"Lan, Lan, Xiao Lan..."

At this moment, Conan's eyes were full of despair, and he even thought that this guy who was like a butcher from hell would give him an operation later.

Not long after, the big Andrei came out of the ward, and Akai Shuichi leaned against the wall and was smoking a cigarette.

"How's it going?"

"Just after three injections, the person was frightened and passed out. As you expected, the child recognized what kind of drugs these were."

Andre couldn't help frowning: "But Xiuyi, I don't understand, why are we scaring this child?"

There was a sneer on Akai Hideichi's face: "This child is not simple, so don't be careless."

"I have observed him. He is well-trained and good at disguising himself as harmless. He also has all kinds of equipment on his body. Like a small agent, he is probably a spy trained by Mori Kogoro."

"Using the identity of a child to confuse others and collect information, that's why the Maori family specially adopted two children."

"I've seen this kind of tactic in the Eagle Country too. That Sherlock Holmes in the Eagle Country just likes to use money to hire little beggars to help find out information."

"It's just that this Maori detective is more inhumane, so he brainwashed innocent children into tools. Hehe, just wait, one day I will reveal his true colors."

Akai Shuichi, who was so green that he was almost blackened, did not hesitate to reason with vicious thoughts, and then reasoned that Conan was sent by Mori Kogoro, so he was naturally merciless.

And Andre couldn't help but said: "Xiuyi, you are too arbitrary, I don't think Maori detective should be such a person."

"Andrei, you still have too little experience!"

Chapter 0123 Current Tuning

Regarding Conan's tragic experience, Mori Kogoro didn't know anything about it.

Now he is trying his best to train Yue Yexue. This international supermodel with excellent flexibility has no physical strength at all.

His delicate body collapsed on top of the toilet in the toilet cubicle, his forehead was covered with wet hair, and he looked like he had been spoiled by playing.

Xiaoxue's body kept trembling, apparently just suffered a strong stimulus.

Just now, Kogoro Mori had an idea and remembered the series of witchcrafts he was proficient in, especially the thunder-type witchcrafts, so he used the opportunity.

He cast the lightning control technique and summoned thunder and lightning.

Relying on his strong control, Mori Kogoro controls the electric current to become very small, not enough to harm the human body, but it can bring strong stimulation to people.

Tiny electric currents attached to her hands, these big hands caressed Yue Yexue's body, a stream of electric current poured into Xiaoxue's body, making her tremble uncontrollably, her pores opened wide, sweat and body fluid leaked out continuously.

Especially during the interval, Mori Kogoro showed the true hand of God!

Xiaoxue couldn't help rolling her eyes even more, her soul went directly to heaven, higher and higher, and almost couldn't get down above the nine heavens.

If this electric current is attached to the magic weapon he sacrificed, the combined power will be quite terrifying. I am afraid that even his little angels are not his opponents.

Accidentally, Kogoro Mori developed a new strategy, and he felt relieved, wishing to go home and give the little angel a try.

But these need to be practiced more frequently. After all, you are playing thunder and lightning, so you should be more cautious when you want to enchant your own magic weapon.

Mori Kogoro, who developed a new technique, was very interested, and accidentally went too far, and Yue Yexue, who was the first experimental subject, naturally suffered.

Yue Yexue's pretty face was already full of tears, and she was spitting out unknown notes, and kept breathing: "Xiao Wulang, please forgive me, please forgive me..."

Mori Kogoro wiped away the tears on his cheeks, and laughed badly: "Didn't Xiaoxue have a lot of backbone just now? She said she wouldn't beg for mercy even if she was killed. What are you doing now?"

"Xiao Goro, I was wrong, please forgive me!"

Seeing Xiaoxue's unbearable appearance, Mori Kogoro bowed his head and kissed her, and asked, "Then Xiaoxue, can I have both now?"

Hearing this, Yue Yexue paused, as if thinking.

Even thinking about it, it seems that the electricity is not enough!

Seeing this, Mori Kogoro fiddled lightly with his fingertips lingering with tiny electric currents.

Shocked by the electric current, Yue Yexue's face turned red again, and her body trembled again. She put her arms around Kogoro Mouri's neck, and said quickly: "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

"What about the three?"

Xiaoxue froze for a moment, but couldn't answer again.

Mori Kogoro's big hand attached to the electric current fell down again, as if to show the real hand of God again.

Perceiving Kogoro Moori's movements, Xiaoxue immediately nodded her head frantically: "It's all right, it's all right, Kogoro, I'll let you decide, you can have as many as you want."

She looked panicked, her eyes were full of tears, and she was about to cry again, she was really pitiful.

Hearing that the goal had been achieved, Mori Kogoro dissipated the electric current attached to his hands.

He pinched a few handprints with his hands again, and used the rejuvenation technique.The big hands put Xiaoxue's body back on, and the abundant spirit of plants and trees was very cool, and poured into Yue Yexue's body along these hands to help him recover.

Feeling that Moori Kogoro's hands no longer had those strange electric currents, but instead felt cool and cool, Xiaoxue breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the handsome face of Mori Kogoro in front of her, she couldn't help but put her arms around his neck, obediently kissing him.

Then the little head rested on Kogoro Mori's shoulder, whispering like a little girl.

"Xiao Wulang, you are really amazing, I will listen to you from now on."

After some thunder and lightning training, Yue Yexue's favorability, which was completely tamed, rose instead of falling, and the scene had soared to 97.

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