Hearing this, everyone present began to ponder, and their eyes were full of doubts.

Mori Kogoro didn't make a fool of himself: "It must be that someone deliberately used speech skills to guide and assign everyone's search location in order to create an alibi, which created this scene."

Hearing this, both the male waiter Yasuo Konoe and the female waiter Banba Reiko couldn't help but look at the sommelier Akimichi Yamada in a suit.

"That's right, the person who used words to guide and killed the store manager is you, Mr. Yamada."

A few drops of cold sweat flashed across the back of the fat sommelier's head: "Mr. Maori, stop joking, how could I kill someone?"

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, and continued to reason: "It was very unreasonable when the search was assigned for the first time."

"This lounge has a clear view. You can see what's inside when you open the door. Why did you come to find this room with Mr. Hong Jiang?"

"And the basement warehouse has so many shelves, it looks more complicated, why let the lady of the field go to find it alone?"

"Actually, you just want Mr. Hong Jiang to witness that there is really no one in this lounge, and then you can use the magic of changing people to live to deceive everyone's eyes."

The fat sommelier Yamada laughed dryly again, and wiped his forehead with a handkerchief: "Mr. Mori, you are joking again. I am just a sommelier. How can I do magic tricks?"

"The magic is very simple, Mr. Yamada, you first put the down jacket in the closet into the storage bag, then use the vacuum cleaner's straw to vacuum the storage bag, lay it flat on the couch, and then put the blanket cover On top, nature is very flat, just like it is now."

"After that, before you left the lounge, you took out the shoes under the sofa and punctured the storage bag."

"The vacuum environment is destroyed, and the air is poured into the storage bag, which props up the blanket and creates the illusion that the store manager is sleeping on the sofa."

"Ten minutes later, you organized a second search and deliberately let the companion lady see the bulging blanket on the sofa and the shoes next to it, which gave her the illusion that the store manager was sleeping in the lounge. "

"But in fact, the store manager was in the basement warehouse at the moment, and was brutally killed by you with a utility knife."

Hearing this, sommelier Yamada's forehead became more and more sweaty.

He hurriedly said: "You are talking nonsense, how is it possible, then let me ask you, I am just an employee of the store manager, how can I order the store manager to wait for me in the basement warehouse?"

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "It depends on the cell phone you picked up from Higo Takasuke." Yamada Koutong instantly looked as if he had been struck by lightning.

"Bihu Longyou is a friend of the store manager, and the store manager will naturally obey his request."

"I think the text message you sent to the store manager on Bihu's mobile phone was to tell him to sneak into the basement warehouse through the back door and have something very important to tell him."

Akatsuki Yamada's face suddenly turned pale, but he didn't give up on refuting this: "No, if the store manager was already dead when I searched for the second time, how could he be there when I searched for the third time? He also sent a message asking Hongjiang to take someone."

"He must have been alive at that time, so only Hong Jiang, Bihu, and Yoko who went to the warehouse later could possibly kill someone."

Hearing this irrational words, Mori Kogoro laughed disdainfully: "Of course dead people can't send text messages, the only one who can send text messages is the murderer who killed someone and took the mobile phone."

"So you made another big mistake. Among the three suspects, at the time when Mr. Hong Jiang received the text message, you were the only one who went to the lounge in the name of waking up the store manager and avoided everyone's attention. ."

"Only you have the opportunity to send this text message, so the murderer can't be anyone other than you."

"Now, I just need to find the mobile phone of the store manager or Bihu to verify whether my reasoning is correct."

"Where can you hide your phone in just one or two minutes?"

Mori Kogoro smirked, narrowed his eyes slightly, and the emoji master went online again.

He began to watch the fat sommelier's micro-expressions!

"Is it hidden on your body?"


"Hiding in the lounge?"

"Not right!"

"Hiding in the toilet?"


"Men's room? Women's room?"

"It's the women's toilet!"

"One, two, three, four, five!"

"Inside the third compartment!"

"Exhaust fan? Toilet? Water tank?"

"It's in the water tank!"

"Takagi, go and look in the toilet tank in the third compartment of the women's toilet."

After hearing that, Takagi Shibu was stunned, and quickly trotted out.

And the fat sommelier's defensive line had already been breached, and he had already collapsed to the ground, looking at Mori Kogoro with an expression as if he saw a devil, and his body was constantly sweating.

The rest of the people watched this scene in bewilderment.

Soon, Takagi came back with a trot, holding two mobile phones wrapped in plastic bags in his hand, and shouted excitedly: "I found it, I found the mobile phone, it is really in the location that Maori detective said!"

Everyone in the lounge looked at Kogoro Mori with a look of astonishment on his face.

What kind of magical operation is this?Talk to yourself a few words, and find out the key evidence!

Chapter 0127 The Sweetness of Girl Idols

Seeing that everything was exactly as Kogoro Mori said, Yoko's eyes were filled with little stars.

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