She immediately hugged Kogoro Mouri, leaned her soft body up, and kissed Kogoro Moori's mouth with a small mouth.

Immediately Kogoro Mori tasted the sweetness in his mouth.

Looking at this angelic face full of emotion, the anger that was just provoked has not subsided yet, Mori Kogoro has no strength to resist at all.

Mila's soft little hands were also writhing on Kogoro Mori's body, and she didn't want to leave her beloved man again.

Not long after, Mira's long legs hung around Mori Kogoro's waist again.

Mori Kogoro hugged her and walked towards the bedroom.

Once in the bedroom, Mira broke away from Kogoro Mori.

She didn't take off her white high-heeled shoes, and stepped on Simmons directly, ignoring the hole.

Mila was standing on the bed, leaning her hands against the head of the bed. The curves outlined in the white dress were extremely moving, and when she looked back and smiled, she was as gorgeous as summer flowers.

"Mori-kun, my king, please enjoy!"

In this case, the gods can't bear it.

Mori Kogoro stepped forward and climbed onto the bed.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi are still next door, so they need to speed up the time.

Soon, a stirring and vigorous movement fluttered out of the room.

(More than [-] words are omitted here!)

On the other side, in Xiaolan's room, Yuanzi was standing in front of the bed with his arms folded, and Xiaolan was sitting on the bed, who was a little restless.

At this moment, Xiaolan lowered her head and glanced at her best friend from time to time, looking very weak.

This kind of situation is very rare, and it is usually Xiaolan who suppresses Yuanzi with arrogance.

And Sonoko's eyes are very complicated, she couldn't help picking up her mobile phone, and looked at the photos secretly taken while playing the king game when she was on vacation in Izu.

Looking at the two people kissing fiercely in the photo, and the eyes they looked at each other, Sonoko finally came to his senses.

She bit her lower lip, feeling very complicated, but she couldn't help but said: "Xiaolan, don't you have anything to tell me?"

Xiaolan clutched her little hand uneasily, she didn't want to lose this best friend she grew up with, and wanted to fool her: "Yuanzi, you really misunderstood me, I'm Mira."

There was a sneer on Yuanzi's face, and his little hand directly pinched Xiaolan's cheek: "Hmph, do you still want to play tricks on me?"

"I've been with you for so long, and you thought I wouldn't recognize you. If you were really Queen Mira, how could you show a guilty expression to me?"

Sonoko finally got smart.

Xiao Lan secretly groaned in her heart, annoyed why she didn't learn hypnotism from her father before.

This situation directly hypnotized Yuanzi, and nothing happened.

"Now I finally understand why you don't let me be with my uncle, and why you obstructed me in every possible way when I expressed my heart to my uncle, so that we two people who really love each other can't be together..."

Xiaolan rolled her eyes when she heard this, two people who really love each other? ? ?

"... So Xiaolan, you want to guard against yourself. I've known you for so long, and I didn't even know that you were a pervert who controlled your father. You, you, you actually like your father."

Shame to death! ! !

Hearing these words from Yuanzi's mouth, Xiaolan's face flushed instantly, and she picked up the pillow to cover her little face.

Seeing this reaction, Yuanzi felt even more absurd, his eyes widened, and he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Xiaolan, you didn't refute it, how could you not refute it?"

"What the hell, is this true? Do you really like your dad?"

Hearing this, Xiaolan raised her red face from the pillow, looked at Yuanzi with her big eyes, and then nodded emphatically.

Xiaolan in this state is different when she is with her father and Xiao Ai. She and her family are honest with each other, and sometimes even take the initiative, so naturally she is not too shy.But the secret things that have been well hidden all the time are exposed by the girlfriends, there is a kind of excitement of being revealed to the world, and there is also an unspeakable sense of shame.

Under the double stimulation, Xiaolan also felt shy.

When Yuanzi saw Xiaolan confessing, he was struck by lightning.

Her whole mind was buzzing, she fell down and lay on the bed, gasping for breath continuously.

"Let me stroke, let me stroke."

"That is to say, Xiaolan, you keep saying that you have someone you like, but you hide it and refuse to tell me, but that person is right under my nose, and it is actually your father."

"Then the methods you asked me to teach you about seducing men, and even those tactics, were all used on your father."

"Oh my god, what the hell have I done? I actually helped my bestie get rid of my dad, and my love rival got my crush. What the hell!"

Yuanzi was dizzy all over, his little head was almost short-circuited, and his head was running so fast that he couldn't handle it at all.

She lay on the bed looking devastated.

After a long time, Xiaolan looked at the still Yuanzi, and couldn't help asking, "Yuanzi, are you okay?"

Hearing Xiaolan's words, Yuanzi was awakened in an instant, and immediately jumped up with a hideous face.

She jumped on Xiaolan and put her hands on her shoulders: "I want to kill you. Damn it, Xiaolan, you are too insidious. You have been deceiving me under my nose and using me. I will kill you."

Seeing that Yuanzi was out of control, Xiaolan quickly exerted her strength and turned Yuanzi over, and she suppressed Yuanzi instead.

"Damn it, this is my first love, and it was cut off by my best friend, how can this be?"

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