And what surprised the little loli even more was that this matter could be carried out together with the bite, it was simply a talent!

And by the indoor swimming pool above, Miwako narrowed her purple eyes slightly, crossed her arms and said, "Well, I have a question, since you are all close friends of the deceased, why did you leave her here alone to find the necklace instead of How about helping her find it together?"

The deceased's younger sister Hamami explained: "In fact, the three of us helped my sister find it at the beginning, but my sister has a very temper."

"During swimming, she bumped into me and the manager. She thought we were in the way and asked us to leave the pool. She wanted to find the necklace quietly by herself, so we all walked away. How could such an accident happen? "

And Shiliang Zhenchun next to him couldn't help but said: "When we came to the swimming pool just now, we happened to hear Ms. Yongmei scolding her fiancé for having an affair with her younger sister, and also said that Manager Toyoshima gave them a room for a tryst."

"Miss Yongmei also said that she would tell her father, President Daji, about this matter. If this is the case, there will be a motive for killing!"

Hearing this, Zuo Juan Laidou, Oji Hamaka, and Toyoshima Ence became anxious.

The three of them scrambled to defend each other with each other.

The fiancé Zuo Juan took the lead to speak: "It's not what you think, Hamami and I have no affair at all, it's Yongmei's own wild imagination."

The younger sister Hamami interjected: "Actually, today is my sister's birthday, and we are planning to celebrate her birthday secretly."

And Manager Toyoshima sighed: "It was the second lady who entrusted me to prepare the viewing room that the eldest lady likes so much, and they will arrange the birthday party inside."

The fiancé Zuo Juan went on to say: "This is a surprise specially prepared for Yongmei. Hamami and I dare not tell her, but I didn't expect her to follow secretly and found out."

The younger sister, Hamami, also sighed: "My sister really liked the room where you can watch the fireworks, and there was an incident where the guests in this room were chased out. I thought she would like this surprise, but I didn't expect to do it kindly." bad thing."

The kid on the side nodded with his chin resting on his head.

The three explained the matter alternately, which means they did not lie about it.

However, Conan remembered the sole of the foot that Manager Toyoshima stepped on just now, so he couldn't help but said: "Officer Sato, there seems to be broken glass under the swimming pool. Mr. Manager stepped on it when he went down just now."

Hearing this information, Miwako said, "Master, drain the pool water."

"Hi!" The subordinate next to him immediately went to do it.Not long after, all the water in the swimming pool was released.

There was a spot at the bottom of the edge of the pool full of broken glass.

Because the hotel's indoor swimming pool has just been renovated and opened, the bottom of the pool is not dirty and there are not too many sundries.

Miwako entered the swimming pool and began to observe the broken glass: "Well, it's broken like this, I don't know what it is unless you put it together."

Shiliang then said: "This is a glass sink, you can see that there are eight corners inside, it must look like a sink when put together."

At this time, the forensic officer on the side came forward: "Officer Sato, we found this string of fishing lines at the drain. It is [-] meters long."

Miwako nodded calmly: "The fishing line and the sink, it seems that this matter is not that simple, please search the bottom of the swimming pool carefully for me."

"As for the others, go to the front desk at the exit with me. Isn't there a reception lady? Ask when you all come in and out."

After saying that, Miwako climbed onto the swimming pool and led a group of people outside.

It's just that as soon as she passed Xiaolan's side, she couldn't help asking in a low voice: "Xiaolan, when will your father arrive? I'm getting a little overwhelmed thinking about this case."

Xiaolan couldn't help but chuckled: "Officer Sato seems to be very good at solving crimes, why did you ask my father to come here?"

"Nonsense, there is a great detective here, why should I use my own brains."

"Really, he is too slow. When he comes, I will definitely show him."

Xiaolan shook her head, manipulated the mobile phone in her hand, and sent the photos of the scene to Kogoro Mori.

On the other side, Mori Kogoro was always strong, so he couldn't be in a hurry!

Soon, everyone came to the front desk.

Because after the guests from the indoor swimming pool were invited out, only a few people entered and exited the swimming pool, and the lady at the front desk remembered it very clearly.

"Because there is only this exit for the indoor swimming pool, after the manager's order was issued, I watched the exit very carefully."

"I remember that shortly after all the guests left, the manager, Miss Er, and Mr. Zuo Juan came out together at 10:05."

"Afterwards, Manager Toyoshima entered the pool alone first, followed by Mr. Zuo Juan, and finally Miss Er. All three of them entered the indoor swimming pool alone."

"Boss Toshima and Mr. Zuo Juan, I don't know the exact time to enter."

"But the last second lady came in and out at 10:57, and she came out to ask me the exact time."

"Second Miss confirmed with me that the eldest lady hadn't come out, so she immediately asked me to notify the manager and Mr. Zuo Juan, and then everyone started to go inside to look for the eldest lady, but they couldn't find it after searching for a long time, so they dispersed to each hotel. searched everywhere."

"Well, at the end, Manager Toshima took two waiters into the indoor swimming pool to look for it. Not long after, someone said that there seemed to be someone in the water."

"After hearing this, the girls and children standing at the door also rushed in, and then others followed suit, probably like this."

Chapter 0112 Feed Little Lolita

In the room below, the little loli is still waiting to be fed.

The bright red ham sausage, wrapped with two pieces of white bread on the left and right, was sent into the mouth of the little loli with Kogoro Mori's movements.

The immobile little loli opened her mouth wide, her blue eyes focused on the things in front of her, her little tongue was still sticking out, as if she wanted to roll the sausage in!

But Mori Kogoro's bad taste broke out, and he began to tease this little loli.

Relying on his extraordinary reflexes, he tapped the ham sausage on little Lolita's little pink tongue, and the leading girl had just tasted it, and then pulled it back before her lips closed.

Probe in again, pull out again, poke in again...and so on and on.

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