Looking at the bewildered collar girl, Kogoro Mori continued: "If you don't speak, it means you agree."

Then Mori Kogoro turned directly onto the bed, which startled the leading girl, and she immediately got up and wanted to escape.

But before climbing two more steps, Kogoro Mori grabbed his little foot and pulled him back again.For some reason, Mary just felt weak all over.

The strength of the comparable agent before could not be displayed at all, and the little loli was quickly suppressed and lay on the big bed.

Mori Kogoro smirked admiring Mary's shy little expression, feeling extremely relieved.

Sure enough, bullying this little loli is the most touching!

Soon after, Kogoro Mori's narration was heard in the room.

(More than [-] words are omitted here!)

On the other side, Xiaolan and his group walked out of the restaurant after finishing their Indian curry meal, and were walking back, while the hotel waiters walked back and forth along the way.

Conan couldn't help but said: "Those hotel waiters have been making noise, as if they were looking for something. It's been like this since before we ate."

Shiliang Zhenchun stepped forward curiously, and stopped a waiter: "What's the matter with you, what are you doing?"

The waiter said: "Did you see Miss Daji Yongmei, just now she drove everyone away from the swimming pool, put on her oxygen tank and diving suit to find something, and then she disappeared. It's like the world has evaporated."

"The manager and the secretary asked us to find the eldest lady, but we couldn't find it after searching for a long time."

Yuanzi couldn't help complaining: "That woman has such a bad personality, it's normal to be retaliated against, let's go, leave her alone, let's go back."

Originally, Conan and Sera Masumi were quite curious about this matter, but after hearing what Sonoko said, they went back together.

But in the corridor leading to the elevator, after the exit of the swimming pool, they heard the shouts of the waiters inside.

"Hey, why is there a shadow in the water?"

"Just checked ten minutes ago, there is no one at all, what's going on?"

Hearing the sound, Conan and Sera Masumi couldn't help but rushed in, and Xiaolan and Sonoko had no choice but to follow.

Just as Conan and Sera Masumi stood by the pool, Oki Hamaka, Sazuki Raito, and Toyoshima Ensaku all appeared after hearing the news.

Everyone fixed their eyes and saw that there was a figure in the middle of the swimming pool.

It looks like Daji Yongmei in a diving suit and an oxygen tank.

Zuo Mian Laito and Toyoshima Entsaku jumped into the water immediately, and after a while, one of them got up holding Daji Yongmei and the other holding an oxygen cylinder.

The water is not deep, only [-] meters, and the two of them walked up.

But in the middle of the walk, the hotel manager Toyoshima Entaku, who was holding the oxygen cylinder, couldn't help exclaiming, and couldn't help but staggered, and then a few wisps of blood surfaced.

"Be careful, there is glass in the ground!"

Zuo Juan Laidou nodded, walked forward cautiously, and soon carried Daji Yongmei to the shore.

Sera Masumi and Conan immediately approached, and seeing the purple face, they knew that Daji Yongmei was dead without feeling for a pulse.

Shiliang Zhenchun immediately ordered: "Xiao Lan, a case has happened, call the police."

Xiaolan nodded and started making phone calls.

Yuanzi said, "Then I'll call my uncle and tell him to come over."

Chapter 0110 Treat your mother to ice cream

On the other side, the little loli opened her mouth, holding the Big Mac ice cream in her small hand, gently scraping the big bright red strawberries on the ice cream with her small tongue, looking very delicious.

The lead girl's green pupils were filled with amorous feelings, and she glared at Mori Kogoro from time to time, making her body feel a little numb.

Mori Kogoro watched this scene with great interest, rubbing Mary's short blond hair lightly with his big hands, just admiring Mary's shy and flushed little face was very satisfying.

This is the mother of Sera Masumi and Akai Shuichi!

Looking at this docile little loli, Mori Kogoro told the story of yesterday.

"...Mary, are you kidding me? That group of criminal gangs all dressed in black, pretending to be inscrutable, and said that they were going to assassinate the congressman, but according to my investigation, there were countless people from other forces hiding inside. Undercover!"

"And those undercover agents didn't know each other's identities, and they didn't dare to reveal themselves, so they tried their best to disguise themselves. A group of people were acting, so it looked very funny."

Undercover? ? ?

Little Loli frowned slightly, licked the chocolate biscuit next to it, and then swallowed the big strawberry on top of the ice cream from above.

This scene is really eye-catching, Kogoro Mori couldn't help but take a breath, and then continued: "There are seven people in the assassination gang, but among these seven people, there are not only undercover agents from the United States, but also German undercover agents." Undercover agents, even MI[-] in Eagle Country."

Hearing this, little loli couldn't help but widen her eyes.

Kogoro Mori laughed lightly, and pinched Mary's little cheek: "Mary should like MI[-] agents very much, that's what the secret code said last time."

Looking at Kogoro Mori's playful eyes, the leading girl felt that she had been seen through and exposed.

She hastily spat out the big strawberry in her mouth, there was still a trace of crystal in the air, and the leader couldn't help asking: "What happened to the MI[-] agent?"

Mori Kogoro replied: "What is that guy's name, Toust? He was fine. He was slightly injured and ran away. That's right, Mary, you are from the Eagle Kingdom, so you are so concerned?"

"Where is it?"

"But Mary has to eat clean, otherwise uncle won't tell you stories!"

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