She hadn't been clear about the relationship between these beautiful women and Kogoro Mori.

Now that I try it out, it becomes clear.

Although Mira is only an eighteen-year-old girl, she has received royal education, and she is also proficient in these things by her ears and eyes, and she is also a personal master.

Mori Kogoro groaned secretly, sure enough none of his women were fuel-efficient lamps.

He quickly changed the topic, and began to introduce Xiaolan's cooking to Mira.

But in private, he quietly used the Thunder Control Technique to condense a tiny electric current on the tip of his toe and thumb.

Mori Kogoro raised his right leg, leaned over from underneath, and lightly touched Mira.

Mira shuddered, blushed, and glared at Mori Kogoro in embarrassment.Immediately afterwards, she buried her head in her meal, not daring to make trouble anymore.

Sure enough, this thunder training is still very effective.

Otherwise, it would be very dangerous for an experienced driver like Mori Kogoro to face such a meal that could turn into a Shura field at any time.

There was no further disturbance in the following dinner, and the atmosphere gradually became warmer with the ambiguity and electric current.

On the other side, in Dr. A Li's mansion, Conan, the little devil who escaped, was sluggish, as if he had been spoiled by the strange sorghum.

Dr. Ari looked at Conan worriedly.

And the little ghost himself looked at the various androgen-stimulating drugs he bought with a tangled expression, hesitating whether to swallow it or not.

Thinking of what he just experienced, Conan only felt that he had a nightmare.

When Conan woke up again, his small body was already fixed on the operating table, his whole body was tied up, and his two short legs were put on the leg rest to spread his legs apart.

The dizzying surgical lights are still leaving an afterimage on Conan's retina, leaving an afterimage even when he opened his eyes.

Thinking of that strong man like a butcher from hell, with a gloomy expression, with tweezers and a scalpel in his hand, and no anesthesia, the cold touch continued to transmit, almost scaring Conan to pee his pants.

The blade gently held his abdomen, as if with a wave of his hand, he might say goodbye to his younger brother, the little devil broke down and cried.

After the psychological defense line was breached, Conan would say whatever Andre asked.

Conan told what he knew about gin, vodka and others; he also told about his fight with them at the Cup House Hotel; he also said that the purpose of the hospital was to find the captured woman to find clues.

Conan even said that he was staying at Mori Kogoro's house to investigate the dark organization.

When Akai Shuichi in the next room heard this, he became suspicious and realized that his previous guess was wrong.

Later, Akai Shuichi looked at Conan carefully, and finally remembered that the little boy who secretly called a car to follow Judy during Operation Full Moon was Conan.

At that time, the little devil was knocked out by that scary guy who called himself V.

If you think about it this way, Conan is not lying, he has indeed been investigating the dark organization.

Moreover, for such a young child, he has had the experience of fighting against Gin several times, and even traced people in the organization several times, which is not bad!

Thinking of this, Akai Hideichi had a high opinion of Conan.

Coupled with the fact that he vented on Conan drunk before, and he also felt a little guilty, Shuichi Akai ordered Andre to release Conan the Kid.

Andre pretended to make a mistake, untied Conan's belt, and left the operating room with an excuse.

Conan took the opportunity to escape. At the time of the escape, the little ghost, who was only wearing a surgical gown, ran half naked in the hospital before he found a white coat and put it on.

In the end, he left the hospital with the garbage truck, for fear of being caught and castrated by them.

Conan, who returned to Dr. Ali's house, was still terrified. He always felt that his body was undergoing some strange changes. He was afraid that his gender would be reversed and he would become a monster who was neither male nor female.

He had no idea that Andre just injected him with a few tubes of glucose.

Chapter 0131 Yingli, let's sleep together tonight


Conan, who struggled for a long time, finally calmed down and took apart the drug that promotes the secretion of androgen in front of him.

Then he squeezed a dozen capsules of different colors and swallowed them with water.

Dr. Li at the side looked worried: "Xinyi, what kind of medicine are you taking?"

Of course it is impossible for Conan to tell. Do you want to tell Dr. A Li that he met a perverted doctor today and almost had a sex reassignment operation?

How could Conan tell Dr. Ali about such a secret and embarrassing thing.

"Doctor, don't ask any more questions, just help me make another prop."

Dr. A Li couldn't help sighing, and murmured in a low voice: "I didn't tell me what to do, and I was asked to redo the props. I haven't closed my eyes for two days."

However, Dr. Ali complained a few words, and obediently went down to the basement to help Conan redo the props.

On the other side, after dinner, Kogoro Mori and his daughters were drinking tea and watching TV in the living room. On the TV was the announcement to clarify the scandal issued by Yoko and Higo's office.

And Mira, who was sitting with Xiaolan, had already changed into a beige dress and returned.

Just when she was eating, Mira couldn't bear the strange electric current from her toes.

Now Mira's body still has a slightly electrified tingling feeling to the touch.

After this current training, Mira has become very well-behaved, and she doesn't want to do other things anymore.

She sat on the side in an orderly manner, just kept communicating with Xiaolan, listening to Xiaolan tell interesting things about school, and laughed happily.

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