And Mori Kogoro stretched out his hand and patted Yue Yexue's soft back, smiling all over his face.

It seems that I have mastered a lot of training methods, the King of Thunder and Lightning can really do it!

After the rejuvenation technique was performed, Mori Kogoro said, "Okay, get up, it's time for us to go out."

After a busy day, the female supermodel put her arms around Mori Kogoro like a little girl.

The two walked out of the toilet cubicle together, frightening the guests who were washing their hands in horror.

The guest came to his senses, and seeing the beautiful woman with a good figure full of love in her eyes, with no one else around, he couldn't help giving Mori Kogoro a thumbs up.

Mori Kogoro nodded to him with a smile, put his arms around Yue Yexue's slender waist, walked out of the men's room, and returned to the restaurant.

The two walked out of the corridor, passed by Yoko's table, and returned to their booth, but Yoko still didn't notice.

Today's Yoko is wearing a black button-down dress, light high heels, blue-rimmed glasses, and a pink waistband. She looks very beautiful.

Yoko's delicate face was slightly powdered, so she couldn't tell she was the heartbroken hangover woman from last night, and the big brown ponytail tied with a green hairband was full of vitality.

On the opposite side, BIG Osaka team member Ryusuke Higo has a very obvious goatee, wearing a white suit, and couldn't help but said: "Miss Yoko, I am really happy that you can meet me today, compared to when I was in the league Be happy with the first goal you score.”

"Although Miss Yoko is my junior, in fact, I have been following you for a long time when I was a student at Gangnan High School."

Kogoro Mori, who has a strong ear, couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he heard this: This little guy seems to be dancing, and his thinking is a bit dangerous!

Yoko didn't seem to expect Bihu to say such a thing, so he quickly changed the subject and said, "But this time it's my teacher's birthday, and I don't know if the teacher likes the watch I bought in the morning..."

Bihu Longyou with the goatee wanted to say something more, but at this moment, the male waiter Hong Jiang Baoren stepped forward to interrupt them.

Hongjiang Baoren said in a low voice, "Mr. Bihu, Miss Yoko, the boss asked me to take you to meet in the warehouse below, and said to keep your voice as low as possible so as not to attract the attention of others."

Hearing what the waiter said, both felt a little strange, but they both got impatient, so they got up together and followed Hongjiang Baoren to the corridor.

Seeing this scene, Mori Kogoro knew what would happen next.

He was quite relaxed, feeding Xiaoxue red wine to replenish the water she had just lost.

Chapter 0124 I agree

?Or agree?

Watching Okino Yoko and Higo Ryusuke follow the waiter around the corridor and disappear.

Yue Yexue couldn't help but said: "Xiao Wulang, aren't you worried about Yoko being snatched away? That Bihu has been pursuing Yoko."

Mori Kogoro chuckled, his big white teeth gleaming extremely brightly.

He reached out and pinched Xiaoxue's buttocks, and said, "It seems that Xiaoxue is doubting my charm."

Yue Yexue stared at Mori Kogoro coquettishly, then blushed and stopped talking.

Mori Kogoro took a sip of the red wine, and quickly frowned.

But at this moment, Yoko's scream came from the direction of the corridor.


Yue Yexue immediately patted the table and stood up, and immediately rushed over: "That football bastard really dares to do bad things to Yoko?"

Mori Kogoro could only put down his wine glass and followed him.

The two turned into the corridor, and saw the bartender Akimichi Yamada, the waitress Reiko Banba and the waiter Koe Yasuto.

Yue Yexue asked, "Where is Miss Yoko?"

The male waiter Hong Jiang Baoren said, "It's in the warehouse in the basement."

The two ran across the corridor, went down the stairs, and came to the warehouse, where they saw Yoko Okino with a terrified face.

And brother Asuka, the restaurant owner whose throat was cut and fell behind the shelf;

And Ryusuke Higo, the football player who keeps shaking his dead body.

Yue Yexue immediately stepped forward, hugged Yoko, and was about to comfort her best friend.

But when she saw the corpse, she looked even more frightened than Yoko.

Kogoro Mori went forward and pulled the two girls out of the warehouse.

He directed the waitress to call the police, and after confirming that the restaurant owner was dead, he began to let everyone leave the warehouse and wait for the police to arrive.

When Yoko Okino saw Mori Kogoro appearing, she suddenly seemed to have a backbone, and she was no longer afraid in an instant.

Her big eyes lit up even more, full of doubts, and she couldn't help asking: "Maori-kun, why did you appear here?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and remained silent, but Yoko's eyes became brighter and brighter, her brain filled with countless information, her heart beat faster and faster, and she instantly became nervous.

Could it be that Maori-kun came here specifically to find me?

He must have heard what I said at the concert last night, and now he came to respond to me, what should I do, should I agree, or agree, or agree?

Yoko's cheeks turned red instantly, and she instantly forgot about the death in the underground warehouse.

Women are like this, sensibility is always greater than rationality, and it is easy to get carried away by love.

Yoko quickly turned around and asked the best friend next to her: "Sister Xue, what's going on?"

Yue Yexue said, "Yoko, don't you know? You got into trouble!"

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