Hearing the same words in return, Mira couldn't help being annoyed for a while, but there was nothing she could do.

"Hmph, you bullied me the first day I moved in. I'll tell Kogoro later that your father will definitely teach you a lesson."

Xiaolan was not afraid at all, she put her hips on her hips and said, "Go ahead, my father loves me the most."

Mira suddenly recalled the experience of staying at Mouri's house last time, and Kogoro's daughter's property control, and couldn't help but feel a headache.

I can't fight, I can't talk, my man is still protecting me, I don't know what to do.

At this time, Yuxizi opened the door of Huiyuan's room and walked out, breaking the deadlock.

Mira then said: "Forget it this time, I won't argue with you, next time you pay more attention."

After finishing speaking, she pretended to be valiant and high-spirited, and returned to sit on the sofa as if she had won a battle.

Xiaolan laughed to herself, thinking that it would be difficult for Mira to become a queen, but in fact she is just like an ordinary girl, she can be subdued easily, so she is no longer a threat.

But when Xiaolan saw Yuxizi, her face turned a little bit bad.

If it weren't for what Yukiko suggested and said at dinner, Dad wouldn't have to go to the next room to sleep at all.

If he was still in the bedroom here, he would be able to sleep on the same bed with Xiao Ai and his father as usual, and fall asleep smelling his father's smell.

Now that there are so many people in the family, even my mother has lived in, all this has become a luxury.

Xiaolan sighed silently in her heart, but managed to put on a smile in front of Youxizi.

On the other hand, Yuxiko looked at Xiaolan with ambiguous eyes, with a strange smile on the corner of her mouth.

Having just seen Xiaolan's seductive uniforms and stockings of various colors, Yuxizi changed her previous impression of Xiaolan's innocence and gained a new understanding.

Xiaolan has really grown up!

"Aunt Xizi, the water in the bathroom is still hot, you can go take a shower, I'll find a set of my clothes for you to change."

You Xizi patted the back of Xiaolan's hand lightly, and said with a light smile, "No, no, you can wear Xiaolan's clothes by yourself. I'm afraid Auntie won't be used to them, so I'll just take Yingli's old clothes and wear them tomorrow. Just go shopping."

"Auntie will live here from now on, Xiaolan should take care of her too."

"Of course! Of course!" Xiaolan smiled very docilely, looking completely harmless.

Both women have smiles on their faces, seeming to be very harmonious, but each has their own little love in their hearts.

Then Yukiko turned back to the bedroom in the middle, went to find Eri's old clothes, and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

On the other side, more than an hour of gorgeous music finally came to an end, and the room returned to silence.

Mori Kogoro embraced from left to right, and put his arms around the soft shoulders of Eri and Reiko. Looking at their beautiful faces, he couldn't help but bow his head and kiss their white foreheads.

The little hands of the two girls, one on the left and the other on the right, were all around Kogoro Mori's waist, and they didn't want to let go.The two majestic queens in the court were trained to be like kittens by the tiny electric current attached to Kogoro Mori's hands. At this moment, they were resting in their master's arms, not wanting to move at all.

Eri and Reiko didn't have any physical strength in their bodies, and their little little fingers couldn't move even if they wanted to.

Now they don't fight, they don't make noise, and they don't bother to ask Mori Kogoro which is the real queen in the court and which is stronger.

But their gazes looking at Mori Kogoro were extremely gentle, and their eyes were full of love, almost oozing out.

Seeing that Eri's long brown hair and Reiko's long black hair were intertwined and almost inseparable, Mori Kogoro frowned slightly.

His big hand slid gently, and soon landed on the white shirts around the waists of the two women.

When he got up together, he displayed his strange strength, and carried the two women on his shoulders, with the two beautiful legs wrapped in silk stockings in front of him.

Like a king of the mountain, Mori Kogoro carried the trained Eri and Reiko out of the bedroom and towards the bathroom.

In the large bathtub in the bathroom, the robot has already put hot water and is ready to change clothes.

Mori Kogoro put Reiko on the ground and sat down first, and took the lead in attacking Eri.

He reached out and took off the black high-heeled shoes on his feet, then tore off Eri's flesh-colored stockings, and violently stripped off her clothes.

Zila, the sound of zila kept ringing.

Soon Mori Kogoro put the lamb-like Eri into the bathtub, and then did the same thing, and used the same trick on Reiko.

Soon all three of them got into the bathtub and began to take a bath.

This is also something that can't be helped, it's getting late, the two girls haven't bathed yet, and after another training, they are even weaker.

Kogoro Mori, who is excellent in after-sales service, naturally helped the two girls to wash them up before sending them back to their room to rest.

And they are all their own women, so naturally there is no need to shy away from it.

Besides, they all called themselves their father just now, so Kogoro Mori naturally couldn't stand by and watch.

Among them, the charm is not enough to be humane to the outside world!

About twenty minutes later, the bathroom door opened, and Mori Kogoro picked up the two girls in blue bathrobes and headed towards the bedroom.

Soon he entered another clean bedroom and gently placed the two girls on the bed.

Both Eri and Reiko stared closely at Kogoro Mori with beautiful eyes. Although Kogoro Mori didn't speak, Kogoro Mori understood their meaning instantly.

He deftly turned over on the bed, lay down between the two women, lifted the quilt to cover the three of them, and then put his big arms around the slender waists of the two women.

Seeing this, the two women smiled at the corners of their mouths, turned their bodies slightly, found a comfortable position, or hugged Kogoro Mori, or lay on Kogoro Mori, smelling the masculine breath, just like that close your eyes.

Sensing the soft and delicate bodies of the two girls, Kogoro Mori raised the corners of his mouth, and gently patted the soft backs of the two girls with his big hands, coaxing them to sleep.

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