"Hey, no, even if you are Mira, you can't jump into Uncle's arms and kiss Uncle."

"I, I, I tell you, Uncle, he, he is mine," Sonoko was shy again, speaking in a softer voice.

At this moment, Mira, who was wearing a white dress, also opened the door and came in. She couldn't help but asked, "Maori-kun, Xiaolan, Yuanzi, why are you all running away here, and why don't you accompany me to see what's in the room?" Areas for improvement?"

This tone of voice, this walking pace, this noble temperament, it is clear that the woman who came in is Queen Mira.

Sonoko's eyes widened instantly, and his whole body was confused.

What exactly is going on?

Yuanzi's head swung back and forth on Xiaolan and Mira's body, and finally came to his senses. He grabbed Xiaolan's little hand with great momentum and precision, and rushed towards Xiaolan's room.

The bedroom door slammed shut!

Mira was suddenly full of doubts, and frowned, looking at Mouri Kogoro with water green eyes: "What's going on?"

Mori Kogoro stepped forward and put his arms around Mila's soft shoulders, and said with a smile, "Leave them alone about their private affairs. I'll show you around your residence."

Hearing this, Mira also smiled, nodded obediently, and walked to the next room with Mori Kogoro.

As soon as she entered the adjacent suite, Mira's calf, which was wearing white high-heeled shoes, hooked and closed the door.

"Maori-kun, let's go to the bedroom first, whether the sleeping place is comfortable or not is very important!"

On the other side, Shuichi Akai, who had just woken up from a hangover, had just driven to Kubado Central Hospital. He had just bought a can of coffee from a vending machine when he received a call from Mary.

'puff! ! ! '

A sip of coffee is ejected directly from its mouth.

Akai Hideichi was stunned: "What, you said that you and your sister are going to live with Mori, no, I absolutely agree with this matter."

The leading girl at the other end was sitting on the sofa, with her short legs swaying gently on the tea table, with a happy expression on her face: "It's not Maori's house, it's next door to his house."

Akai Shuichi pinched the coffee can in his hand and deformed it, and the veins on his forehead kept jumping up: "What's the difference between that and living in his house? This matter is definitely not allowed, that guy, that guy..."

Little Loli raised her eyebrows: "What is that guy? He's a Maori detective. Give him enough respect. Xiuyi, why are you acting like you've taken gunpowder?"

"And mom is not discussing with you, but to inform you that I have already decided this matter with Shiliang. According to these few contacts, Detective Maori is a very powerful and trustworthy person."

"With his protection, things will go much smoother in the future. You don't have to worry about me and your sister. You can take care of yourself."


"No, but, well, I know you won't disclose the information of that organization to me, so I won't ask any more questions. Next, I have to pack my luggage and prepare to move, so let's do it first."

Hearing the sound of the phone being hung up, Akai Shuichi frantically grabbed the knit cap off his head, with a look of rage.

Mori Kogoro has almost become his nightmare.

【This guy not only pried away Judy and Mingmei from him, and made himself wear two green hats; he also poured some kind of ecstasy soup on his mother and sister to gain their trust.

Both their mother and daughter are going to seek refuge with Mori Kogoro, which is intolerable! 】

The enraged Akai Hideichi had a ferocious expression on his face, and people who passed by in the corridor dared not approach him for fear of causing trouble.

But soon, Akai Hideichi heard the familiar Zheng Taiyin from the direction of the front desk.

He opened his green eyes slightly, turned his head, and saw a familiar little ghost, trying to pretend to be a real voice, asking the nurse at the front desk of the hospital.

A sly smile appeared on Akai Shuichi's face immediately.

On the other side, in the Cupido Exclusive Hotel, the little loli leader put down her phone, and saw her daughter Shira Masumi's strange eyes.

"Well, what happened?"

Shiliang couldn't help but asked: "Mom, can you tell me why after Detective Maori treated you, you changed all your clothes, even your underwear?"

"And I bought this dress for you, but you never wear it. You only wear pants and a top on weekdays."

Then Shiliang came up and smelled the little Lolita's blond hair, which still smelled of shampoo.

"According to mother's habit, hair is washed every two days. I washed it once yesterday. It is absolutely impossible to wash it again today, but now it has already been washed?"

"Finally, on the big bed lying in the back, I smelled a strange smell."

"Combined with the phone call before, Uncle Maori said you were eating ice cream, Mom, do you have anything to say to me?"

As expected of a female detective, Shiliang Zhenchun has a keen observation ability, and she has noticed so many details.

But Lingmei is an old Jianghu after all, her expression has not changed at all, her expression is calm.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, glanced at his daughter, and said, "Because I can't reveal my identity yet, I pretended to be a child in front of the Maori detective, and he thought I was really a child, so he asked the room service to ask the waiter to bring up ice cream." Invite me to eat."

"However, the ice cream was overturned halfway and got on the bed sheet. In addition, I sweated a lot during the qigong treatment, and it was mixed together. That's why there is a weird smell in the bedroom."

"After the treatment, I went to the bathroom to take a shower, but I forgot to take my clothes, so I asked the Maori detective to help me, and he picked out the dress that I never wear. That's the whole process, are you satisfied?"

Shiliang Zhenchun laughed softly: "What, Mom, I never doubted you!"

Little Lolita also smiled, and the mother and daughter looked at each other without saying anything.

Chapter 0118 From now on, you and my sister will be commensurate

As soon as she entered the suite, Mira, who was finally alone with Mori Kogoro, was extremely enthusiastic and wanted to vent the pain of lovesickness in her heart.

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