Conan also wanted to ask about the dark organization last night, so he naturally licked his face and followed.

The Lexus drove all the way, and soon came to the Cup House Exclusive Hotel.

After Mao Li and his party got out of the car, Xiao Lan put her arms around Mo Li Kogoro's arm, not minding his proud chest rubbing back and forth against her father's arm.

As soon as the three of them entered the hotel, they heard a girl's voice full of energy coming from the waiting area in the lobby.

"Uncle, Xiaolan."

A figure flew over, and instantly wrapped his arms around Moori Kogoro's other arm.

This familiar feeling is naturally Yuanzi.

Xiaolan couldn't help being surprised and said, "Yuanzi, why are you here?"

Sonoko secretly sniffed the scent of Mori Kogoro, his face flushed slightly, he coughed twice and then pretended to be serious: "I happened to come to play with classmate Shiliang, and my legs were sore in the middle of the walk, so I took a rest here in the lobby. "

"How could it be such a coincidence that Uncle and Xiaolan also just appeared, so it's really a fate."

Conan, the little devil who was neglected, turned his dead fish eyes: This dead motherfucker, probably came here to block my uncle again.

"Really?" The corners of Xiaolan's eyes twitched, she also knew the temperament of her best friend very well.

Yuanzi always wanted to attack her father, but fortunately, his father was very firm and unwavering, so she never succeeded.

The sharp-eyed Yuanzi let go of his hand calmly, trying to change the subject: "Xiao Lan, this hotel has a great swimming pool, should we try it?"

"Ha ha!"

The four quickly took the elevator and came to room 3009.

Mori Kogoro rang the doorbell, and soon the door opened, and Sera Masumi called everyone in.

The room was much tidier than last time, but the sister-in-law was nowhere to be seen, presumably in the inner room.

"Hey, Conan is here too? What's going on? Why is your butt so big?"

Only then did Sonoko notice Conan's appearance, and couldn't help laughing: "I think this lecherous little devil should have lifted the skirt of some girl, and then was beaten up by someone who stripped off his pants, so he got into the current look. It looks like."

Conan blushed instantly: "That's not true, I just fell by myself."

Sonoko didn't believe it at all: "Liar, you can fall like this after a fall, you didn't swell so much when I whipped you with a broom, Conan, did you offend someone and was bullied by the campus? Huh? Tell my sister, she will help you decide! Hahaha~"

Conan finally understood that Sonoko was making fun of herself in a different way.

He turned his head angrily, not wanting to talk to Sonoko anymore.

But soon, Conan discovered that the folds under Sera's eyes were so similar to Akai Shuichi yesterday, and he couldn't help but mutter in his heart.

Then Shiliang Zhenchun turned his head to look at Mori Kogoro, and couldn't help asking curiously: "Uncle Mori, didn't you say that you had a commission yesterday? How is it? Did it go well?"

Mori Kogoro laughed softly, he heard the panting of the leading girl behind the door of the bedroom, and said, "It's going well, it's just a bunch of small fish, nothing worth mentioning!"

Small fish?

Lingmei and Shiliang Zhenchun raised their brows slightly: Detective Maoli's tone is too loud, and Gin and Jiu are just small fish.

In fact, to Mori Kogoro, they are indeed a group of miscellaneous fish.

But Conan came to his senses, and couldn't help asking: "Uncle, did you go to Kubado Park yesterday? Do you know the guy who has been broadcast live on the TV station and is wanted?"

"Conan, why are you asking this?"

"I'm curious, uncle, just tell me!" In desperation, the little ghost actually acted coquettishly, disgusting to death.

Mori Kogoro was not used to Conan, so he shut him up with an iron fist of justice.

Then he said calmly, "I know that guy, he's called Heisawa Zhen."

"However, his image is different from the pictures on the TV station. His hair was burned off, and his body was burnt extensively, with blisters all over his body. He probably won't be able to escape for a long time before he will be arrested!"

Chapter 0107 Check Your Body

The leading girl behind the bedroom door was surprised when she heard that the gin wine that seriously injured her five years ago had been messed up so badly, but she was extremely happy in her heart.

She has experienced the pursuit of Qin Jiu before, and knows how powerful it is.

Kogoro Mori in the living room pretended to mention it casually: "That guy is a little thief. He has a relatively good escape ability. He has escaped from me three or four times."

"That Kurosawa Zhen even transformed his body into a half-human, half-ghost. It's very bluffing, and he thought it was powerful, but in fact it's just a silver gun candle head, vulnerable to a single blow."

"Besides, he suffered such a serious injury and was hunted down by the police and gangsters. I'm afraid it won't be so easy for him to survive."

Conan also opened his mouth wide, with a look of disbelief on his face.

The nightmare that has always been in Uncle Maori's mouth is so vulnerable.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, Zhenchun, where is your sister?"

Shiliang Zhenchun seemed to wake up suddenly, and quickly said: "My sister is very shy, she ran to the bedroom when she saw so many people coming in."

"Uncle, are you going to start treatment?"

Mori Kogoro nodded: "Of course, her injury is very troublesome, and she needs to be treated three or four times. The sooner she is cured, the sooner she won't have to suffer."

"I'm going to treat her first, you stay outside."

Conan wanted to follow up and ask about the details of Gin, but was held back by Masumi Sera.

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