In fact, there is no need to coax them, they are stimulated by the tiny electric current, and their bodies are already exhausted, and they have no physical strength at all.

In less than a quarter to five, the two women began to breathe evenly from their mouths and noses.

Chapter 0137 I'm stingy!

Caressing the delicate little faces of Eri and Reiko sleeping peacefully, Kogoro Mori really liked it more and more.

The faces of the sleeping two daughters were very gentle, without the sharp aura in court, the queen no longer looked like a queen, but two young princes.

Mori Kogoro's fingertips lightly brushed the eyebrows, nose, and lips of the two girls, and he couldn't touch them enough.

Both women were apparently in a deep sleep, unable to wake up at all.

Moori Kogoro, who was being embraced by these two women, really didn't want to get up, and wished he could just indulge in the gentle land like this, and never get out of it.

However, he remembered Yukiko's look before, and could only force himself to get up.

As a man, it doesn't matter if you are a little tired or bitter, the most important thing is not to let your woman down.

Mori Kogoro twisted his body lightly, but Eri and Reiko hugged tightly even though they were asleep.

He had no choice but to try his best to soften his body, using his flexibility far beyond ordinary people, to get out from the arms of the two women like a loach.

Fortunately, my daughter trained herself before and often helped me do flexibility exercises, otherwise it would be really difficult.

Mori Kogoro got out from under the quilt. He squatted beside the bed, tucked in the quilt, and covered the two women's feet before slipping out of the room on tiptoe.

As soon as he walked out of the room, Mori Kogoro straightened up, feeling a burst of soreness in his lower back.

Little V's female voice sounded in his heart: "Master host, excessive indulgence is not acceptable, kidney is overdrawn, quickly use the kidney treasure, hello, hello, hello everyone!"

"Little V, you're getting skinny again, how could I be overdrawn, don't talk to me about those useless things."

"I asked you to take the things I took before, and I will keep them well, and they will be included behind those few videos where the gray original becomes bigger and smaller. I will watch it later, you know?"

Little V was speechless for a moment. Doesn’t someone else’s host want to become stronger? He hates the Buddha. The host of his own family actually regards himself as a tool for shooting AV, and even lets him store these videos. It’s so beautiful. up.

Mori Kogoro, who ignored Little V, walked out of the apartment quickly, crossed the stairs, and came to his home.

After all, it was past ten o'clock in the evening, and the lights in the living room of Maoli's house had already been turned off, and there was only a gleam of light from the cracks in the bottom doors of the three bedrooms.

Mira had already gone back to her room to rest, but she saw that the other three bedrooms were closed and locked, and she didn't know which room Mori Kogoro was in.

She was still a little timid towards Eri and Reiko Kujo, who had a strong aura, so she didn't dare to knock on the door, and went back to her room to rest.

And Xiaolan, Yuxiko, and Huiyuan here also went back to their rooms to rest.

With Xizi at home, Xiaolan and Huiyuan naturally didn't dare to be presumptuous, but they were very well-behaved tonight.

Mori Kogoro went straight to the room in the middle that was given over to Yukiko.

He turned the doorknob, and the door was unlocked. A smile appeared on the corner of Mori Kogoro's mouth, and he stretched out his hand to push the door open.

But before his smile lasted long, he heard two clicks.

Mouri Kogoro was handcuffed with both hands, and then he was pushed in and fell on the bed.

"Xiao Goro, I've been waiting for a long time!"

Looking at Yukiko with a cold face and the black leather whip under his arm, Mori Kogoro couldn't help showing an ambiguous smile of an old driver.

"Yukiko, I didn't expect you to want to play this kind of tune today!"

"However, if you want to play cosplay, you should be more professional. Wear a leather jacket and high-heeled boots. How can you fool around in a nightgown?"

Kogoro Mori, who is obsessed with color, didn't notice any abnormalities, but felt a little irritated, and he didn't know if he had awakened some attribute.

There was a sneer on You Xizi's pretty face, and the whip in her hand was pulled down: "Play it! Be professional! High-heeled shoes! Leather jacket!"

One is right, a whip fell down, and it hit Kogoro Mori fiercely, knocking him into a daze in an instant.This strength is really hitting!

Although Yukiko's blows couldn't hurt Mori Kogoro, at most it could only draw a trace of white marks on his body.

But from this strength, Mori Kogoro also noticed something abnormal.

Something is wrong!Something is wrong!Usually, You Xizi was reluctant to hit her hard, this is not the usual strength at all.

Another whip came down, and Kogoro Moori couldn't help but said, "Yukiko, what's wrong with you, who made you angry?"

"Who else, let me ask you, Takakazu Toda, Sayuri Matsumoto, Sumiko Kobayashi, Miwako Sato, Yumi Miyamoto, Akemi Miyano, Yumi Horikoshi, Makoto Aso, Natsue Hatakemoto, Kimie Shimabukuro...these people Who are the women?"

Hearing these personal names, Mori Kogoro's hairs stood on end, and sweat dripped from his forehead instantly.


He raised his head to look at You Xizi, and saw a cold gleam in You Xizi's beautiful eyes.

"Okay, you, Kogoro, Eri, she told me more than ten names, and now there are more than ten people who I don't know."

The black leather whip fell on Mori Kogoro again.

"I was wrong, Yukiko, don't be angry, don't get angry, I will feel bad, ouch! ouch!"

Although it didn't hurt at all, Mori Kogoro's face was very distorted, and he kept gasping.

He also controlled the pores on his body, oozing sweat, and pretended to be in pain.

His subconscious reaction was to use this bitter trick to soften Yuxiko's heart.

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