Sometimes even the leading girl bites, and he pulls it out, and there is a trace of crystal hanging on it, that picture is really a bit lewd.

Little Lolita got annoyed, and glared at Kogoro Mori with blue eyes, and said, "Are you going to feed me or not?"

"Yes, of course, don't worry, little Mary."

Mori Kogoro stretched out his hands and squeezed the two pieces of soft bread on the left and right, and then delivered the delicacy to the collar girl's mouth.

The sister-in-law bit her mouth viciously, she didn't know that Kogoro Moori was deliberately playing with herself, so her green eyes glared at Kogoro Moori fiercely, her face full of reluctance.

Little Lolita became aloof and arrogant again, but obediently ate the food fed by Mori Kogoro, such a contrast, this scene was enjoyable to watch.

But soon, the lead girl's green eyes widened, as if something had happened, the sweet salad dressing burst out, and it was all over her mouth, the stunned little loli couldn't believe it.

Her eyes instantly turned red, and her throat wriggled uncontrollably, as if she was very uncomfortable and wanted to cough.

The sister-in-law quickly spit out the contents of her mouth, and the milky white sauce oozed from the corner of her mouth.

Unexpectedly, the small hand was not in the right position, and the salad dressing sprayed out from here hadn't stopped, and it instantly smeared her face.

"Cough! Cough!"

Little Lolita opened her mouth, and her mouth was full of salad dressing, which choked her and coughed uncontrollably.

This is naturally the handwriting of Mori Kogoro, who just squeezed the two pieces of soft white bread on the left and right.

The leading girl coughed a few times and finally recovered, half-closed her eyes, patted Mori Kogoro and said, "Why are there so many?"

Mori Kogoro said with a smirk: "Uncle specially made this for you, Mary. Of course it's a lot of weight. Didn't everyone say it's bread and ham sausage salad?"

Then Mori Kogoro stretched out his index finger, and stroked the salad dressing that had covered the face of the collared girl into her mouth, and then said: "And this is a special ingredient, it's very nourishing, little Mary wants to eat it all!"

The leading girl opened her clean left eye and glared at Mori Kogoro, but her little mouth swallowed obediently. That scene was really interesting.

The vicious Kogoro Mouri picked up his phone and directly took a close-up photo of the collar girl's little face, which he should keep as a collection.

If this photo was given to Shuichi Akai, maybe that guy would go crazy right away.

After finally feeding the legal loli and licking it clean, Mori Kogoro reached out to hold her armpits, picked her up, and walked to the bathroom.

"It's all eaten like a little cat, it seems that uncle has to wash it for you."

"I can do it myself, so I don't need you, let me down quickly."

'Clap clap clap! '

There was a sound of slapping buttocks, accompanied by a cry of "Objection is invalid!" Little Lolita fell silent.

On the other side, Miwako Sato began to question the three suspects again after listening to the front desk lady.

Because only the three of them had entered the indoor swimming pool alone between ten and eleven in the morning when the incident occurred, the suspects were locked on the three of them.

Miwako asked them one by one what they were doing in the swimming pool.

Manager Toyoshima said, "I can't remember the time I went in. I wanted to ask Missy if I need to call a few more people to help find her, but I didn't see Missy inside."

"I thought she was going to the toilet, so I waited for a while, but she still didn't show up in the end, so I left."

His fiancé Zuo Juan Laidou followed suit and said, "Hey, I am the same. I wanted to help Yongmei find her, but she was not here. I thought she had left, so I followed."

Hearing this, Mei Hezi raised her eyebrows slightly, this behavior of following other people's testimony is very suspicious.

And his younger sister, Daji Binxiang, said: "I came to find my sister for dinner. We made an appointment for lunch at eleven o'clock, but I didn't see my sister when I came to the swimming pool, so I ran out to ask the lady at the front desk."

"But the lady at the front desk told me that my sister never came out, so I felt something was wrong."

"I immediately informed the manager and Zuo Juan that they searched together. A group of people searched in the swimming pool, toilets, and showers, but they didn't find my sister. Later, we left the swimming pool and searched outside the hotel."

Sera Masumi nodded, and turned to ask the two waiters next to him: "Then why did you two suddenly look for the swimming pool, didn't you both look for it once?"

One of the waiters said: "Because I have a bad feeling, and I seem to have heard something, like a 'grunt'."

Hearing this, Sera Masumi and Conan frowned, and immediately ran towards the swimming pool.

Yuanzi couldn't help complaining: "What's the matter with the two of them, why did they run in again?"

Sera Masumi and Conan jumped directly to the bottom of the swimming pool, and began to observe the wall of the swimming pool. The screws on the iron net at the water outlet were loosened and protruded a little.

And right above the iron net, there was a metal hook on the wall very close to the shore. Seeing this scene, both Sera Masumi and Conan had smiles on their faces.

They know how it works!

The two turned around and walked to the front desk, planning to ask Police Officer Sato to cooperate and reenact the case.

But the two of them were in a daze as soon as they arrived at the front desk.

Miwako held the phone in her hand, and the phone was ringing outside.

Officer Dazuo put handcuffs on the Toyoshima manager, as if he had already caught the murderer.

Manager Toyoshima happened to be the real murderer in Sera Masumi and Conan's heart.

Sera Masumi and Conan looked at each other: What's going on?

I only heard Kogoro Mori's voice coming from the phone, accompanied by the sound of water flowing inside.

"I just sent the information. According to my investigation, Manager Toshima has a younger sister."

"His sister, brother-in-law and nephew's family were hit and killed by Daji Yongmei's car, so Manager Toyoshima avenged his sister's family. This was his motive for killing."

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