But You Xizi's beautiful eyes trembled, and the whip didn't stop, so she sneered again: "It's really clumsy acting, the performance has no sense of hierarchy at all, and the pain is not like this, it's all entangled."

"The real pain is to see fear in the eyes and keep trembling."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro wished he could slap himself.

Performing in front of Yukiko's Oscar-winning actress is completely out of character.

Immediately afterwards, Yukiko also stood on the bed, and kicked Mori Kogoro with her little foot: "Kogoro, you are getting more and more courageous, and you are still trying to lie to me, so stick your ass up for me."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but said: "Yukiko, you're going too far, I'm a man, I can't be humiliated!"

"Oh, you're still in a temper, you've been handcuffed by me, and you still want to resist?"

Yukiko's beautiful eyes widened, and she kept kicking Kogoro Mori's butt with her little feet, wanting him to lie on the bed and stick up her butt so that she could continue to whip him.

"Youxizi, if you do this again, I won't be able to bear it anymore?"

"You can't help but hold it back." Yukiko stepped forward directly, trying to force Kogoro Mori into a humiliating kneeling butt poking appearance.

But her physical strength is too small, and there is nothing she can do about a big guy like Kogoro.

She was carrying it desperately, using all her breastfeeding strength, but suddenly heard a click.

Yukiko suddenly felt strange, and quickly raised her hands, and saw that the handcuffs that were originally on Kogoro Mori's wrists fell on her wrists.

Mori Kogoro, who was lying on the side, was a little proud, and with a hook of his big foot, he pushed Yukiko onto the bed, and his little head fell on the pillow.

Mori Kogoro picked up the black leather whip, twirled it lightly, and laughed badly: "You just whipped me thirty-eight times in a row. I'm a petty person. I will retaliate. If someone offends me, I will pay you back a hundred times. So, I will reward you three thousand eight hundred times in return, how about it? Yukiko!"

Chapter 0138 How can you start with her


When Mori Kogoro, who was lying on his side, raised his thigh, Yukiko's abdomen was arched, turning into a seductive kneeling position.

Her hands were handcuffed on her back, unable to struggle, she kept talking:

"Damn it, how did you do it, let me go, or I'll tell Eri."

Mori Kogoro chuckled, Eri had already been tidied up by himself next door, and was sleeping soundly with Reiko in his arms, it was useless for Yukiko to tell anyone.

"Youxizi, baby, I've already admitted my mistake to you, so just forgive me once!"

He said this, but he controlled the whip in his hand and lightly whipped it on You Xizi.

It's fun to use this tool to enforce family law.

And You Xizi immediately showed shame and indignation, and her elf-like face was flushed.

She couldn't figure out how the handcuffs on Mori Kogoro's body would suddenly fall on her hands.

She threw the key in the living room outside, how did Kogoro open it?

"Damn it, is this an apologetic gesture? You big pervert, if Xiao Ai hadn't told me, I don't even know how many women you have raped."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro immediately understood that the source was his little loli again.

Then Mori Kogoro heard familiar footsteps coming from behind the door to the next door. It was Haibara's footsteps, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Little Lolita, who was eavesdropping at the door, heard Yuxiko outburst herself, and couldn't help cursing: "Idiot."

Immediately Huiyuan returned to his room in a panic, locked the door, then climbed onto the big bed, covered himself with the quilt, and trembled uncontrollably.

Haibara really didn't want to make trouble this time, she just wanted to satisfy her curiosity and exchange information with Yukiko.

She just didn't expect You Xizi to be so impatient, she ran to give the head away, and confessed herself.

Little Lolita, who has just been taught a lesson by Mori Kogoro's hand of God, doesn't want to be taught a second time, otherwise she will lose her energy tomorrow.

With the idea of ​​being a poor Taoist and not a fellow Taoist, she resolutely sold Yuxiko, and hoped that Yuxiko could use her body to calm Kogoro Mori's anger, and it would be best not to affect herself.

Mori Kogoro threw the whip in his hand on the bed, put his arms around Yukiko, and turned her back.

The warm breath fell on his earlobe, and he looked at Yuxiko's pretty face affectionately.

"Youxizi, I really know I was wrong, just forgive me once, um~~~ baby!"

Mori Kogoro gently rubbed his head against Yukiko's shoulder and neck.

Yaoshou!This thick-skinned guy actually acted coquettishly.

Even Yuxiko, who had been with him for more than [-] years, was seeing this scene for the first time.

The uncle can act like a baby, and even the gods can't stop it.

Seeing this big man who has always been resolute and wise show such a little milk dog in front of him, the power is too strong.

Most of the anger in You Xizi's heart dissipated immediately, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but twitched, looking amused.

"Don't be like this, get up for me."

Mori Kogoro shook his head: "No, if you don't forgive me, I won't get up."

"Let go, uncuff me, hey, where are you biting?"

Mori Kogoro said with a smirk, "I didn't let go, and Yukiko was at fault for whipping me so many times just now, 'I'm going to whip them all back!'."

Seeing Mori Kogoro's lustful expression, Yukiko's cheeks flushed suddenly, and her heart was a little moved.

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