In the warm home on the third floor, on the sofa, the cute little loli is staring at Kogoro Mori with big light blue eyes, while Xiaolan puts on an apron and turns into a cook to prepare dinner.

The cute loli voice shot out: "Uncle Mao Li, you haven't said where you left me alone on the boat and where did you go!"

Kogoro Maoli couldn't help but touched his head with a wry smile, and said, "Xiao Ai, uncle didn't leave you behind, didn't uncle let you be with sister Xiaolan?"

A hint of disdain clearly appeared on Huiyuan's cold face: "Being with that woman is more terrifying than leaving me behind!"

Conan on the side couldn't help laughing when he heard this, and said desperately: "Uncle Maori must be with that American female fan, of course he doesn't want to accompany you, Haibara."

After Conan said this, he looked at Mori Kogoro sympathetically. He is really a poor useless uncle. He was attracted by this little poisonous snake, and he will suffer in the days to come.

Conan actually doesn't have much affection for Haibara, who is from the dark organization and developer of the APTX poison. Haibara has always had a bad attitude towards Conan, and he pursues mysticism and does not share information; , Haibara did not show any righteous side, which is completely wrong with Conan, who is born with a sense of justice.

If it wasn't for the fact that the two had the same goal of researching the antidote, Conan would have already told others about Haibara's identity.

In Conan's eyes, Haibara is extremely black-bellied, and he is by no means a guy who can be easily dealt with, but what is funny is that such a ruthless character falls in love with an uncle Maoli who can be his father.

Seeing this happy scene, Conan naturally gloated!


Hearing Conan's words of death, Mori Kogoro and Haibara's eyes flashed a cold light at the same time, Mori Kogoro couldn't help squinting at Conan's classmate who was still on the sofa with a bruised nose and a swollen face. Three big red envelopes were planted on his head.

The old wound was not healed, and a new wound was added. In addition to Yuanzi's big red envelope, there are six red envelopes of different sizes on Conan's head at the moment. He couldn't help tearing up: "Uncle Mao Li, why did you hit me?"

"Who told you to be mischievous on the cruise ship, and even pulled Sonoko and called her Kaitou Kidd, if it weren't for the sake of you being a child, Officer Chamu would have arrested you, Conan, when will you let me Uncle, save some snacks!" Mori Kogoro said with a serious look.

Conan gritted his teeth. This was completely public revenge, but he couldn't find any reason to refute it. Who told him that his reasoning this time was completely wrong.

Mori Kogoro continued: "Conan, as a punishment, before dinner, I want to see the test questions on the first [-] pages of the first book of Mathematical Olympiad that you have written. Now go downstairs and do the test questions honestly. Don't come up to eat at all."

When Conan heard this, his small face immediately wrinkled into a bitter gourd look. He recalled the scene where he and Dr. A Li worked together to do the Mathematical Olympiad. Look for reference books, go to school and ask teachers.

This Olympiad from the mysterious China is simply terrifying to the extreme.

Seeing Kogoro Mori's determined face, Conan couldn't help regretting his cheap mouth just now.

Dejected, Conan returned to the second floor. Looking at the several brand-new Olympiad questions on the table, he couldn't help feeling agitated. He sighed deeply: I'm afraid I'll have to trouble Dr. Ali this time.

When the phone was connected, Dr. Ali's voice came over: "Oh, Shinichi, is there any case that I can help you with this time?"

"Doctor, it's not a case, it's a few Olympiad problems!"


Conan, who was holding a mobile phone in the room, instantly petrified.


The obtrusive little ghost head finally disappeared, and Kogoro Mori approached Haibara, and Huihara moved his little butt on the sofa, moving away from Kogoro Mori.

Mori Kogoro poked Huiyuan's little face with his index finger, and the ice on Huiyuan's face became even more icy, and he turned his head arrogantly, leaving a brown back of his head.

Mouri Kogoro stretched out his hand and hugged Huiyuan into his arms. Huiyuan immediately screamed and struggled, his short legs and hands kept waving around: "Don't touch me, you lecherous uncle."

The loud voice made Xiao Lan stick out her head in the kitchen and asked, "Dad, what's wrong with you?"

In desperation, Kogoro Mori could only let go of Haibara and let him sit on the sofa beside him: "It's nothing, I'm just playing with Haibara!"

When Xiaolan heard this, she stuck her head back.

Kogoro Mori looked at this little loli who was obviously jealous, and couldn't help but be a little bit dumbfounded.

However, Maori Xiaowu couldn't help but be proud of his wise decision of not revealing the identity of Miyano Shiho, otherwise, if he and Xiao Ai continue to live together, and hook up with other girls, I'm afraid Xiao Ai will be jealous every day It was turned upside down.

Mori Kogoro turned his head to look at Huiyuan, frowned, and instead preemptively said, "Xiao Ai, what happened to you today, why did you become so strange, are you angry? Why is the child so angry?"

When Huiyuan heard this, he couldn't help but feel moved: Yes, I played the role of a child, and my performance just now was indeed a bit abnormal, so Uncle Mao Li would not find anything abnormal.

Mori Kogoro looked at Huibara with a changing expression, and then said: "During the period when my uncle disappeared, I went to find the disappearing Kaitou Kidd, so it's normal that Xiao Ai didn't see my uncle on the boat. After chasing all the way to the bottom of the computer room, the Kaitou Kidd was caught, and finally the Dark Star was taken back."

Mori Kogoro directly threw the blame on Kaitou Kidd, the ice on Haibara's face melted when he heard this, he turned his head and blinked his eyes at Mori Kogoro with a dubious expression.

Maori Kogoro then said: "Uncle, why would you be willing to leave Xiao Ai behind? Xiao Ai is so cute, it's too late for Uncle to like it, but sometimes, uncle has to do some dangerous things alone, so I can't take Xiao Ai with me." Sorry, after all, Uncle doesn't want Xiao Ai to suffer any harm, so Uncle will be very distressed."

Some 'dangerous' things really have to be done alone!

When Hui Yuan heard this, her little face immediately turned from cloudy to clear. Although she was still expressionless at the moment, the corners of her eyes were slightly raised, and she was very happy in her heart.

At this time, Kogoro Mori pulled Haibara into his arms, and Haibara didn't resist at all.

Mori Kogoro hugged Haibara into his arms, and kissed Haibara's small cheek, and Haibara immediately wiped the drool on his face with his small palm.

"Xiao Ai, you must be good, don't get angry next time, if you are not good, uncle will punish you!" Mori Kogoro spoke gently to Hui Yuan.

When Haibara heard the word punishment, he suddenly thought of something, his little face blushed, and he immediately fell into Kogoro Mouri's arms, making a coquettish sound like a kitten.

Chapter 0123 New Year's Travel

After the cruise ship incident on the [-]th, it will be New Year's Day in a few days. New Year's Day is the biggest festival of neon, and the school has already been closed.

However, Conan has been running outside recently. It seems that his young detective team is doing well. As for Haibara, he goes to Dr. Ali's laboratory every day.

Ever since Haibara copied the information about the APTX drug from Pixar's computer in the Cupido Hotel on Christmas Eve, she has renewed her enthusiasm for scientific research and wants to find an antidote. The main reason is that Mori Kogoro keeps recruiting The bees provoked the butterflies, which made Huiyuan desperately want to return to his adult appearance, so these days Huiyuan also leaves early and returns late.

Xiaolan was the only one at home, but she seemed to be on the phone with someone all the time, and she didn't know what she was planning.

The office didn't have any major cases these days, Kogoro Mori was happy to be at leisure, and finally he was able to celebrate the New Year smoothly.

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