The corners of Sonoko's mouth couldn't stop rising. She made up countless things in her brain, and her body became a little weak. With this movement, she even thought of the name of the child born with Mori Kogoro in the future.

It wasn't until everyone came to Shiliang Zhenchun's room 3009, Yuanzi who seemed to have drank a few catties of old wine, finally came to her senses, the big hand had been retracted, and she felt a little lost!

Mori Kogoro looked at the time, and it was almost one o'clock in the afternoon, so he said, "I have to go to the airport to pick up someone, Shiliang, Mary, when you move over, just call me."

Sera Masumi and Little Loli Marie nodded.

Mori Kogoro, Xiaolan, Sonoko, and Conan all left the hotel.

In the Lexus car, Conan finally couldn't help asking: "Uncle, did you catch those bad guys from yesterday?"

Looking at the unstoppable eyes of this little devil, if you don't tell him, it will be annoying.

Kogoro Maoli raised his eyebrows, and said, "If you meet a pig teammate, you will catch one, and they will let the rest go."

"I remember that captive guy was sent to Kubado Central Hospital, eh, no, what are you talking about these things."

Hearing the key information, Conan's eyes lit up.

Seeing that Mori Kogoro refused to reveal too much information, he clamored to get off at the intersection.

"Uncle Maori, stop now, I'm going to Dr. Ali, please let me down."

Mori Kogoro stopped the car pretending to be helpless, punched Conan on the head, and then let the little devil get out of the car.

Seeing Conan trotting away impatiently, Mori Kogoro was also in a good mood, and finally threw off the dog skin plaster, and led him to Akai Shuichi.

I hope that the little devil will not be beaten again this time!

And Xiaolan in the back seat couldn't help asking: "Dad, who are we going to pick up at the airport?"

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Keep secret, but you know Xiaolan, you will be very surprised when you see her later."

Yuanzi couldn't help asking, "Uncle, do I know you?"

"Well, you know it, or you don't know it, ha ha."

Seeing Kogoro Mori playing riddles, the two girls looked at each other and stopped asking.

Anyway, the airport will be here soon, and everyone can be seen soon.

Not long after, the Lexus parked at the airport parking lot, and a group of three walked to the pick-up area.

A gorgeously dressed, slim girl was already waiting at the door, with large and small suitcases of luggage beside her.

When the girl saw Mori Kogoro, a bright smile appeared on her small face, she picked up the hem of the white skirt, and trotted up.

In front of everyone, she jumped directly into Kogoro Mouri's arms, wrapping her long legs around his waist.

Chapter 0116 about to blacken the daughter

This is Queen Mira who has just returned to China. Wearing a white dress, she doesn't care about her image at all. She hangs on Mori Kogoro like a koala.

Mira greedily sniffed the scent of Kogoro Mori, rubbed her white face against Kogoro Mori's cheek, her eyes flashed with joy, and her beautiful little face was full of happy smiles.

"Mori-kun, I miss you so much."

Mori Kogoro also had a smile on his face, stretched out his hand to lift Mira's body, and gently patted his soft back with the other hand, soothing Mira's pain of missing.

And Yuanzi stared at the scene in front of him in a daze, his eyes wandered between Xiaolan and Mira: "My God, why are there two Xiaolans?"

When Mira came to Japan last time, Sonoko hadn't seen her before.

So when she saw this woman who looked exactly like Xiaolan, and even had the same hairstyle, Yuanzi was a little confused.

And Xiaolan raised her brows, and she immediately understood, her beautiful eyes glared at Kogoro Mouri: Damn it, Dad was only with this woman for a few days last time, and he actually took her down, good, good Very!

Fortunately, Mira has the influence of attention, and soon got off Mouri Kogoro, and turned to say hello to Xiaolan.

Xiaolan introduced her best friend garden to her.

And Yuanzi looked at the two girls who were like mirror images in front of him, couldn't help covering his forehead, and asked instead: "Uncle, is this your illegitimate daughter living outside? How can it be so similar to Xiaolan?"

"Don't talk nonsense, this is Queen Mira of the Kingdom of Visbania. Although we look alike, we are not related by blood."

Mira laughed softly: "Don't call me Queen, just call me Mira from now on."

"Next, I will settle down in Japan. I have already arranged it. I will go to the same school as you, Xiaolan, and experience Japanese high school life."


Xiaolan's face was filled with astonishment immediately: Dad actually abducted her to China!

Yuanzi asked curiously, "In that case, what about your country's state affairs?"

Mira chuckled and said, "I have a puppet!"

The corner of Yuanzi's mouth twitched, there is no need to say so blatantly if there is a puppet.

"And there are many powerful ministers to help with state affairs, so don't worry at all."

"From now on, I will live with Mori-kun, please give me your advice!"

After saying this, Mira stretched out her arms and put her arms around Mori Kogoro's.

Yuanzi felt overwhelmed again in an instant, another woman was going to rely on her uncle Mao Li.

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