Mori Kogoro couldn't help laughing secretly when he saw this scene, but he still understood the mood of the lead girl, so he saved some face for her in front of Sera Makoto, and didn't show too close.

And Miwako on the side couldn't help but said: "Xiao Goro, when did you change your job to become a doctor and treat such a cute little girl, hey, is this a foreigner?"

Mori Kogoro blinked at Miwako: "I'm amazing, don't you know Miwako well?"

Miwako was also very familiar with his miraculous healing technique, so she chuckled lightly.

"Okay, I know you're great, and if I don't get poor with you, it's almost time for me to withdraw from the team. Don't forget what we agreed on."

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Of course I won't forget."

What the two of them said was about Yumi. We made an appointment to go to Yumi's house tomorrow afternoon to help her clean. Yumi not only called Mori Kogoro, Miwako, and Teacher Chengzi.

Miwako, who had reminded him, greeted all her subordinates: "Close the team." All the police officers followed and left.

Sonoko immediately leaned over and asked curiously, "Uncle, what is Officer Sato talking about?"

"It's nothing, it's just a case, okay, everyone, don't stay up there, let's go down."

And Conan, the little devil, kept staring at the leading girl, so that the leading girl became more vigilant.

This was the first time he had seen this girl, and apart from an inexplicable sense of familiarity, he also recognized the collar girl's eye folds, which were exactly the same as that of Hideyoshi Akai who beat him up yesterday.

Conan immediately deduced: It must be true, Shira Masumi and her sister must have something to do with that drunk violent man, that guy hates uncle so much, the two of them must have some kind of conspiracy!

Chapter 0115 Cohabitation in Progress

Mao Li and his party walked to the room below, and the waiters looked at them rather strangely along the way.

Shiliang Zhenchun said with some distress: "It seems that we have to change the hotel. We just got the hotel manager into the police station. These waiters will definitely blame us."

On the other hand, Yuanzi asked curiously: "Shiliang, you and your sister have been living in a hotel, is your family rich?"

Shiliang Zhenchun touched the back of his head and smiled heartily: "It's either rich, or my father has a very powerful friend who has been supporting us, so we can barely maintain it."

"There's nothing we can do about it. We didn't buy a house here at all, who told us that houses in Tokyo are so expensive."

At this time, Kogoro Mori said, "Do Shiliang and Mary still need to find a new place to live? It sounds very troublesome, so why don't you move in and be my neighbor? I can give you the second floor of the building next to my house." live?"

"Because it is a property I just purchased, I originally wanted to open up the two buildings and connect them together to expand the living environment."

"However, if Shiliang and Mary have no place to live, they can live with me first, which will also benefit Mary's treatment in the future."

Hearing this, Little Devil Conan was completely dumbfounded!

what's the situation?

When did uncle buy the building next to him? Didn't he just see the otaku next to him the day before yesterday still living there?

What's happening here?

And the eyes of the little girl who was hiding behind Shiliang lit up.

She was really drowsy and gave her a pillow. Originally, the little loli lead girl was still thinking of using some excuse to defect to Kogoro Mori, or she wanted to move directly to the office next time, but Kogoro Mori actually invited her. It went so smoothly. Alright.

The leading girl immediately grabbed her daughter's soft waist, and said in a low voice but eagerly: "Promise."

Shiliang Zhenchun was stunned for a moment, and after realizing it, he chuckled lightly: "How embarrassing is this..."

She took Kogoro Maoli's big hand: "Uncle Maoli, it's a deal, we will move in after we clean up."

When Yuanzi heard this, he almost couldn't breathe, and tears flowed from his heart!

How could this be?

I've been chasing my uncle for half a year, but I didn't get anything. Now this flat little Shiliang and her sister with big breasts live next to my uncle!

How can this be?I don't agree!

Sonoko's soft body immediately leaned against Mori Kogoro, and made a weeping look: "Uncle Maoli, in fact, today I made my mother angry. My mother has already said that she doesn't recognize me as a daughter, and she wants to cut off from me." mother-daughter relationship."

"Now I am homeless, Uncle Maori, can you take me in?"

"I'm well fed. Just give me something to eat, and let me sleep on the floor of my uncle's room."

Watching Sonoko perform like this, Conan couldn't help rolling his eyes.

And little Loli Marie had a sneer on her face.

Xiaolan raised her brows, her big eyes narrowed slightly, and a flash of danger flashed across her face. She chuckled lightly: "Yuanzi, have you really fallen out with your mother?"

Saying this, Xiaolan's small hand directly pinched her best friend's buttocks, exerted a little bit of strange force, and twisted.

pain!Pain pain! ! !

Yuanzi's small face twitched immediately, and the tone of the conversation reversed instantly: "Wow, wow, how is it possible? I was just joking. My mother just sent me a text message to apologize. I must have gone back to my home, haha. Ha ha!"

Seeing that the tears in Sonoko's eyes were about to flow down, Xiaolan withdrew her little hand, and put her arms around Mori Kogoro's arm, making that arm tightly sink into her soft chest.

And Kogoro Moori saw Sonoko's pitiful appearance, anyway, he, Xiaolan, and Sonoko walked behind, so no one else would see him.

His big hands gently grabbed Yuanzi's buttocks, rubbed them, and the healing technique was cast.Yuanzi suddenly felt a warm energy pouring into his injured area, and the pain disappeared instantly.

She realized who this hand belonged to, her little face flushed with a 'bang', and secret joy appeared in her eyes.

Uncle, he was moved by me, is he responding to my heart now?

So happy!

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