Hearing this, those beautiful green pupils couldn't help but glared at Kogoro Mori again, and then obediently held the ice cream and licked it.

Really, using this kind of coaxing tone again!

And this is too big, right? When will I eat it?

"So, there are so many undercover agents in the team, how can this operation be successful? I know this situation, so I joined hands with the FBI to make use of this group of guys with ulterior motives to make them fight each other, so that they can no longer do nothing. Just clean them up."

"Mary, you don't know, right? The bodyguard next to the congressman was mine. I let him shoot himself first, which messed up the scene. The group of terrorists had no choice but to retreat. Rush with the FBI."

"It's just that I didn't expect people in the FBI to be so useless. The net was opened, and those guys escaped."

Hearing that Mori Kogoro was such a skilled man to plot against the dark organization boldly, Mary couldn't help but admire a little more in her eyes.

At this moment, Mori Kogoro's cell phone rang.

He picked up the pants next to him sideways, took out his phone and connected it.

Yuanzi's voice sounded: "Uncle, where are you now? A murder happened on the [-]th floor above,"

"Let me tell."

Then Shiliang's pure voice sounded: "Uncle Maoli, the swimming pool here is only [-] meters deep, the water is very shallow, and then a woman drowned at the bottom, the situation is very strange, do you want to come up and take a look?"

Mori Kogoro glanced at Mary: "It seems that I can't go away, I still have to work for a while." Shiliang then asked: "Uncle, is my sister's treatment not over yet?"

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "The treatment is over, but Mary is very greedy. She won't let go of the ice cream. I'll go up after she finishes eating."

Hearing this, Shi Liang was a little confused.

My mother is not a real little girl, how could she love to eat ice cream? Could it be because she is addicted to acting as a child?

"Okay, Shiliang, you are also a high school detective. You should investigate the scene first, and go over after your sister finishes eating, or you can take a picture of the scene and send it to me."

Hearing Kogoro Mori explaining this to his daughter, the little loli underneath was speechless, couldn't help but rolled her eyes, and patted Kogoro Mori's body with her little hands.

This guy is really necrotic!

Sera Masumi by the swimming pool above heard that the phone was hung up, didn't think much, returned the phone to Sonoko, and started to search for the body.

And Conan the Kid was already squatting next to the corpse.

Finally, a case happened, and his nerves were completely excited.

As for the manager who had just been injured, Toyoshima Yence took care of the injury on the seat next to him, and quickly bandaged the sole of his right foot.

Not long after, Miwako Sato led the team, and his deputy was Officer Osa.

She has been in the police department for a while, and now she has adapted very well, and does not need to be accompanied by other police departments.

Miwako's eyes lit up when she saw Xiaolan: "Hey, Xiaolan, Conan, why are you here? Where is Kogoro?"

His gaze then scanned the surrounding area, wanting to see where Kogoro Mori was.

Xiaolan then said, "Dad is also in this hotel, so I should eat at the restaurant downstairs now, but my classmate is very good, named Shiliang Zhenchun, and she is also a detective. Dad just entrusted her to help with the investigation."

When Shiliang Zhenchun heard Xiaolan praise himself so much, he touched his head and smiled sheepishly.

Knowing that Mori Kogoro was not here, Miwako focused on the case and ordered her subordinates to investigate and inquire.

After questioning the people present, Miwako held her chin and said, "So, it's because Ms. Yongmei lost a valuable diamond necklace, so she dispersed everyone in the swimming pool, and then searched in the swimming pool by herself."

"Before her necklace was lost, three people just applied sunscreen to her, namely, her fiancé Mr. Samoki, her younger sister Miss Hamaka, and her manager Mr. Toyoshima."

"In other words, the three of you may steal her necklace by hand."

Zuo Juan Laidou, with curly hair and thick eyebrows, couldn't help but said, "How can you, a police officer, say that? How could we steal Yongmei's things?"

Miwako swung her small blue suit from side to side, with her hands on her hips, revealing the polished pistol at her waist, and she spontaneously said, "Why, it's just a hypothesis. Is the reaction so big?"

Hearing this obvious threatening tone, Zuo Juanlaidou instantly shrank back: "Don't dare, dare not."

Seeing this scene, Sonoko put his arms around Xiaolan with a chuckle and said, "Officer Sato handles the case very coolly. He is quick and resolute, much better than that fat police officer."

Xiaolan smiled: Of course, Officer Sato is also father's woman, so of course she is very powerful.

The investigation and questioning in the upper swimming pool continued, while Mori Kogoro at the bottom gently snatched the ice cream from Mary's mouth.

He said softly, "Mary, stop for a moment, next uncle will treat you to a new dish, bread and ham sausage salad!"

Little Lolita stared blankly at this scene, and didn't react until she saw Moori Kogoro's movements.

Chapter 0111 big pervert even more

This big pervert said it so nicely, the leading girl really thought that he had discovered his conscience and was going to take her to dinner, but she didn't expect it to be even more excessive, and it was too H to be upgraded to give him a fierce push.

The collar girl's face was blushing, and her mood was very complicated.

Damn it, big pervert, he is clearly a pedophile!

How can a body that is only twelve or thirteen years old serve him.

Phew, I can really figure it out.

Even though the leading girl's real age was older than Mori Kogoro, she still couldn't accept it, and couldn't help saying weakly: "Uncle, there are cases happening above, you are a detective, don't you want to investigate? "

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, leaned down and kissed the collar girl's forehead, rubbed her body: "That's not important, uncle wants to play games with Mary, and besides, your sister Shira should be able to handle it. "

After finishing speaking, Mori Kogoro started to act, just as the little Lolita wanted to refuse, but his limp body couldn't obey at all, and he couldn't use half of his strength, so he could only watch this scene happen.

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