Seeing tears welling up in Yuanzi's big eyes below, Xiaolan panicked instantly, not knowing what to do.

She quickly comforted: "Yuanzi, don't cry, I didn't mean to lie to you, the matter between me and my father is very complicated, I can't tell others."

"No, I won't listen, I won't listen, you hypocritical woman."

Sonoko turned his head to the side, raised his head at a forty-five-degree angle, and made a sad appearance, like a girl who was robbed of her love by a best friend.

"Yuanzi, don't ignore me, what do you think you want?"

Hearing this, Yuanzi's big watery eyes immediately flashed a gleam of joy, and turned to say: "I won't say, Xiaolan, you are so good at deceiving people, I treat you sincerely, I didn't expect to be deceived by you." After cheating for so long, I want to break up with you."

"Yuanzi, just say it, if you can promise, I will definitely promise you."



"Then I want you to give me Uncle Maori."

Xiaolan's face changed drastically immediately, she threw Yuanzi down heavily, stood up and said condescendingly: "Since you say that, then you don't have to be friends anymore, if you break up with them, break up with them."

Yuanzi immediately got up and hugged Xiaolan's thigh: "Lan, don't tell me, I was just joking, how could I have the heart to separate you father and daughter."

"Let me make another request, that is, you are not allowed to stop me and my uncle from now on. If I have a request, you must agree unconditionally and help me get rid of your father."

Xiaolan's face was immediately full of embarrassment.

On the other hand, Yuanzi relaxed, let go of his thighs, sat on the bed and fiddled with his nails, and said lightly: "If you don't agree, I'm afraid the whole school will know that Xiaolan is a father-controller next Monday, huh!"

What a ruthless plan! ! !

The veins on Xiaolan's forehead kept popping up, so she could only agree bitterly: "Okay, I agree."

Hearing this, Yuanzi's small face immediately showed a satisfied smile, and the aggrieved and tearful expression just now disappeared completely.

She put her arms around Xiaolan's shoulders, and said with a light smile, "I don't expect to be your stepmother in the future, you and I are like sisters, wow ha ha ha!"

Looking at Yuanzi who was laughing wildly, Xiaolan was really speechless at this moment.

Chapter 0119 Tired Mira

In Mira's bedroom next door, the sound of music was still echoing.

Mori Kogoro covered Mira's waist with both hands, caressing the satin-like white dress, looking at Mira's delicate little face turned sideways, he had the illusion that Xiaolan was wearing a wedding dress.

Mori Kogoro gently lowered his head, and kissed Mira who was turning around.

Mira's water-green eyes were full of water mist, her flushed cheeks were emitting heat continuously, her black hair was swinging rhythmically, and the pearl earrings on her ears were sparkling, so beautiful.

As soon as her pink lips touched Kogoro Mori's lips, they couldn't part anymore. She kissed so affectionately, as if she was willing to give her life to Kogoro Mori.

Kogoro Mori walked over Mira's satin-like white dress with his big hands, carefully feeling the beauty who had reunited after a long absence.

Then, he let go of Mira's small mouth, and those powerful hands grabbed Mira's waist and hips.

With a slight exertion of the strange force of his hands, Mira's body turned around, from the back to Mori Kogoro to the front, and the two long legs also flew into the air, with nowhere to support them.

Mira couldn't help screaming, and then the two long legs immediately wrapped around Kogoro Mori's waist, and she was relieved.

Mori Kogoro smirked: "Is the thorn exciting?"

"Ha! Hmm! You're dead!"

Kogoro Mori put his arms around Mira's legs instead, and Mira wrapped his arms around Kogoro Mori's neck, their cheeks were very close.

Mori Kogoro rubbed his nose against Mira's Xiaoqiong's nose. Both of them breathed heavily, and their eyes were full of love.

(Many word counts omitted here!)

Nearly forty minutes later, the little loli Huiyuan appeared at the stairs with several designer bags in her hand.

The past two days in Huiyuan have been very nourishing. I went out with my sister to go shopping, buy all kinds of brand-name bags, go to concerts, go to hot springs, and eat famous dishes. Now I was sent back by my sister.

Little Lolita stared blankly at the door that suddenly appeared at the stairs and the other suite behind the door, her eyebrows raised.

You haven't been home for a day, and there are such big changes at home?

"This is amazing!"

Little Loli ignored the door opposite, took the key and opened the door of her own room, and when she returned to Maori's house, she saw Xiaolan who was tirelessly chattering in the living room and Yuanzi.

Xiaolan's heart is broken at the moment, why do she want to have sex with her father with her best friend?

Yuanzi is constantly making the so-called strategy plan, and asked Xiaolan to help complete it.

During this period of time alone, Yuanzi brainstormed and came up with more than a dozen plans, although most of them were impractical.

Seeing Hui Yuan appearing, Xiaolan immediately stepped forward to pull Little Lolita, as if seeing a savior.

"Why did Xiao Ai come back only now?"

"Have you eaten yet?"

"Do you need Sister Xiaolan to cook for you?"

"I bought so many things, it seems that these two days have been very good!"

Little Loli glanced at Yuanzi who was pouting behind her, and she came to her senses in an instant, but she was not in a hurry to go back to the room, and cooperated to help Xiaolan out of the siege.

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