conan caught a glimpse of Xiaolan's contemptuous eyes, couldn't help screaming, and then rushed back to his room.

Too shameful!

Conan managed to find a pair of pants, and put them on regardless of the swollen buttocks. The butt pocket was huge, like a clown.

As soon as the little ghost walked out of the room, he saw Mori Kogoro put down the phone.

Mori Kogoro stood up and said, "Shiliang asked me to treat her sister, and today is also the appointment time."

And Xiaolan raised her head to adjust the tie for Mori Kogoro, everything was so harmonious.

"Let me go there together. I didn't take a good look around last time. I heard that the hotel is very interesting."

"Well, let's go together then."

The two ignored the little devil and walked directly to the door.

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