One day, at the dining table, Xiao Lan supported the dining table with both hands, and everyone was amazed.

"Hey, do you want to go to Saitama Prefecture for the new year this year?"

Xiaolan said with a serious face: "Yes, of course we have to travel on New Year's Day. Saitama County is extremely warm, and I heard that there will be the best festival in the world, and it's not far from Tokyo. It's best for us to travel there. That's all." A smile appeared on Xiaolan's face.

Then Xiaolan took out a few tickets from her pocket: "Besides, I got a lottery ticket for a luxurious hot spring hotel there, so let's go there to celebrate New Year's Day together!"

Huiyuan rested his chin and looked at Xiaolan's serious face: Such a familiar routine, it seems very similar to the one in Hawaii!

Haibara couldn't help becoming alert, could the wife of Moori Kogoro appear too?

Kogoro Mori saw Xiaolan's expression and thought about what happened in the past few days, so he nodded quickly and decided to go to Saitama County for a New Year's trip.


On New Year's Day, Kogoro Mori and his group drove to Saitama Prefecture. Kogoro Mori in the driver's seat was yawning and sleepy.

Xiaolan in the back seat couldn't help but asked concerned: "Dad, are you really alright? Really, what have you been doing these past few nights, making you so tired." Hui Yuan also looked concerned.

Mori Kogoro narrowed his eyes, and said dryly, "I'm fine, don't worry, you'll be at your destination soon."

Maori Kogoro recalled the experience of the past few nights, and couldn't help feeling a little scared, because it was approaching New Year's Day, and all his women wanted to spend this day with him. As a price, it is essential to pay public food.

Yuko Ikezawa, Natsue Hatakemoto, Makoto Aso, Boa, Takakazu Toda, Akemi Miyano...

Each of these girls Moori Kogoro had to accompany each other, so at night, they turned into a human flesh juicer. After repeated hard work, even a physique as high as 42 points was a little unbearable.

Mori Kogoro, who hadn't slept for about three nights, naturally felt a little tired at the moment.

It was already evening when the car arrived in Saitama County. As soon as Kogoro Mori drove into the area, everyone felt very warm. There are many small volcanoes near Saitama County, which provide abundant geothermal heat and heat sources for hot springs.

In the car, everyone saw that the people coming and going in this place were either wearing yukatas or kimonos, which looked a bit ancient.

Mori Kogoro parked his car in the parking lot of the luxury hot spring hotel, and entered the hotel with his luggage, Xiaolan and others. After checking in, the group prepared to come down for dinner.

When they passed the hotel lobby, they heard a voice: "Xiao Lan, you are here."

I saw a pretty figure appearing in front of everyone, with a tall ponytail, a pretty face, and big amber eyes staring at Kogoro Mori, with a smile like a flower. Although he was wearing a gray and black bathrobe, he did not hide it at all. The breath of youth, this is Toyama Kazuha.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but smile when he saw Toyama and Ye's mouth. A few days ago, he went to Osaka after Christmas to give this little elf a good lesson. He didn't expect her to appear suddenly on New Year's Day. It was a big surprise for Mori Kogoro.

Xiaolan saw Yuan Shan and Ye hurried up to greet her, and the two women hugged each other and began to talk. Since the last time they met, they have been in constant phone contact, as if they were good girlfriends.

But all of this is just Xiaolan's wishful thinking. After all, Yuan Shan and Ye also came here for the throne of her stepmother.

Her deliberate friendship with Xiaolan is a roundabout tactic, she wants to learn more about Mori Kogoro from Xiaolan's mouth, and even wants to use Xiaolan's here as a breakthrough.

Only then did Huiyuan realize that it was Toyama Kazuha who had been talking to Xiaolan on the phone these few days. She couldn't help but relax. Huiyuan, who thought it was Fei Yingli, was ready to destroy it at any time. The reunion of Mori Kogoro and Hieiri seems unnecessary...

