At this moment, the bedroom door was kicked open.

Standing outside the door was the majestic Xiaolan, with her jet-black hair dancing without wind, her momentum was astounding!Xiaolan was going back to her room from the toilet, and on the way, she just heard her father's voice coming from Aunt Yukiko's room, so she couldn't help breaking down the door.

Seeing the scene in front of her, Xiaolan's eyes suddenly became scarlet.

And You Xizi reacted very quickly, and immediately cried out in pain: "Xiao Lan, save Auntie quickly, your father entered this room with handcuffs and a whip, and wanted to bully Auntie, rescue me quickly!"

Mori Kogoro's eyes were wide open, and he looked at Yukiko in horror.

You Xizi, you tricked me!

These things are obviously brought by you to deal with me, how can you say this?

And You Xizi is worthy of being the actress, she burst into tears in an instant, pear blossoms were raining, I felt pity for it, and she played a woman who was about to be insulted so vividly.

Xiaolan's big eyes glanced at You Xizi, whose clothes were a little messy, and then saw that her hands were handcuffed, and there were black leather whips scattered on the bed.

The handcuffs and whips were all taken from her, and seeing the unfeigned tears, Xiaolan immediately believed Yuxiko's words.

"Father, how can you attack Xinyi's mother, isn't she your good friend?"

"Besides, you and Uncle Yusaku are still friends, how can you do this to Uncle Yusaku?"

"Xiaolan, listen to my explanation..."

Before Mori Kogoro could finish his sentence, Xiaolan kicked Mouri Kogoro's face directly with his jade feet.

How much happiness this little jio brought to Mori Kogoro before, how much pain it brings him now.

Mori Kogoro flew up in an instant, and his head hit the wall heavily, cracks appeared in the wall instantly.

Seeing this scene, You Xizi couldn't help opening her mouth: You're kidding!

Ran rushed over, grabbed Yukiko's wrist, and pulled her out.

"Father, I will not let your lust succeed. I will protect Aunt Xizi, so just give up!"

Seeing Kogoro's appearance, Yuxiko wanted to break free from Xiaolan's little hand, and wanted to go to see how Kogoro was injured, but she couldn't break free no matter what.

She couldn't help but said anxiously: "Xiaolan, you misunderstood, your father didn't bully me, I was just joking, let me go and let me see how your father's injury is doing!"

"He's fine, my strength can't hurt him!" After saying this, Xiao Lan was stunned, and looked at You Xizi suspiciously.

"Misunderstanding? A joke?"

"Aunt Yukiko, what's going on?"

Mori Kogoro stood up holding his head, looked at the hole in the wall, shook his head, and performed a healing spell on himself, and his whole body recovered instantly.

And Yukiko breathed a sigh of relief seeing that Mori Kogoro was fine.

Then she turned to see Xiaolan's suspicious gaze, and instantly became nervous.

In Yukiko's impression, Xiaolan and Shinichi are childhood sweethearts, if her relationship with Kogoro is exposed in front of Xiaolan, Shinichi will surely know about it soon.

She quickly glanced at Mori Kogoro and asked him to think of a way.

Seeing this scene, Kogoro Mori, who was buzzing with brains, couldn't help but stare at You Xizi, sighed, turned his head, and said, "Your Aunt You Xizi is holding handcuffs that I don't know where to find. I actually copied myself while playing."

"She felt ashamed again, and she didn't dare to tell others about it. Knowing that I could open the lock, she called me and asked me to come over and help open the lock."

"When I opened the lock, I accidentally fell on her. Coincidentally, you happened to see me."

"You Xizi likes to play pranks, so he deliberately made some jokes, so Xiaolan, you misunderstood."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro pulled out a piece of iron wire in his hand, used the lockpicking skill, and instantly opened the handcuffs.

You Xizi, who was free again, turned her wrist, chuckled and echoed beside her: "That's right, Xiaolan, it's exactly what your father said."

But the suspicion in Xiaolan's eyes became more and more serious, her big eyes turned back and forth on the two of them, full of disbelief.

Chapter 0139 Lolita Pillow

Xiao Lan's terrifying gaze made You Xizi's heart tremble a little.

She seemed to see something, but she didn't say anything, and instead smiled.

"So that's what's going on, Aunt Yukiko, you are too serious, how can you make such a joke."

"I thought that on the first day of your stay, Dad really wanted to violate you!"

Then Xiaolan snatched the handcuffs away.

"But Aunt Yukiko, these handcuffs seem to belong to me."

"Auntie, you're living in our house now. It's not yours, so don't touch it."

Hearing Xiaolan's words of hidden needles in the cotton, You Xizi suddenly became a little nervous.

This girl's aura is even stronger than Yingli's, and she looks even more difficult than Yingli.

You Xizi also felt a little embarrassed, so she turned and walked to the middle room.

"Xiaolan, I'm sorry, I will definitely not take things randomly in the future, and it's getting late, so I'll go back to my room to rest first."

But within two steps of her walking, Xiaolan grabbed her wrist.

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