His star eyes stared at Kogoro Mori's face without moving away, and his eyes were full of admiration.

Seeing this, Ryusuke Higo remembered what Yoko said and sang at Yoko's concert last night.

He came to his senses in an instant, and his eyes became much more complicated.

Mori Kogoro continued: "In such a short period of time, Mr. Yamada has no time to process the fingerprints on the phone, so all you need to do is identify them, and everything will come to light."

"As for the coats in the closet, the storage bags next to them, and the ones that are punctured can be taken back as evidence."

"Also, Mr. Yamada is not a real sommelier either."

"The wine sold in the restaurant here is not at all a wine pairing with authentic Italian meals, and the red wine you just poured me has some wood chips on the cork. This is a low-level mistake that any sommelier will never make. "

"I'm afraid Mr. Asuka saw through your identity, so he had a dispute with you last night, which also constitutes your motive for murder!"

Kotori Yamada, who collapsed on the ground, has already accepted his fate.

When you meet this detective who can read information just by looking at his expression, what else is there to reason with?

He let out a long sigh, and then said, "It's all my fault, the store manager, I told him that the athletes who come to eat here are all rough, and they won't notice the difference between the drinks at all. You can make more money by substituting low-priced ones. A lot of money, but he just doesn't listen."

"He also said that he would fire me and go to the staff guild to file a complaint against me, but I had no choice but to do it."

As soon as Kotori Yamada pleaded guilty, Shibu Takagi, who was beside him, stepped forward, put handcuffs on his hands, and took the murderer away.

When all the dust settled, Mori Kogoro said: "Officer Megure, the case is settled, I have to go back first, I can't have a few more drinks with you this time."

Police Officer Megure laughed, and patted Mori Kogoro on the shoulder: "Okay, I'll let you go this time, next time we come to my house, we brothers will have a good drink."

Mori Kogoro smiled strangely, stopped bullying this honest man, turned around and left the restaurant.

Seeing this, Yue Yexue hurriedly chased Yoko out.

Bihu Longyou wanted to come out, but was stopped by the police officer Mumu: "Mr. Bihu, you can't leave yet. As the first discoverer of the crime scene, we still need to ask you to make a record."

Bihu Longyou immediately looked embarrassed, if he didn't follow out, Yoko would be abducted.

But no matter how much he pleaded with Police Officer Mu Mu, Officer Mu Mu didn't intend to let him go.

Outside this Italian restaurant, Yue Yexue deliberately glanced at her watch, and then said exaggeratedly: "It's half past six, I still have a show to catch, Xiao Goro, Yoko, you can send it back for me Bar."

"Stop talking, stop talking, I'm leaving first, Kogoro, take care of yourself!"

After finishing speaking, Yue Yexue stepped on her long legs and got into the Maserati parked beside her.

Before leaving, she even gave Mori Kogoro a look, the assist had already been given, and she retired.

After Yue Yexue left, Yoko suddenly became very awkward.

The hottest female idol in Japan is like a little quail, standing with her legs inwards, her little head drooping, and she looks up at Kogoro Mori from time to time, as shy as a girl.

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "Yoko, get in the car, and I'll take you home."

"Hi!" Yoko nodded and got into the passenger seat.

She was still very nervous when she got into the car, clutching her little hands, her heart beating extremely fast, the car started quickly, and headed towards Yoko Okino's high-end apartment.

The sun has set, the sky is dark, the neon lights keep passing by, but the inside of the car is very quiet.

Seeing Yoko who was so nervous that he was sweating, Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Yoko, didn't you have something to say to me just now? Why didn't you say a word now?"

It was only after hearing this that Yoko realized that she didn't explain clearly what happened to him and Higo Takasuke when they came out to meet.

She quickly said: "Maoli-san, nothing happened between me and Bihu, we are not dating today, he and I are schoolmates, and we bought gifts together to celebrate the teacher's birthday, don't you misunderstand? "

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows: "Oh, so that's the case, but I think that Higo Takasuke seems to like Yoko a lot?"

Yoko became anxious immediately, and turned her body sideways: "It's absolutely impossible, I don't have any feelings for him at all, in fact, the person I like is, the person I like is..."

The names were on her lips, but Yoko couldn't get them out.

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Someone was so bold at the concert last night, why can't he even speak now? Am I scary?"

After that, he took his hands off the steering wheel and turned sideways, and the car was entrusted to the Ant-Man robot.

Looking at Yoko's star-like eyes, he smiled lightly and said, "However, if you express your heart like this, usually a man should take the initiative to say it."

"Me too, I really like Yoko!"

Hearing this, Yoko Okino felt that the scene in front of her was full of color, the neon lights were colorful, and she felt a little dizzy all over.

Happiness came so suddenly, she still couldn't believe it.

Soon she felt the lips kissed on her own mouth, and she couldn't help but widen her eyes.

The car kept flying past, and besides the face of Kogoro Mori in front of him, the streamer was constantly flashing by.

Yoko knew it would be dangerous to drive without looking at the road, but so what?

She couldn't control herself, so she couldn't help but respond clumsily.

Soon a pair of jade arms wrapped around Mori Kogoro's neck.

Yoko's pink lips were as soft and waxy as jelly, and Mori Kogoro immediately tasted the sweetness of this girl idol.

And his big hands deftly undid a few buttons, poked them in from the hem of the black dress, and then lingered.

Sure enough, the information Xiaoxue said was accurate, and Yoko had indeed made considerable progress.

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