Everyone stayed in the living room for a long time, Yukiko saw that Mira had no intention of leaving at all, she met Eri's gaze, and couldn't help but said: "It's so late, Eri, the night road is also quite dangerous. No Eri, shall we live here tonight?"

The little loli Haibara in Kogoro Mouri's arms couldn't help but rolled her eyes, and couldn't help complaining in her heart: Why is it too late?It's only [-]:[-], and it's only a five-minute journey back at night, how dangerous is it?

But facing the joint camp of Eri and Yukiko, little Lolita is very good at judging the situation. Although she keeps complaining in her heart, she doesn't dare to refute it.

Eri was a little reluctant because of her daughter, but she didn't refute Yukiko's words, so she turned her head to Reiko Kujo and said, "Reiko, let's stay tonight!"

Reiko froze for a moment, glanced at Kogoro Mori who was smiling, and nodded mysteriously.

Mori Kogoro chuckled suddenly: "Then I'll clean up your room now and keep you comfortable."

And Yukiko continued to speak: "Eri, you and Kogoro have been separated for so long, and now your relationship has recovered, I think it's time for you to move back to take care of this big family."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro quickly expressed his opinion, looking expectantly at Eri's pretty face: "Yes, Eri, Xiaolan and I really miss you coming back?"

A tangled look flashed across Xiaolan's face at first, but it soon turned into pleading, and she also followed suit: "Yes, Mom, wouldn't it be great if we were reunited as a family?"

Hearing her daughter say this, Yingli also had a look of confusion on her face: "But..."

And the little loli Haibara, who was in Kogoro Mouri's arms, stretched out her small hand, pinched Kogoro Moori's nipple fiercely, and twisted it around where the girls couldn't see.

Haibara didn't want Eri to move back, now little Lolita finally knows what it means to shoot herself in the foot.

Huiyuan has just revealed his relationship with Uncle Maoli with Xiaolan just now, and he has just been able to openly make out with Kogoro Maoli at home, so you don't have to hide.She and Mori Kogoro can be licentious anywhere in the house, but it's only been a few days since this good day?

As soon as Feiyingli moved in, little Lolita returned to her previous state, even worse than before.

It might be difficult to sleep with Mori Kogoro in his arms.

Faced with this situation, how could little Lolita accept it.

Mori Kogoro's mouth twitched slightly, and he patted Haibara's soft back with his big hands, comforting little Lolita, but he still looked at Eri sincerely.

Now the timing is about the same, Mori Kogoro wants Eri and Yukiko to live with him from the bottom of his heart.

Seeing Kogoro's earnest expression, Eri couldn't take it anymore, and her heart softened immediately.

"But, if I move back home, what will you do, Yukiko? Aren't you going to live alone like this?"

You Xizi's expression changed immediately, and her acting skills like a movie queen exploded at this moment.

Tears welled up in her eyes, her delicate face was half covered with her small hands, and she said in a slightly crying voice: "It's okay, I'm very touched to see Kogoro Eri and your family reunited."

"It doesn't matter if I'm alone, just leave me alone in that villa, unaccompanied, alone, and helpless. You don't have to worry about me."

"I still have a red-leaf tree in my yard. I have that red-leaf tree to accompany me. When I am bored, counting the fallen leaves and the stars can also pass the time."

"I, I'm fine by myself!" Yukiko's voice trembled at the end.

The peak acting skills like a movie queen are very contagious. This image appeared in the minds of Xiaolan, Mira, Reiko, and Haibara. Xizi was alone with a tree, and mist appeared in the eyes of the three women in an instant. I feel so pitiful for Yukiko.

The corner of Yingli's mouth twitched, and after being with his best friend for a long time, he fully understood the essence of Youxizi's drama essence, raised his eyebrows and said, "Why don't you move here to be my company, Youxizi? Don't live there Come on, let's have more fun together!"

"That's not good!"

Mori Kogoro also said: "Yukiko, we have been 'friending' for so many years, you should come and live with me, I really want to take care of you."

When Xiaolan heard this, she couldn't help but raised her little head suspiciously, and looked back and forth between the faces of Mori Kogoro and Yukiko.

Why does Dad feel a little weird with Xinyi's mother?

Yukiko continued to shake her head: "It's still not good!"

Mori Kogoro and Eri wanted to persuade them again, but when they turned their heads, Yukiko who was sitting on the sofa had disappeared.

At this time, her voice came from Kogoro Mori's bedroom.

"Well, among the three rooms, this one is better. The bed is so big, so I will live in this room."

"Eri, let's sleep together tonight."

The turning point came too fast. Seeing Yuxizi who had finished patrolling the three rooms and finally chose the room, her face was ruddy and her eyebrows were beaming. She didn't look like the pitiful little tearful man just now, and everyone fell in love with her.

Chapter 0132 Eri and Reiko in ol outfits

Seeing that the overall situation has been decided, Eri and Yukiko are going to move in to live at home, Xiaolan and Haibara looked at each other, feeling a little uncomfortable.

It will really be inconvenient to do anything in the future!

The two girls couldn't help looking at Kogoro Mouri with some resentment, but Kogoro Moori couldn't close his mouth with joy.

However, Xiaolan quickly remembered her mission, and said instead: "Mom, I want to sleep with you tonight."

Yingli immediately looked shocked, and waved her hand to refuse, "Aunt Yuxiko has already made a reservation, and Xiaolan, you have grown up too, you can't be so clingy anymore, you should sleep by yourself long ago."

Yukiko on the side didn't know why, so she put her arms around Yingli's arm and said, "Your daughter wants to get close to your mother, why don't you refuse?"

"Xiaolan, I will let your mother give it to you!"

Hearing this, Yingli's pupils shrank sharply immediately, and she couldn't help cursing in her heart: You Xizi, you don't show loyalty, and you want to push me into the fire pit.

She quickly said: "Don't argue, don't argue, I will sleep alone tonight, clean."

"Besides, it's not that there is no room at home. There are four rooms next door, and there are several rooms on the second floor. There is not enough sleep."

"Let me arrange it. There are three rooms here. You, Eri, will sleep in Kogoro's house. Xiaolan and Xiaoai are still in your own room. Reiko, Reiko, and Kogoro are next door to each other. With Mira, there is one person in the next four rooms." One room, just right."

Eri immediately took over the rights of the main room, and instantly allocated where everyone would sleep tonight.

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