You Xizi turned her head and saw Xiaolan's bright smiling face.

"The door of this room was kicked accidentally by me. Auntie, you can sleep with me tonight."

Seeing Xiaolan's expression that could not be refused, Yuxiko immediately knew that she was still under suspicion, so naturally she didn't dare to refuse.

She couldn't help but glanced at Kogoro Mori resentfully: I can't get the public grain again tonight.

Kogoro Mori saw this scene and didn't stop him.

If Xiaolan gets angry again, maybe the whole house will be demolished by her.

Although he failed to steal incense and jade tonight, it was considered harmless.

After all, today he can be regarded as devoting himself to death, so he can't just die.

Xiaolan continued to speak: "Father, I will leave it to you to repair the door. Let's go to rest first."

After finishing speaking, Xiaolan opened her mouth to Mori Kogoro in a place where Yuxizi couldn't see, and said in lip language: "Smelly dad, bad dad, big pervert dad, just wait for me and see how I teach you tomorrow. "

Looking at his daughter who flaunts her teeth and claws, Mori Kogoro is not afraid.

The [True Thunderbolt God's Hand] that I learned from Yue Yexue today has been tested on many women, and the effect is outstanding, it can be called invincible.

Although my own daughter has practiced channeling skills, she should not be a single-handed enemy.

Kogoro Mori was naturally honest, and replied with his lips: "I'm looking forward to it."

Xiaolan snorted softly, then pulled Yuxizi into the room, and closed the door.

Mori Kogoro assigned two Ant-Man robots to repair the damaged door, and opened Huiyuan's room by himself.

He didn't intend to do anything bad, but if he had a Lolita pillow, he would definitely be able to sleep soundly.

The door of Huiyuan's room was opened without any effort, and Kogoro Mori slipped in quietly.

The little Lolita who covered her head seemed to be aware of it, and she couldn't help but put down the quilt, revealing her little head, and immediately saw Kogoro Mori smiling smirkingly beside the bed.

Haibara exclaimed, and wanted to get under the pillow, but Moori Kogoro grabbed the nape of the clothes with one hand and lifted him up.

Little Lolita resolutely confessed, and immediately threw the blame away: "Uncle, it's really none of my business, it's all because of Xizi's threats and lures, and I accidentally slipped the tongue."

"Uncle, don't spank my ass anymore, it will be broken. How about I go take medicine now?"

Speaking of this, Haibara's blue eyes lit up.

Mori Kogoro reached out and patted Huiyuan's little head: "What kind of medicine do you take? Who else said that I would beat you? Xiao Ai thinks about weird things all day long, so I'm going to bed."

"Oh~~~" Little Loli seemed a little lost in her words.

Mori Kogoro went straight to the bed, letting Haibara lie in his arms.

He yawned, covered the quilt, and closed his eyes.

In the darkness, Haibara looked at Kogoro Mori with his big eyes.

There are currently six women in the family, but my uncle still comes to sleep with me, which proves that the person my uncle likes most is me.

Thinking of this, the corners of Huiyuan's mouth twitched slightly.

She couldn't help but pecked the corner of Kogoro Mori's mouth lightly, then she got up quietly, grabbed the hem of Kogoro Mori's T-shirt, and slid in directly from underneath.

Then the little head lay on his strong chest muscles, and the whole person hugged Mori Kogoro tightly like a koala.

Just like that, listening to the powerful heartbeat and smelling the masculine breath, the little Lolita felt relieved, closed her eyes, and fell asleep.

Mori Kogoro was really tired, he fell asleep without even noticing Haibara's movements.

Mori's house became very quiet.

Time flows slowly, but it is not peaceful in Dr. Ali's house.

Dr. A Li was sleeping soundly at first, but suddenly felt something fell on his stomach.

Dr. A Li was awakened in an instant, and found Conan, the little devil, lying on his big belly doing weird movements, and his eyes immediately widened.

Dr. A Li hurriedly found the glasses next to the bed, and then he could see clearly, and couldn't help but gasped.

Conan was already half asleep and half awake, but his face was still flushed as if he had a fever, and he was groping Dr. Ali's stomach with his hands.

The androgen-stimulating drugs that Conan took before, to a certain extent, the secreted androgen has the same effect as aphrodisiacs.

In fact, Conan also knew that male hormones had this side effect, but he was really frightened, thinking that what Andre injected was really estrogen, and he was afraid that he would really become a sissy, so he boldly took the medicine he bought.

If the aphrodisiac effect acts on the child, there will be no accidents. The child does not understand anything, and will just endure it by himself.

But Conan is not an ordinary child, he is essentially a boy who is almost an adult, so he naturally knows how to do this kind of thing.

Ever since, the very tragic scene instantly impacted Dr. A Li's three views.

Dr. A Li couldn't help exclaiming: "Xinyi, what are you doing? I'm your elder!"

Saying this, the doctor immediately threw Conan back on the bed.

The chubby Dr. A Li immediately got up nimbly, and ran out of the bedroom as if fleeing for his life, panting heavily in the living room.

Conan, who was thrown on the bed, didn't wake up either, instead he picked up a pillow and continued to vent his animal desire.

Dr. A Li sat on the sofa, couldn't help but wiped the sweat off his face, and was relieved when he saw that the door hadn't been opened.

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