"This is the end of the matter, Miss Police Officer, I plead guilty, and I killed Daji Yongmei."

Toyoshima Entaku had a look of relief on his face.

Zuozaki Laito frowned: "Mr. Toyoshima, did you really kill Yongmei for your sister's family?"

There was a wry smile on the corner of Toyoshima Yence's mouth: "Yes, I have been working as a manager in the hotel just to wait for this opportunity."

"Because I know that Daji Yongmei will definitely come to this hotel again."

"Finally let me take revenge today, my sister's family must be happy in heaven!"

Toyoshima Ensaku raised his head, and muddy tears slid down his face.

Chapter 0114 pedophilia is not too serious

Hearing that the criminals on the other end of the phone had confessed their crimes, Kogoro Mori hung up the phone, picked up the shower head, turned on the hot water, covered little Lolita's body with his big fiery hands, and began to scrub.

The white foam gradually flowed down with the water, and after a short while, a brand new little loli appeared in front of Mori Kogoro.

The plain body seems to be shiny and flowing, rosy, blond, delicate like a doll, fresh and tender like a peach, almost has the urge to bite into it.

Looking at Little Lolita's white and clean face, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but go up to take a sip.

The leading girl's face flushed red, but she didn't have the slightest intention of resisting.

Then Mori Kogoro picked up the soft and short loli, stepped over the bathtub, and the two sat together in the hot water in the bathtub.

The temperature of the hot water was just right, and Mori Kogoro had a look of enjoyment on his face, and he lowered his head and asked softly, "Mary, are you comfortable?"

The leading girl glanced at Mori Kogoro, her breathing was a bit heavy, she whispered: "ki, kimoji!"

After saying that, he turned his little head to the side, not daring to look at Kogoro Mori anymore, he was ashamed!

[I'm really crazy, I have three children, and I'm still pretending to be a child in a man's arms!I must be crazy! 】

Mori Kogoro smirked, pulled the little loli into his arms, let her little butt sit on his lap, then gently inserted a toothbrush into her small mouth, and began to brush her teeth.

The sister-in-law suddenly felt very embarrassed, and wanted to grab the toothbrush to rinse her mouth by herself, but was grabbed by Mori Kogoro a few times, and immediately gasped for breath, and then calmed down.

Mori Kogoro gently brushed the teeth and mouth of the little loli in his arms, and after taking a bath, he carried her out, took the white towel and gently wiped her body, and even took the hair dryer to blow Dry hair, short blonde hair becomes dry and fluffy again.

Afterwards, he carried the little loli to the bedroom, picked out a new set of clothes for her, put on underwear, a white dress, and matched it with a light yellow round hat, and a little British loli appeared in front of the mirror up.

Looking at herself in the mirror, the sister-in-law was a little confused!

She can feel that Mori Kogoro is taking care of herself like a daughter, and everything is so natural and harmonious, which makes people a little fascinated and doesn't want to leave!

[Strange, I obviously wanted to resist many times, but my hands and feet seemed to be uncontrollable, and I couldn't raise my strength at all.

When did this start?

Well, it started when Mori Kogoro used qigong to heal my wounds two hours ago, yes, after the cool qigong poured into my body from my chest, everything went wrong!

This bad guy must have done something secretly, that's why I can't control my body, yes, it must be like this, it's not that I don't want to move!

After the treatment was over, that bad guy started to push his feet, touching it for so long was not enough, and he still asked me to play those games with him, what a super-h pervert!

By the way, he also took advantage of my curiosity of wanting to know the affairs of that organization, coaxing me to bite him and push me back. This is really despicable and hateful!

Fortunately, he wasn't so crazy, he really pushed me down, um, it's a pity!Cough cough, no, no, his pedophilia is not too serious, and it can be saved.

snort!What kind of doctor's parental heart is clearly taking the opportunity to be a hooligan!

Just wait, when I regain my strength, I must teach him a good lesson and beat him up, just wait for me! 】

"Wow, Mary dressed like this is so cute, come on, give uncle a kiss."

Mori Kogoro leaned his head forward, staring at the little loli with warm eyes.

The leading girl hesitated for a while, then raised her head obediently, and gently kissed Kogoro Mouri on the lips.

【Humph!Your body doesn't work anymore, I'm paralyzing you, yes, I'm paralyzing you, don't think I'll let you go, hey, how come the more intimate you are, the more comfortable you are?Oxygen depletion again...] Seeing the little loli in front of him so obedient, Mori Kogoro felt very satisfied, and his painstaking efforts in training all morning were not in vain.

He glanced at Mary's favorability in the system, and it had reached 89 points.

Sure enough, in close contact, the speed of increasing favorability is like a rocket.

After a few minutes of intense kissing, Mori Kogoro put the little loli down.

Then he took little Lolita's soft hand, walked out of the room, and walked towards the indoor swimming pool above.

Soon Mori Kogoro came to the indoor swimming pool on the [-]th floor.

The prisoner has been taken away, and the rest have been taken to the Metropolitan Police Department to assist in the investigation. The police officers are doing some finishing work.

Mei Hezi hasn't left yet, she is chatting with Xiaolan and the others.

Seeing Shiliang Zhenchun from a distance, the leading girl suddenly appeared with the strength that she had hidden somewhere just now, and she directly shook off Kogoro Mori's big hand, and instantly returned to a high-cold posture.

In front of her daughter, little Lolita still wants to maintain her mother's posture.

When Shiliang Zhenchun saw them appear, he said with concern: "Uncle Maori, it took so long this time, how is the treatment effect?"

"The effect is very good. If there are two more times, the little guy should be able to recover, and he will not cough again in the future!"

Mori Kogoro rubbed the little head of the collar girl, and the little loli was no longer docile, and turned around coldly, completely different from the appearance in the room just now.

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