At this moment, Conan was looking left and right, he always felt a prying gaze, suddenly Conan saw a black charcoal head in the shadow of the corner, and couldn't help shouting: "Hattori Heiji?"

Everyone couldn't help casting their gazes at the corner, and Hattori Heiji walked out with a smile on his head.

"What a coincidence, Mori Detective, I didn't expect to meet you here in Saitama Prefecture!"

Toyama Kazuha's face turned cold immediately, she looked up at Hattori Heiji, and said in a cold voice, "Hatbu-san, are you following me?"

Hattori Heiji's forehead immediately burst into sweat: "Ale, Kazuha, how could I follow you, this is a coincidence, Saitama County just happened to have the world's first festival, I just came to see it, I didn't expect such a coincidence When it comes to you, I think the two of us really have a good understanding!"

"Sorry, Hattori-san, we don't know each other that well, please call me Toyama-san, Xiaolan, let's go, let's go to dinner." Yuanshan and Ye turned around and looked at Maori with regret Kogoro.

Originally, this New Year's trip in Saitama County came about because she kept lobbying Xiaolan, and the original intention was to make up for her not being able to spend Christmas with Mori Kogoro, but at this moment, there was suddenly an unsightly guy - Hattori Heiji , He Ye was also afraid that Mori Kogoro would misunderstand.

Mori Kogoro smiled at him gently, and said, "Heiji, you can eat with us too!" He didn't pay attention to this charcoal head at all.

Hattori Heiji hurriedly followed after hearing this, and the group walked to the restaurant on the side.

On the way, Hattori Heiji fell behind, staring at Toyama and Ye who were laughing and laughing. Conan looked strange and asked in a low voice: "Heiji, are you here specifically to follow Heye this time?"

Hearing Conan's voice, Hattori Heiji couldn't help but patted him on the head, and said, "Little devil, I want to call you brother, don't worry about adults' affairs!"

A pair of dead fish eyes immediately appeared on Conan's face.

However, Hattori Heiji saw that Maori and his group were walking in front, and Conan was the only one beside him. He still couldn't help but feel depressed, and complained: "This woman is really elusive. My childhood sweetheart for more than ten years, suddenly disappeared. It’s changed, and it’s completely unpredictable.”

Chapter 0124 Hot Spring Visitors

"This guy, Kazuha, has been ignoring me since he came back to Osaka last time when he came to Tokyo, and even said he wanted to draw a line with me. I don't know what happened. It's really inexplicable." Heiji Hattori His face looked distressed.

Conan on the side also felt the same when he heard this. Xiaolan, who grew up with him as a childhood sweetheart, had a strange change in his attitude towards him after he became younger. Xiaolan also said that she has someone she likes , but not himself, but no matter how hard Conan searched, he couldn't find out who that person was.

Moreover, Xiaolan also falsely accused her of having a girlfriend, and called her to explain but only received blessings. This is really a scam!

Conan couldn't help but nodded and said: "Heiji, you are right, women are elusive."

When Hattori Heiji saw Conan, who was a kid, he couldn't help but have a few more black lines on his head: "What do you know, you kid? You started dating in the first grade, but no matter what Kazuha changed, I will definitely catch that culprit." Hattori Heiji's eyes flashed a firm look.


A group of people entered a seafood restaurant and ate fugu, a must-eat on New Year's Day, which represents good fortune. After eating and drinking, they left the restaurant.

It was almost half past seven, night fell, and Saitama County became very lively. The night market opened, and all kinds of exquisite items were sold in the shops on the left and right sides of the street. Orange lanterns were hung up, and the mountains in the distance Flames are starting to ignite on the sky, preparations for the first festival in the world are about to begin, and the atmosphere of the New Year is permeating everywhere.

When Xiaolan, Heye, and Huiyuan saw this scene, their eyes lit up at the same time.

And Kogoro Mouri yawned all over the place, and he said to everyone, "Go shopping, I'm a little tired, I'm going back to the hotel to soak in the hot spring."

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